Andromeda Mothership Spotted in Southern Hemisphere: Sydney, Australia

Submitted by bella dawn on Fri, 08/17/2012 - 07:44


2012 AUGUST 14




Andromeda Mothership Spotted in Southern Hemisphere: Sydney Australia

This is a visual recreation I have made to illustrate what we saw. It is not an actual photograph.

Anthony: Following the sighting of the Andromedan Mothership in our skies, I have created a Photoshop visual for identification purposes only, to show everyone what to look for.

Note the constellation of ‘stars’, three pointed, almost equidistant, forming an almost equilateral triangle. No stars are visible between these three points.

This is what we witnessed last Tuesday night in our southern skies, above our home in Sydney, Australia.

We have had cloud every night since, through until Monday, when it was not there and the usual stars were visible instead.

Send love to our Andromedan brothers and sisters – they are here.

Read more:


I began seeing these ships a few weeks ago. I found this blog on the very ships I was seeing. the link above contains comments from people all over the world who are seeing these Andromdan mother ships, photos and videos of the same. Disclosure is happening. :))















bella dawn

Fri, 08/17/2012 - 07:55

I forgot to mention that I live in ne Texas. The ships are here as well, they are on every continent and everyone is seeing them. :)) Photos and video of these ships are available at the provided link at the bottom of the blog. :))

I live in South Texas. Myself and another person saw one last night in the southeast sky just after 9P was so exciting and I was thrilled that someone else saw it with me! I will be out looking again tonight. These are exciting times!

I live in South Texas. Myself and another person saw one last night in the southeast sky just after 9P was so exciting and I was thrilled that someone else saw it with me! I will be out looking again tonight. These are exciting times!

HI, Guest! Yes, I'm in ne Texas and the ships are usually in the southwest! It's been cloudy adn raining here every night since I posted on them. lol I will try and get some photos once the clouds go away.

It is so much better to see them with someone, isn't it! Thank you so much for sharing, it's people like you that make all the difference in getting disclosure underway. And, yes!!! These are the most exciting times! We jostled in line just to be here on earth at this most awesome time! lol 

Check outside every night. I do believe that the skies are going to gradually fill up. :)) 

Love and light. 

HI, Guest! Yes, I'm in ne Texas and the ships are usually in the southwest! It's been cloudy adn raining here every night since I posted on them. lol I will try and get some photos once the clouds go away.

It is so much better to see them with someone, isn't it! Thank you so much for sharing, it's people like you that make all the difference in getting disclosure underway. And, yes!!! These are the most exciting times! We jostled in line just to be here on earth at this most awesome time! lol 

Check outside every night. I do believe that the skies are going to gradually fill up. :)) 

Love and light. 

HI, Guest! Yes, I'm in ne Texas and the ships are usually in the southwest! It's been cloudy adn raining here every night since I posted on them. lol I will try and get some photos once the clouds go away.

It is so much better to see them with someone, isn't it! Thank you so much for sharing, it's people like you that make all the difference in getting disclosure underway. And, yes!!! These are the most exciting times! We jostled in line just to be here on earth at this most awesome time! lol 

Check outside every night. I do believe that the skies are going to gradually fill up. :)) 

Love and light. 

Guest (not verified)

Fri, 08/17/2012 - 08:07

Woah, thank you very much for this post! I have recently discovered/had it disclosed to me that I am of (at least part?) Andromedan origin. Long story short, my indisputable evidence of our galactic bretheren came in the form of a ship that looked exactly like this....I had been confused recently by some disinfo that maybe these black triangle ships were not friendly, nice to see they truly are :).

Hi, sweetie! Oh, these ships are light! You can see the star points and sometimes the lines that connect in between the "stars". Yes, there is so much disinfo lately, we have them on the run! lol

Love is all you get from these ships. Open your heart to them and you will see what I mean. :)) I always see them in the sw night sky. They are visible just after dark. They change shape while you are watching them, too. Different triangle shapes and they move sooo fast. lol 

They are stationed around New Zealand area in abundance, where the undersea volcano is erupting. They are not only monitoring this very dangerous sitiuation, but are helping mother earth release without causing harm to humanity. same thing for the US west coast. :)) We are not alone, never have been and they are helping us. They, the Andromedans have requested we help them by sending positive love and light to the NZ area. :)

Thank you. Yes, I can see your ties to the Andromedans. I begin to think I am the same as well. :))

Thank you, ckelly! lol Yes, they are light and love. This is how we intuit/discern which ships we are seeing. Your galactic family is watching over you. :)) That gives you easy access to them. Next time when you see a ship and receive light and love from them, open your mind to communicate telepathically with them. It will blow you away at first. lol

Thank you, sweetie, so much. :)) Yes, they pick up on your messages, now you need to pick up on theirs. :)) they have much to say to you. 

sarah:-) (not verified)

Fri, 08/17/2012 - 09:17

I am sure i saw the very same type of ship above my home the other nite. I thought i was just wanting to see a ufo so much i just wanted it to be one. But it looked just like that. It was moving slowly, hardly at all. The three stars moved together. I live in Thornton, CO relatively close to DIA. Anybody else?

Hi, Sarah. Yes, they are the same ships, sweetie. They are every where. Disclosure is happening. They are here to help humanity and Gaia through the shift, to ease the birth pangs of our planet. Yes, the 3 "stars" and it can change the shape of its triangle. :)) Keep watching, you will see a lot more!  lol Thank you, sweetie. :))

Michael Hall (not verified)

Fri, 08/17/2012 - 09:33

We have been watching this baby every night here in Nevada. Some nights it looks as though it's changing directions, almost like it changes it's axis. One night it looks like were staring head on, and the next night it looks like we're looking at it from an angle. Either way, she is glorious to behold! It's really something special to de able to look at the ship and know, they are right there! Not 1000's of light years away, no, they are RIGHT THERE! Awesome! I love you all, Namaste'

Hi, Michael! Yes, it is indeed glorious and awesome!!! lol And, yes, they are here! We have waited for this for sooo long now. Everyone that sees these ships are not only sending love to them, but are receiving love and joy back from them. They are as excited as we are. Our cosmic family reunion is at hand. :)) Yay!!! lol Thank you so much for sharing your "encounter" with our galactic family and friends. Love you, sweetie. :)))

btw After seeing them I have had what I was calling the cosmic giggles. lol Last night I heard, hey! What you call cosmic giggles the rest of us call joy! lol They are loving and funny, too. :))

Guest, I wish I could. Cloudy and raining here still, has been most of the week. There is video at the link I provided at the bottom of the post. :)) Some rather funny as the girls were so excited while driving and filming . lol Thank you. 

love and light

happy (not verified)

Fri, 08/17/2012 - 10:32

i got  a voice/words in my head in april at 11.15pm,,asking me to come and play,,15mins later i was out in the field beside my place with a warm glowing light on my face from above,which i watched travel from the other side of the sky ,,i have had regular contact since,,im in the garden most evenings,,be them clears skies or not.,,and they put on an amazing display on the 29th may at 00.55am,,,they decloaked right there in front of me after telling me there was something special was my bday on the 28th,,,,so i took the decloaking as a bday,,what a gift.. i was happy seeing there presence in the night sky,,with there flashs of light of acknowledgement as they pass,and the cool light show they put on sometimes,i always know its them as i can always feel them in my heart,,,,,but for the record,, the decloaking was just amazing..... :))


these are truly amazing times,,and im just greatful for the aweareness of it all...send any doubter's to my place,,on a clear night i can easily see 12 craft an hour,,im sure  a few of them are drones,,, but the majority i can clearly see are i can feel them in my heart....


light and love to you all my brothers and sisters through out the universe...we really are all one....



love to you all..


bill in ireland....



im giggleing in fits as i type bella dawn,,i can see arms aloft,,running and screams of joy and you all go buzzing around the place like a child on a suger rush,,,only soooo much better than a suger,.brilliant,,i love it...., :)) ...i could see the scenario clearly as i read you words.. all i can say is,,amazing..brilliant,,excellent,,and again,thank you for shareing....


light and love

bill :)))))))


LOLOL Bill, you nailed me on that! I have regained the childlike innocence that we once were and I know you are there. lol You are very sensitive to energies and the pure energy of love of the heart. :)) You are a most precious being, star brother Bill. I can't wait to meet you whether it's now, or on the ships. :)) Thank you so much. You have me giggling now. lol

love and light

You are most welcome and I thank you. :))

Hi, Happy! lol I do love your name! Yes! Giggles are sooo good! They do help raise ones vibe, don't they! Yeah, sugar has such a let down when it runs out. :))

Namaste to you, brother/sister Happy. lol Your name keeps me laughing. sorry i don't know if I should call you brother, or sister. Doesn't really matter, you are an energy being and my love sent is the same. lol

Love and light to you, Happy. And, thank you so much, sweetie. You have made my night. :))

lol Hi, visionatdawn! Yes, it is very exiciting! It has been raining here most of the week. I will be sooooo glad when I have clear skies again. :)) 

It helps us to have faith in ourselves when others validate our experiences. :)) Thank you so much, sweetie. :)

Buzz Lightyear (not verified)

Fri, 08/17/2012 - 12:18

Oh no!!!, people were seeing this and yet were not able to take 20secs to grab a camera and take a picture of anything....  ill be looking into the skies for you galatics,  and I will take a picture if i see anything weird for some proof to other people, until then just keep living in a fantasy world

HI, Brando. If you follow the link at the bottom you will see pics and video on another site. They are personal pics and videos of others, so I could not post them here. I am so sorry.  Thank you. :) 

lol Hello, King David! Yes, here come our dreams! It is time for them to manifest. These ships are just amazing. This is disclosure at its finest. lol We are validated within our hearts once again. Gives me the cosmic giggles. hehehe Or, as I was told, the rest of us call it joy. lol

Love and light

Guest (not verified)

Fri, 08/17/2012 - 20:21

Thank you for sharing this. On 8/8/12 I was meditating and I got a message to go outside for a walk and look in the sky. While we were walking I was looking in the sky and thought it was funny I saw more stars than usual. As we walked I pointed out to my boyfriend that  these peculiar 3 lights(stars) were in the shape of a triangle and when I looked at it some of the time I could swear I could see faint white cloudy streaks connecting the 3 stars and I remarked how it was odd that each star was perfectly equal distance apart to form a perfect triangle. He agreed with me and we observed it as we walked, the 3 lights never moved out of the triangle shape, it was if it was floating with us on our walk. I told him I knew it had to be a ship. Except I didn't know it was a Mothership! How cool! We live in Fort Lauderdale, FL by the beach. I tried to take pictures but it was too dark and wouldn't show up in the picture.:0( but we both experienced it so until we meet it again we will have that in our memories! We welcome our brothers and sisters!

Hi, guest. :)) You are most welcome! And, thank you for sharing your experience. I don't believe they are going away any time soon. :)) I'm going to get some shots if it ever stops raining here. lol 

Yes, we do welcome our brothers and sisters!! The love they send us is changing us. :)) I think we may be a bit ahead of schedule for the shift judging by our sudden and spontaneous awakenings that have begun to happen and the sun is doing something new that has NASAs hair standing on end. lol Keep looking, you'll see them again, send them love, then open up to "talk" with them. :))

Thank you so much, sweetie. 

love and light. 





You guys responding to this post are brilliant, bright lights! You should see yourselves. lol 

love and light to all. :))

btw, guest,

I was directed to send love and light toward New Zealand, Auckland to be specific. Embarrassingly, I had to google it. lol Anyway, the next night I believe it was, I saw the ship for the first time. So, yes you heard from them telepathically. They communicate with those who will. :))

I discovered later that the undersea volcano is near NZ and the volcanoes around Auckland have been active. So, they are asking us to help them help Gaia to release the negativity that the seabed is giving up. 

Archangel Aries

Sat, 08/18/2012 - 19:43

I live in Perth Western Australia and we have been watching one of these out over our coast to the northwest for several nights now. What is interesting is that the corner points do not remain in the same place, they often disappear or shoot off and do little 'dances' in the sky and then reposition themselves back where they started. You can 'feel' just by looking at it that it is not stars or any other naturally occurring phenomena. 

:)) Australia and New Zealand are reporting these ships like crazy! You guys are getting the big show. The undersea volcano is one reason so many are in your area. They are helping "calm" the situation(s). They also ask that we send love and light in your direction to help Gaia transition mildly. :)) Yes, you can feel them right in your heart center. :)) Thank you for sharing your viewing. Keep watching, sweetie. You will see more yet. lol

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