Jesus responds to John - Jesus Blog # 112

Submitted by MomT on Wed, 01/02/2013 - 07:44



I completely agree with your comments.  Many, many of us are very dissappointed and feel betrayed by the fact that the New Age promises do not appear to be true! Jesus did not adequately answer your questions, which are the very same questions that many Lightworkers have.


We have all created and have done all of the work that we needed to do. We now just need to rest and relax as our job is finished.  We are now waiting to experience the new world and I strongly suggest that those in the higher realms show us the fruits of our labors.


Words are cheap. They need to honor all of their promises and stop the lecturing about how we need to do more.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.  We stand behind you all the way.


In love and light,




"Words are cheap. [They] need to honor all of their promises and stop the lecturing about how we need to do more." 


if there are any "they". 21/12 was the last date i would give to all these seemingly never ending stories. always with the "soon", 21/12 was the only date we had and nothing happened. (dont tell me my inner self and this ?crap?, my physical body and brain are the ones needing the proof, no proof = do not exist). im starting to think all of these stories began as a passtime activity from someone who liked to write stories or something, and then from people like us, who really want to see this change and transformation, who are fed up with this broken society and world, made it seem all real.

to all those who believe that they were actually awakened, unless you ?really? did feel something, and didnt have just a quite vivid dream (cause i had vivid dreams of many many thinks that would look like an awakening, but just dreams (a world created by the brain while sleeping, very often the dream is what you want it to be) therefore tricking us) please stop saying all these things and giving us false hope. having hope in something is an easy way of controlling people.


p.s. the question marks on some words ?xxxx? mean that only death is certain, therefore the "?" 

We have to be very careful Now!  There is sharp difference between information coming from the higher dimensions and the information being hurled at us from the Moon Matrix....For so long now we have been given information from AI....This fucking Squeak Box sends information talior made for each human.....The sharp difference is the amount of Love that one feels when recieving the message.....That is why we have been asked to Feel what rings True for our own self and not for others. It is great to share but maybe as Channelers we must begin to share only what is for All...and leave out what is just for you the Channeler.  Also anytime you hear, we are coming to help you, we have stuff that will advance your society, call on us we know more than you do...etc...that's not higher dimensional beings who are all around us pouring love on us...that's the fucking AI....


The "Carrot" that keeps getting dangled in front of us is of our own design. The message is simple: That which you seek is going on in the inside and will manifest on the outside once our conviction of this Fact is stronger than the belief in Program.



We have been duped, fooled, laughed at and taunted every step of the way in this journey to full Light Being.  It is up to each one us to Feel and to Intuit what is True Blue....


At the point of Zero, no one should have had any channeling at all.....Spirit knows when to retreat so that Hue-mans could intergrate what energies came pouring into the planet and our souls....AI does not have a soul and would keep pouring messages and distractions to offset the Love Wave....


We are over being lied to. We are over being duped into The Game. Spirit keeps saying meditate, go inside, build your inner strength...I understand why.....Because everything now is designed to block our Awakening...Even information given in love and the need to share could be filled with AI...Discernment, Patience, Question everything...

On a personal note I have gotten to the point that I start out with "Whatever or whoever is trying to contact me you may if you believe in the Freedom of mankind and all life in and on the planet....It tends to clear the bullshit....I am in no way doubting anyone who shares here. I was not frustrated on the 21. I knew that No-Thing would occur on the outside....I knew that things would happen on a personal note and it would happen after the date...Look at the Sun...Look at the light early in the the sky as it changes from day to night.....Watch the birds....check out the animals....Feel Nature and then ask your questions.....Peace, Light and Understanding, MJackson.


Thu, 01/03/2013 - 17:18

In reply to by miketike

but all these channeled messages are crap. how can you prove to me that these channeled messages are indeed from another being and not hallucinations or even lucid dreams. WHAT gives you the right to feed all these crap to me, and also judge me for my desbilief.


there is a simple example. lets say you never ate a strawberry, and you ask me how it tastes. well, i can only describe the taste with something similar, (hoping you ate a simlar berry, but guess what, even if you did the taste is entirely different), and at the same time, UNLESS you eat the strawberry, not only you have EVERY right NOT to believe me, but its also your duty NOT to believe me. thats what makes the difference between a human and a sheep.


my point is without hard proof its only natural to have doubts. 

So, using your analogy, "eat a strawberry". It's a good analogy, and believing everything you are told without any personal experience is quite foolish. The Galactic Free Press isn't looking for believers and followers, nor are we asking for people to have faith in these messages. People want to make all of this into a new religion while ignoring the personal evolution that is really important at this moment.

You ask for proof, and this message does mention how to receive it, though what constitutes "proof" is purely up to you. "Ask for help, assurance, and guidance when you meditate, and you will receive it."

Check out this part:

Continue to be loving in every situation; do not attack or build defenses because that blinds you to the Love that has enveloped you.  Love is the way of God, the way of Heaven, the way of all in the spiritual realms, and therefore It is your way. You must trust It and persist with It, and then you will clearly see your way Home.  You know in your hearts that nothing else makes any sense, and you can see that wherever Love is dismissed conflict ensues – always.

Now how often do you hear something like that? I'm quite happy there's regular messages coming out telling people things like this, John just gave away the whole "secret" to happiness. Of course, if you just believe it, if it's nothing more than a mental understanding, it wont have any reality as far as your perception is concerned.

David Porter

Thu, 01/03/2013 - 17:48

In reply to by miketike

Please make self clear to us that may not know your codes, what is "AL?"

It sounds as if there is an issue here, we would love to assist you! The Galactic Free Press was Very clear about december 21st..... everything is changing... it takes a moment for energy to move energy does not move linearly and it also depends on Humanity. Part of what has occurred was much of Humanity resisting. But with these New Earth Energies coming in, in which have only just begun.... things will change. Let go of all expectations! This is the year we Co Create the New Earth which means everyone on the same Page, fulfilling your Mission which is To SImply Be Present and The Love You Are... You know Father God and I Personally have been working 24 hours a day 7 days a week for Humanity for Over 5 years now..... and we will not stop Until This Planet is Awakened in the Truth of The Reality of Love. The Birthing has just happened.. Lets See How all of this Unfolds. Intense Energy came in yesterday and these types of energies will continue. We Love You and Bruce, Thank You for Continuing to Trust Love as We DO Every Moment. We did the best we could to assist Humanity in awakening by December 2012... but rwith so much resistence we had to extend  it. This Planet's destiny  is Inevtible. All Our Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies!! We are here for you, you can email us at


Fri, 01/04/2013 - 20:23

In reply to by lemme howdt

Father god,

I highly respect and appreciate you and Mothergod for the tremendous service you do for all of humanity. I also appreciate the sincere and heart-felt efforts put forth by the many channels and guides I have followed over these many months since I first learned of the 2012 Ascension. You have all taught and inspired us so much and that has contributed tremendously to our knowledge and insights into what is transpiring on our world and within ourselves.

With that being said, I have learned and discerned much over the last few months, and I am keenly aware of what I know as "truth" for me, which I will share with you.

My truths are the following:

- Gaia did ascend on 21 dec 2012
- Every man, woman and child, who desired to ascend with her, did
- Ascension occurred "within a blink of an eye"
- Everything that was "not of love" dissolved/ceased to exist
- All of humanity was gifted with abundant prosperity and earth' s energies increased 10-fold as a result
- Every dark, negative energy and life form was removed well before the ascension.
- Most of humanity are good, kind souls who just want to have happy and secure lives.
- New governance has been established
- Humanity has achieved the critical mass of 144,000 to effect planetary change
- Humanity has accomplished all required tasks for Ascension and now all we need to do is rest and enjoy our new lives in the 5th dimension
- Those in the higher realms well understand our limitations and therefore are bound to present the new reality in terms that they know we can perceive/understand

What I Need to Discover:

- Why "the veil" is still in place which prevents humanity from experiencing all of the promised 5th dimensional changes

David Porter

Wed, 01/02/2013 - 18:50

Who among you will cast the first stone? I will. I will cast the stone of truth vs lies.


This has gone on now for how many years or even life times???


How long will we continue to read these lies?


As long as they sound good to our ears.


Are these lies, misconceptions or intentional?


I am smarter than the average alledged "Ascended Beings" cuz I don't predict what I don't know will be and MOST ESPECIALLY place a timeline on it. 


And now they begin the justifing of all the BS given to us worming their way out of it to keep us hooked on them,,,for WHAT reason??? 


Why do they want us to continue to follow them, are they the other realms of Jim Jones, Hitler, Hell Bopp and the comets.


I kept a list of these claimed ascended ones over time and can bring it up per sentence. I don't need to go there, do I? You know good and well how explisit they have been on this issue.


I'm okay with it being in the furture but I don't want any one to make claims of being more avanced than I that don't have the common sense to NOT PREDICT what they don't know.


The only reason I'm even going so far as to type this message is the fact that I have read Blavaky, Leadbetter, Besent, Baily, Marciniak, Willimson, Monroe, Sherman, Weed, Filmore and most the other popular "seers" and the information from so many of these "Beings" is authentic and powerful, no doubt about it. Many of them are great teachers and I admire them and thank them very much.


Due to the fact that we do each one of us clime this latter at our own personal time and speed, why on earth would anyone ever make a predition of any nature of ascension so general??


The cabal are slick, so we the people will be wise to question aload what seems to be tactics of them that should by now be somewhat familar to us. When it comes to waking up, is that not the very first and most important thing we need to wake up to?


It's nearly as obvious as it gets now that we the people of earth will have to do this ourselves, so let us do what it will take to TAKE THEM OUT!!!  Once these ones that have 9/11ed us to death enough which is now, we need to remove them for good!! Once this is done, we will automatically have much of these so far to us, "false promises" and alledged gifts and or be able to "soon" enough procure them.


Now our alledged channels have replaced "soon" again.


"Great changes are occurring all across the world, and will shortly become apparent."


I want some explanations to all these statements from these ones and if they are IN FACT who they claim to be, I want it not just in writing but in person, are you with me? I want them to swing by and STOP and get out of their crafty-craft and knock on my door or walk on through it and tell me who they are and why they are no better than us and our cabal at BS. Do you feel me, can I get an amen? 







Thu, 01/03/2013 - 06:12

It is your disbelief and negativity that will holds you in duality of 3d time. You may choose to stay in or you can choose to leave it. the choice is yours and yours alone!  If you choose to live it breathe it and stay in it, you have chosen another 26,000 years to repeat your lesions but only now they will be amplified worse than before for anther 26,000 years.



Messenger of God





We all believe.  That is not the problem.  We have all done everything that we were guided/instructed to do and had the highest expectation and trust that our beliefs would manifest.  They haven't yet, as promised by the higher realms, and that is causing tremendous dissappointment and sorrow.


You may think of it as children who were promised a trip to Disneyland by adults who told them that if the children were good, performed well in school and did all of their chores, they would go to Disneyland on Dec. 21st.


When that did not happen, the children were upset because now the adults were telling them that they had do more homework, more chores, etc .


What we need is for the "adults" to keep their promises and stop blaming the "children".





i liked your example with the children in disneyland very much. us the children really believed, AND CHOSE to go to disneyland. another thing though, after a couple of these false promises, the child would stop being a "good kid", cause he simply didnt get his treat. after all, its a matter of not being a fool and being taken advantage of.

Thank you Barbara, this is what we all mean to say, but some are sticking with gulible. I am being kind in my words, but firm! I want the truth and don't exprect it from thoses that make to us false promise and pretend gifts that are a "no-show" time and time again.


The cabal will naturaly use the most popular of titles of  the Beings to corral us, will they not, have they not? I don't live in doubt, I have no doubt what-so-ever that when I'm lied to or miss led that I can trust that as sign that "that channel" is not the one I can trust.





I see what you are say, It my understanding that after completed tasks and missions. I was told they did not think we would make it. There was a Plan A, Plan B and they were not counting on plan C. Plan C which was Gaia is holding Humanity in 3d time, at the same time she and the rest of humanity move into 5D. It is also my understanding of what I have been told by St. Germain there have been many meetings with all councils on how to move forward and how it will be done. I am not receiving enough information on what to do yet. It was very cut and dry for my mission what to do after ascension up to the 21st. This was all put on hold and all change for what next part will be, I am still only receiving small amounts of information on what to work on next.


I am working with St. Germain, Isis, Master Kuthumi, Jesus. I have been told it's very important to stay as positive as possible, as we are in zero point time. Manifestation can be instantaneously weather it's positive or negative.


It was brought to my attention 8 days after 21st that some light workers did not complete there activations, which left the portal open to the dark energy of which they were in Egypt for this. This was devastating information which was effecting everyone. It took me some time fix this with lots of help from other Star Gates. 


My work depended on this other work being completed for all of Humanity, Gaia, all of God creations, elementals, angelic realms.


I still do not no the full extent of this miss haps until it is brought to my attention to fix it. Is the best I can offer. All I can say is the person in charge of this piece endangered themselves and all the others who went with because they had not done enough prep work on themselves to do the work.


It is not our job to judge but to forgive for what happen to these people as they were being attacked in physical form as well as energetically, (there lives are still in danger).


We should be greatful they are still alive and all of what is known is fixed.


We still need to pull together to help move into this new energy, let you light and love shin upon others, forgive and move forward- this will help shift the energy faster. We all agreed to help with the ascension process how ever it turn out.






KP's Blog This is a message that has just been coming in. As the title says,“Every Single Old Paradigm is Done… Over… Finished… No More…” And Every Single timeline associated with them. “Done… Over… Finished… No More… “In particular these old paradigms and Timelines…

  • Doom and gloom.
  • Same old, same old.
  • It’s just “politics as usual” on this planet.
  • “Something beneficial is happening to and for us all” is a sham.
  • All “prosperity programs” are a sham.
  • All channelings are a sham.
  • “Ascension” is a sham.
  • “Galactics” are a sham.
  • Even the product “Sham-Wow” is a sham.
  • No matter what you say or see or hear to the contrary, the cabal is winning.
  • No matter what you say or see or hear to the contrary, Obama is the devil (or, at the very least, the Anti-Christ).

You may add your own. No matter how far you’ve come, within and/or without (inner and/or outer), what “was”, is no more. Accept that. And allow yourself to move on.

This moment is all there is.

And all that spiritual stuff!

The Kingdom Of Heaven Is Here, but people do not see. People are searching for Water while standing in a Lake. December 21st was never supposed to fix everybody's problems, I'm not sure exact what people expected on that date. A person's Awakening is their own, it doesn't from some "outside" source.

And about beliefs, if belief alone was enough, the world would be a very different place, but belief alone doesn't create manifestation. It's an unconscious method of manifestation, that often gets you the opposite of what you hope for. There's often a huge gap for people between belief and experience, I recommend dropping the beliefs, and going with what you feel.

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