"Make a U TURN, if possible!"

Submitted by SophiaLove on Fri, 04/13/2012 - 09:41

There is an awareness settling in.  We are becoming accustomed to the rapid fluctuations and occurrences of events.  Changes are showing up with increasing speed and in more areas of our daily lives.  So many subsets of the population are under scrutiny, it is beginning to feel that no one can be trusted.


This is all happening in perfect harmony.  As awareness grows and the fog burns away in the increasing light, we come to understand from where truth springs.  It comes from within.


We were born equipped with a lie detector.  Its sensors have been tampered with and this has led to our confusion.  From our earliest moments, our instinctual responses have been labeled – good/bad, positive/negative, worthwhile/fruitless, smart/mediocre, right/wrong, and useful/pointless.  These adjustments were done with the utmost of care and the best of intentions.  Our elders, family members and society have seen to it, lovingly, that we know the rules and understand how things work here on earth.  We have learned well.


Much of that is being shattered now, as numerous leaders and systems we have trusted are exposed while their motivations are made clear.  It is confusing for us and we wonder who or what we can count on.


You can depend on yourself.  Trust your truth.  This is like an internal GPS (Global Positioning System) and we all have one.  Its function is to keep you on track and steer you in the direction of your purpose so that you stay the course.


The car I drive has one, (GPS), and it is really wonderful.  Its one of the earlier versions and although it finds the car by satellite, it only knows the streets on the internal disk.  Consequently, there are times I am driving on what looks on the screen to be a field, yet there has since been a road added.  At those times “Annie” (for “Annie”where) begins to repeat, with ever increasing volume and anxiety - “Make a U TURN, if possible”.  It always makes us laugh as we half expect “her” to really let go and start yelling if we don’t turn around.  Once I return to a road “she” recognizes, “she” re-navigates the route and all is well.


Our internal “Annie” does the same.  This is the truth we can trust.  When you are listening to a person or broadcast that does not resonate, your whole self knows.  It feels wrong.  The moment that feeling is sensed is the time to pay attention.  It will often come in advance of the words being heard or as they are being spoken.  This is a moment to reflect and to listen to your inner self.  Don’t wait until your “Annie” is shouting at you – “Make a U TURN, if possible”.  By then, there may be some entanglement that is challenging and energy consuming, and you will be enmeshed in that.  I have found that when I am not sure, and that sense comes over me, at the very least I should wait a bit before acting.


There is a real difference between fear that shows up when your physical life is threatened, and anxiety over something contrived and created to confuse and control your behavior.  Your GPS knows the difference.  It takes discernment, careful attention and patience.


Only you know where you are precisely headed and therefore you are the only one who can decide on the best route to take.  As a divine being and a powerful spark of creation - you are here with a plan.  It includes everyone you know and will one day encounter.  We are not here to steer you in any one direction, but to offer you possibilities.  Which path you ultimately take is the exact right one for you and your best trip is assured.  You will arrive, intact and right on time.  One such as you would plan in no other way.


Our internal guidance is always available and up to current standards.  This may not be obvious to others, and that is okay.  They are following their own “Annie”.


You know where to go and whether or not your trip includes a rest stop, the scenic route, being lost for a few miles or travelling on the expressway.  Any method will get you there.  Trust yourself; you have only your best interests at heart.


So be gentle with “Annie”, she is only doing what you agreed she would before you got here.  She is doing a fine job.  She never runs out of power and although she was muffled for awhile, she is not any longer.  She is giving you accurate and up the moment information.


You are stocked with wisdom and accurate maps and data.  This is why you are here now.  You elected to be part of this incredible journey in our collective evolution. The love and guidance you have is pointing all of us in the direction of our highest good.  As we travel together, we will roll down our windows and shout to each other once in awhile “Hey, I am making a U TURN!”  Its okay, we will all get there as we intended.  It is not necessary to take the same road.


The love that you are is the fuel for this trip.  Highly efficient and ever present, this is what propels us all.


You are the one we’ve been waiting for.


Thank you.



You wrote this so well, and beautifully as you are!  I treasure you in my life!

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