17:D Honoring Gaia and The Angel Catch

Submitted by Rick Keefe on Thu, 06/30/2016 - 10:03

Here is the link to the original post


by Rick Keefe, with significant contributions by Maritza Keefe, Jaime Gould, Rachel Provo-Dashkiwsky, Mollie Chivington, Ian Nilram, with special astrological material by Laura Walker, and special channeled material via Natalie Glasson and Isis-Neith Shanti



Part One: Our Group Experience

How Our Group came Together; Rachel's Vision of a Sacred Circle; The Drive to Vail; Preparing to go into the Circle; The Blessed Water; The Ceremony in the Sacred Circle; The Drive to the Creek; The Hike in the Dark Down to Cienaga Creek; The Angel Catch; Offering Water in the Creek with Spirits All Around Us; Climbing Back Out; The Return

Part Two: How My Mind Dealt With the Angel Catch

The Next Five Days; Spiritual Support; Jaime's Revelation; Rachel's Sacred Gatherings

Part Three: Contemplations

Contemplations about the Angel Catch and Gaia; Guidance April 9, 2015; Channeling of Archangel Metatron May 17, 2016; Channeling Mother Earth June 6, 2016



Part One: Our Group Experience



When a group of people get together with benevolent intentions for a sacred purpose, magic can happen, and it can happen for you.

Our group began to come together midway into 2014 through a spiritual support group that some of us still attend once a month under the high ceilings in the back of a small candle company in Tucson. The shop is named Mystic Candles and Metaphysical, created and managed by a charismatic young woman named Mollie.


Mystic Candles and Metaphysical in Tucson, Arizona


Originally from Alabama, Mollie is a very hard working southern belle with a sweet, genuine smile that can put anyone at ease. She has managed to bring together under one roof many different spiritual disciplines and practices. Her store's monthly calendar is regularly filled with educational and spiritually-related events, workshops and personal one-on-one sessions. The joy and balance which she brings to so many widely different types of people reminds me of a tree with beautiful branches and limbs in all directions. She is strong enough to encourage participation from such a wide range of personalities that walk through her door, while supporting very different approaches that branch off in so many different directions, yet she is firmly grounded with enough pragmatism to keep up with the burden of her financial and managerial responsibilities. Mollie is herself mystical, a dreamer and visionary, and someone observant enough to recognize signs and synchronicities yet grounded enough to bring them into life in a purposeful way. She loves to dance to techno music and rock 'n' roll, has a very tastefully decorated home, and is much wiser than her years might indicate. Her maturity seems to come from both her supportive parents, Maggie and Dean, who assist her at Mystic, but probably also from many past lifetimes devoted to spiritual upliftment.

Mollie decided to throw a New Year's Eve party at her home to usher in 2015, and invited many of us involved in the monthly spiritual support group to come and celebrate together. Her recent but very close friend Rachel helped Mollie put the evening of celebration together. Mollie and Rachel had become close both at Mystic and while attending many of the same New Age and Pagan events held throughout Tucson during 2014. Because both women resonated so closely with each other, within a short time, Rachel joined Mollie at Mystic as the core resident healer, often assisting Mollie with the various functions at Mystic, which doubled both as a candle and New Age retail shop, and as an event center.

Rachel has three sons, currently all in their second decade. Despite all her devotion to her family, Rachel asserts her own right to self-fulfillment, which meant following her heart towards her spiritual path as a healer. Even though she was born in Tucson, she spent much of her youth tromping through forests outside a mansion-like estate in Pennsylvania as a young girl, which connected her deeply to nature spirits. Rachel is gifted with a great capacity for compassion, expressed through energy healings that emphasize sounds, tones and crystal bowl frequencies. She incorporates a vast array of esoteric knowledge into her healing work as she lays hands on her clients who feel her pure intentions in the form of greater health and balance. If you bring up a subject related to metaphysics and the occult, Rachel "has a book for that." Now, with her keen intellect and ability to retain this knowledge by practicing it daily in her life, she is becoming a walking encyclopedia of esoteric understanding herself. She is a pixie-like nature girl, barefoot with naturally hairy legs and armpits, always looking for greater attunement to her intuitive, wild, natural divine self in its fullest expression. Her beaming smile and infectious laugh set a tone of joy, harmony and happiness wherever she goes. At the New Year's Eve party, Rachel would greet everyone with a huge smile, wide open arms and a kiss. Together, Mollie and Rachel are a powerhouse combination of the Divine Feminine in action.


Rachel and Mollie


My wife Maritza, for the first time on a New Year's Eve that I could remember, reticently left her mother at home who would talk long distance with her whole family from Guatemala throughout the evening, to join me in trying something very different for us: going out to celebrate on New Year's Eve. This was especially hard for Maritza because she is certainly the most devoted daughter that I have ever met in my life. At age fourteen, she pulled up all her roots and left her home and all the rest of her large family in Guatemala to live alone with her mother and elderly step-father in southeastern Arizona. She and her mother have been devoted to each other ever since. Maritza, who recently discovered an immediate past-life as a military nurse, had spent every day for nine years nursing her mother through two bouts of breast cancer, and I am certain that it was her love and endless commitment that helped her mother survive those grueling years that also held numerous other potentially fatal health scares along the way. Maritza was born to be a mother, but sadly we have no human children. To fill that void, we have rescued and adopted many stray and unwanted dogs and cats, to which Maritza devotes her heart and soul. One of our close friends humorously claims that if he comes back as a dog in the next life, he wants Maritza to be his pet guardian, because of how well he sees her treat our furry babies. Maritza is a beautiful Mayan princess whom the camera adores; it's nearly impossible to get a bad photo of Maritza unless she wants to make a funny, ridiculous face. Her open heart radiates generosity, goodwill, and innocence. She has a unique flair for fashion, is an avid belly dancer, and has recently become committed to yoga. You would be very lucky to have Maritza for a friend, because she is so supportive to her crew. Children and animals just adore her as an earthy mother-goddess, and when she was an elementary school teacher, even in her first year, she was known throughout the school for being adored by her students, the other teachers and the principal. Everyone loved "Ms. Maritza," and twenty years later, those same children now adults are overjoyed when they re-encounter their former teacher. And, fortunately for me, she is also a faithful, lovely wife and pragmatic business partner.

Quite surprisingly, as Maritza and I left on our way to the New Year's Eve party, a minor miracle occurred in Tucson: it began to snow, which felt to me like a very good omen. The rare snowfall put smiles upon all our faces amidst crystal skulls and tarot cards, conversations of angels and galactic beings, eating delightfully delicious food and drinking from a cabinet of liquors. Amidst the larger crowd who were celebrating throughout and on all sides of Mollie's house, during one point in the evening of merriment, four women had congregated together in the kitchen: Mollie, Rachel, Maritza and Jaime, who was a stranger to me. And so I happily joined in on their conversations, and our little soul family was born.

Jaime recalled how our particular group came together. "I had been blessed by a new group of friends. Ones that made me feel very comfortable, at home, and spiritually happy. We had common interests, but it was also so easy to talk and laugh with them. I first met them at the New Year's Eve party, December 31, 2014. I had been invited to another party by folks I've known for longer through a local Pagan network, but my intuition told me to skip that party. I was attracted to the hostess' radiance of happiness, and I thought, 'I want to hang out with those people.' Going to Mollie's party was the right choice."


Jaime and Maritza


That special evening, Jaime shared with Maritza and I some energy forecasts for the upcoming year, and explained how she had met Mollie through Mystic. I suggested to her that she join us for the monthly spiritual support groups, and strangely enough, the next day Maritza and I were driving in a different part of town on a smaller side street and passed Jaime in her car; we all saw each other and waved hello, feeling like we were greeting a longtime friend. By February, Jaime had taken up the invitation and was joining us at the gatherings of a large and special group of people. It was at this February meeting in which I overheard Rachel mentioning to someone else that she was planning a gathering at her home in the desert out in Vail, some twenty minutes to the east of Tucson for a Spring Equinox celebration, which intrigued me, as I had never before observed or participated in a Pagan multi-faith event.

Jaime is an extraordinarily talented and happy individual. Tall and gregarious, she has a natural way of putting people at ease, maybe due in part to her years of retail and managerial experience in higher-end Southwestern Art and Native American antiques. Extremely bright, her mind always seems to be a step ahead, and she takes on large fields of study, devours them, and learns to apply the knowledge quickly, as in the case this past year with her deep exploration into the metaphysical properties of crystals. She can be goofy, silly and fun-loving, and like the other women in our group, adores animals. She and her husband Patrick have a houseful of critters, and she always seems to attract more. Just recently, a mother bird nested at her bedroom window and is now raising little ones, attracted and comforted no doubt by Jaime's buoyant, radiant energy. She is a vegetarian, and exudes a magical, earthy quality, having been raised in the rural countryside of southwestern Pennsylvania. She has always been attracted to the magical side of life, is very well educated, and is also quite expert in graphic arts and designing books, which she does professionally along with her art gallery career. Like Maritza, she has a full head of dark brown wavy hair and loves to belly dance, and she, Maritza and Rachel have adopted the moniker of "Starfish Hair Sisters" for their belly dance performances.

I hope that I have painted a clear portrait of some of the wonderful energies of these four women who, along with several other very fine people, would come together to honor Mother Earth for a Spring Equinox celebration on a beautiful Southern Arizona day in 2015. That day would end up becoming so special for all five of us that we gathered together several times after the first anniversary to share memories, and to record and preserve the details so that we could remind ourselves for the rest of our lifetimes about the wonder of honoring Gaia that fateful day.



"I remember the first time I heard about it. It was after the February 2015 meeting at Mystic, and you said that you were going to be having a gathering out at your place for the Spring Equinox, and I kind of hinted, 'Hey, that sounds kind of interesting,' and then you invited Maritza and I to go to it. But I want you to tell me... what motivated you in the first place to do something like that? What led up to you creating that space where you had that sacred circle that this was performed in?" I asked Rachel.


Evening view of Rachel's sacred circle


"It was kind of like an obsession," Rachel admitted and laughed. "It was like I had to do it. And we had the space for it. And so I was like, 'I have to build this.' I collected all the rocks, all the railroad ties, did it all myself, all that. So it was like I was totally obsessed with it, and I had this vision of having four directions and the opening in the east. And then I had a vision... I wanted big giant crystals for all the different directions. And then one day I was driving and... I was led on this path where I found all these giant selenite pieces."

"That's what I needed for the circle! So once I got the selenite pieces, I put them in place. And then I learned that selenite is used for bringing people's hearts together in a circle in a medicine wheel. And I'm like, 'This is it! This is a sign from the Universe. Go forward with this. This is awesome! You're doing it. We're going to support this.'"

"So, the whole point of the circle," explained Rachel,  "was that I wanted to create a sacred space to have people gather for different intentions. One was for having sacred space to connect to the land, to honor the ancestors, to help people heal, and just kind of create a community space so we could come together to just be ourselves and be wild and free and have fun and be with the Earth."


Rachel celebrating outside the east entry


"I just kept building it and building it. And then when I met Mollie, I was like, 'Hey, I have this circle in my backyard, and I really want to do this,' and she was like, 'Well, let's do it,' and I'm like, 'Okay.' So she was like the last little push to get me to kind of open it, and gather everyone together."

Mollie concurred. "And it was also kind of the first real circle that Rachel had at her house. So that was pretty special in itself 'cause, you know, brand new circle. She has this vision, so it was actually coming to fruition for the first time."

"And so that was the big coming out with the circle and having all my friends in and inviting people. So it was really special in that sense, and that I got to share it with all you guys, especially my Mollie," said Rachel, laughing again.



Rachel had decided to hold the first circle the day after the actual equinox, because it seemed to fit everybody's schedule just a little bit better. Our Spring Equinox celebration would be Sunday, March 22, 2015. The circle was located in Rachel's desert  backyard in a rural subdivision in Vail, Arizona, just to the east of Tucson. Curious to find out the meaning of the word 'vail,' just in case it might have any significance, I looked it up, and to my surprise, here was the definition of vail:  "to take off or lower (one's hat or crown) as a token of respect or submission." That seems highly appropriate given the type of gathering that we were intending.

Jaime recalled that "Plans for the Spring Equinox were underway, and I was a little torn between whom to join in the celebration, as two groups were planning a ceremony on the same Sunday. As with the New Year's Eve party, I followed my heart, and decided to celebrate with the people that I was just beginning to know. Plus, I had so much fun with them! I was no longer finding as many spiritual connections to my older group of friends, a Wiccan coven, and I had feelings of guilt regarding my absence at their events."

"I told myself,  'Sometimes we all move on to newer groups of friends and to new ideas.' When invited to the Spring Equinox at Rachel's home in Vail, Arizona, I piped up, “I can bring the water!”

"Jaime had brought her gallon of water that she'd been thanking for months, and shared with all of us," remembered Maritza. "It so happened to be international water day also."

International World Water Day is held annually on March 22nd to help remind everyone of  the importance of freshwater and "to bring global awareness to water-related issues." After all,  only two and a half per cent of the Earth’s water resources are fresh water, and over seven billion people plus billions more animals, plants and insects and all forms of life on the planet depend on fresh water.  So, along with honoring the land and the Earth, we would be honoring water as well.

 "Rick and I had missed an event at Mystic on that Sunday," said Maritza," but we came over at the end to meet and caravan over to Rachel's house in Vail. The feeling of camaraderie was immediate. The ride over to Rachel's was very joyous, and riding with us in the car was Ian, who just happened to be at the Mystic Candles event and tagged along."

"The day itself started off quite ordinary," remembered Ian. "I made a visit down to the local shop owned by Mollie. It was far from my first visit as I often frequented the shop to resupply on herbs and candles that I use in my own personal workings. I do not know how the topic of the equinox event first got brought up but when I found I was invited I was reasonably excited. At this point I was very much a reserve solitary something or other within the larger pagan community and having trouble finding any sort of support or connection with the people around me. Needless to say when I received the offer I made sure to clear my schedule despite my reservations about the new company I would now be sharing. On the ride over I remember hearing about the host, whom I would come to know as Rachel, and the work she did and the kind of energy she carried. I remembered that everyone seemed to think the world of her and I found that my expectations of her were met with some change left over. I felt a little more at ease as soon as I saw her. Anyone who knows Rachel knows her level of kindness and enthusiasm is infectious. All I can really remember was how even in that small group of people I had huge anxiety issues and felt ill at ease with the introductions. It was understandable at the time but good food and a chance to talk about my interests was enough to loosen my lips. Anyone who knows me knows that my particular interest within paganism and mysticism centers very much around the Egyptian Gods."

Janet (a pseudonym) would be driving everyone to Vail from Mystic. She is a young, gifted psychic healer who is able to see  and work  with energy. She identifies closely with her grandmother and her native-American ancestry, specifically the Pomo tribe of northern California, and as we all rode together, she shared her plans to travel back to her tribe later in the summer. Also along for the trip was her seventeen pound crystal skull, which she would later bring into the circle as well.

At this point in time, those of us in the vehicle only knew each other casually, aside from Maritza and I who had been married twenty four years by that time, but that didn't keep us from dropping our guard, telling jokes, and having fun on the drive while Ian, who seemed to have a song for anything, sang random funny bits.



After making our way through some rough, winding, water-eroded dirt roads through the Vail desert, we arrived at Rachel's home. "I remember it was kind of chaotic," said Rachel, "and I was just trying to have a set space, and know that people were coming."

Maritza remembered, "I had never done an equinox celebration before, so I was intrigued and excited. The atmosphere at Rachel's house was very calm and the area was beautiful. We were spending time with the animals, domestic and wild and talking with each other."


Rick grooming Shima


I found myself wanting to groom Shima, Rachel's horse, who was chewing on hay over in his stall. Rachel found his brush for me, and for the next hour I talked with Shima and groomed him, a very pleasant experience for me. I had not had the opportunity to groom a horse since my early teens when I went to a horseback riding retreat for teenagers in Sasabe. I think Shima was pleased with his grooming.

Meanwhile, preparations for going into the circle continued, and from the stall I could see the women slowly emerging from Rachel's house into the backyard. Janet began gathering yellow wildflowers from the scrub. "Janet was like, 'Let's put flowers in our hair.'  So we all made wreaths," said Rachel, "so we could all be sisters together in the circle. So that was really cute and special."

"Janet weaved us all cute little headpieces to put in our hair," said Mollie "We were all giddy in the first place before we even went in the circle. We all looked like little fairies running around with our little flowers, so yeah, that was fun."

"Janet decided to do flower wreaths for the girls, although she forgot to do one for me," remembered Maritza. "Rick, seeing that I felt bad, rushed to make one for me and then all the girls came over and helped him. That was beautiful. I actually felt like I had a sister circle."

"The whole leading up to even getting in the circle... we all seemed like we were very intent and kind of on a sacred purpose, and we don't always do that, so I think that kind of set the tone a little bit," Mollie recalled.

"Yeah," agreed Rachel,  "I wanted to make sure that everyone entered through the east, since that was the opening, and that we just respected the space. And that we came from a place of open-heartedness and trust and honoring."

"Never having had participated in circle, I almost broke circle by stepping over the circumference stones, rather than the archway," Maritza admitted.

"We all like gathered and walked in," said Mollie. "I think we started drumming as we walked in. And I think Rachel was in charge of smudging us as we came through the opening."


Our group preparing to enter the sacred circle


As we each entered the circle, Jaime happily considered a synchronicity, which involved her blessed and thanked water. "The day of the ceremony," recalled Jaime, "I had just learned that it was International Water Blessing Day and that this group was going to honor both occasions: the Equinox, with a water blessing. I had no idea! What luck to have been thanking water every day for the past few months! I certainly picked the right ceremony to join."

The honoring of water was integral during all the hours of the ceremonies that were to begin in the sacred circle and conclude several miles away at a nearby creek, with a sacred water offering to the Earth.

"You thought of another phase to the honoring of Mother Earth," I reminded Rachel, at one of our recent get-togethers where we were recollecting about this day.

"Right. That was to take the water down to the creek, and then do a water offering."

 "And what was special about this water, and what were you carrying it in?" I asked her.

"Well," explained Rachel, "the water was special. I had it in my Chakra Heart bowl, a Tibetan bowl which is made of seven metals. And the water was water that was gathered from around the Earth. I had water from India, and Ireland, and Spain, and then from the thirteen indigenous grandmothers from that gathering... So I had water that was sacred that was from all over the world, and I wanted to make sure that we gave our offering and honoring of the Earth and the blood of the Earth, and I wanted it to come from the heart so I put it in the Heart bowl, and then had all of us put our intentions in with that, love and honoring the Earth and all that she provides for us. So that was really special and beautiful, and so that was my intention. And that's what I carried down," she said, and laughed.

"Did Jaime bring some blessed water, too?

"Yeah, Jaime brought her blessed water."

"Was that part of the bowl of water, too?"

"Yup, that was part of the bowl of water, too... the water that Jaime thanked for 30 days or something." Rachel laughed her infectious laugh again. "It was beautiful. So it all came together. It was awesome. "

"While surfing the Internet," explained Jaime, "I had come across videos explaining the water experiments of Dr. Masaru Emoto. I was emotionally and spiritually moved by these videos, and so I decided to start expressing gratitude towards my water every day. I had already been purchasing pure filtered water from a local business in Tucson, Arizona for drinking purposes and to rid my body of harmful chemicals and minerals such as fluoride and chlorine. After learning about Emoto's experiments, I purchased a one gallon glass jug, which I filled with water to be used someday in a spiritual ceremony. I began expressing gratitude to both my drinking supply and this one gallon glass jug of water. I often used the German language for spiritual prayers, and so every morning I would say, “Danke sehr, mein Wasser.” Not only was my drinking supply pure of harmful substances, but its molecular structure was also beautiful and pure. After all, 'We are what we eat,' right?"

Jaime also recalled, "One of the people in the group, Janet, is blessed with the gift of being able to see the unknown, such as auras and spirits. She informed me my glass jug of water had big golden sparkles in it from just thanking it for a couple of months. She estimated that if it had been thanked for a year, it would probably be glowing golden. Janet and I also began our sisterhood that day. From getting cactus embedded on the same foot to the warmth felt by a true hug, we felt like soul sisters," who later were to become known as "the flip-flop sisters."



Janet, who brought her seventeen pound Himalayan quartz crystal skull into the circle, also had the important role of fire-keeper for the circle, which in its center contained a carved- out fire pit, which would be lit and burning during the very late afternoon as we began our ceremony in the circle. Along with Rachel, Mollie, Jaime, Maritza, and Janet were myself, Nick, Kaleb, Lukas, Ian, and another newcomer, Stacey, who called himself "Dancing Bird."

"We had made a collection of food offerings and some wine and different incense and herbs, and I remember Janet had brought a big burlap bag, to burn the whole bag, and we put a whole bunch of stuff in there, so we all made fire offerings," said Mollie.

Also, I was concerned with who may being joining us from the different dimensions of existence as I was unfamiliar with everyone's pantheon, so within the circle I asked for the group to promise me to call in only the most benevolent spirits, because I wasn't completely sure about the intentions of everyone in the circle. Everyone agreed, and I also asked my guides to share their protective energies with us as well.

"The ceremony," remembered Jaime, "consisted of welcoming and giving respect to the four directions and elements: east-air, south-fire, west-water, and north-earth. Many of us took turns sharing our thoughts for the occasion and what weighed on our hearts. We drummed and danced. We found ways to honor the elements as well. We had a central fire, and we had grain, salt, and other sorts of offerings to share with the Earth."

Mollie recalled,  "We went around and thanked the ancestors, and then we each thanked or said something about the elements.  I think we each did an element like water, air, earth, fire. That was really cool. The drumming circle that day was right on. I remember it being pretty special. And then Jaime, of course, with her 'thanked water' was awesome."

"We shared the water," said Jaime,  "from the glass jug and saved some of it for the bowl we were using for the Water Blessing portion of the day." Jaime provided each of us with a cup,  and then after she poured, we drank most of the 'thanked water' that Jaime had shown gratitude to every day for two months, and then we offered some of the thanked water to the earth below us by dripping it from the same cups from which we had been drinking. Jaime also saved a large portion of the water to combine with Rachel's sacred waters from all over the world, which we would later take down to the creek for a final offering.

"So that kind of just set the mood to begin with," Mollie remembered. "Not only did we thank the ancestors and called the corners that day, but I think everyone in the circle actually went around and said something that they were thankful for, too."

"Being inside the circle was beautiful," shared Maritza, "and honoring nature felt amazing. We were invited to call on whomever we wanted, and coming from a strong Catholic background I was able to reconcile any doubts about the ceremony. Everybody had a role, not appointed, not expected, and people just fell into their role naturally."

All of us were encouraging each other to make suggestions about what ceremonies we would like to  spontaneously perform, so I suggested that we all join hands and walk one complete circle around the fire, just as Earth goes one complete circle around the Sun each year, and that was a particularly special moment for me, because I had not remembered ever offering an idea for a sacred movement that a group of people were actually willing to perform, and did immediately upon suggestion. The connectedness of the group was thrilling and uplifting.

"We expressed our respect for air by inhaling and exhaling while saying, 'Hu,'” said Jaime.

When said in the primal style, speaking "hu" can sound like the wind. And many of us in the circle were in bare feet, staying rooted and connected to the earth, and we maintained our intention of honoring the Earth and the spirit of Gaia herself throughout the ceremonies.

Calling on the Four Directions also reminded me of the four waves of etheric energy I had experienced on the last day I was attending the Sedona 2012 Scenario Conference, during White Cloud's channeling by Blossom Goodchild. This was a very special and unique moment and feeling for me in my life. The spirit of White Cloud, a disembodied higher-dimensional Native American being, was channeling through Blossom to three hundred open-minded attendees, who had shared together so much love between ourselves for those three consecutive days of the conference. During Ms. Goodchild's channeling session of his spirit on the last afternoon of the conference, White Cloud talked of a bridge across dimensions with which many of us would be helping others to cross. As I sat and closely paid attention while many women and some men around me were being moved to tears by White Cloud's words, I felt four distinct waves of energy roll my whole body backwards in my seat, each wave coming about three to five seconds apart. I remember having looked around me to see how the other people were reacting to these powerful flowing waves of energy that I was physically being moved by, but no one else seemed affected in that way; instead, almost everyone in front of me and to my sides were crying.

Over one year later I had the opportunity to ask Archangel Metatron, in a reading for me via Isis-Neith Shanti, about those four waves, and He gave me some additional perspective, which I was recalling much of during our ceremony in the sacred circle as the sun began to set into the western sky.

"We did a releasing ceremony, too," shared Mollie. "We kind of pulled that one from Elda's (Rachel's mother) full moon yoga... we even had the same slips of paper that she uses for her class, and we all wrote down stuff to release. I honestly can't even remember what I had written down now to release. But I just remember the feeling of like being thankful and honored just to be with all of you actually doing that, because it was something sacred and special, but I just remember feeling this overwhelming feeling of just being so happy to be with friends that I consider my family... At that time I was meeting so many people, but I felt like my family was all coming together, so it was that grateful feeling. I thought it was really cool, just going back to it being her first circle. Really special! First kind of time I had been to anything like that, that was with people that I was really close to."

Rachel was seeing her vision of the sacred circle manifest before her eyes."Yeah, so I had a lot packed in that I wanted us to do, like go into the circle. And then it was also the anniversary of World Water Healing Day, so that was really important to me, the year before having gone to be with the thirteen indigenous grandmothers where we did the world water healing day with them. And I also wanted to carry that on and make it to the creek," she laughed, "before it was dark, but we didn't make it, but that was okay. So, I remember doing that, being in the circle, and then I remember we had to leave, because it was getting really dark."

I asked Rachel, "What were some of your emotions that afternoon and that evening?"

"I was just very grateful. I was just in like complete gratitude and very emotional and just..." Rachel paused, and then continued "emotional like seeing something that I birthed and wanted to bring to reality, that it came to fruition, and that it was with like awesome, amazing people that were very honoring of the space, and we all had the same intention to come with open hearts and love for that space. So I was really grateful about that. So it was just like an overwhelming sense of gratitude, and like "I did it!" And I created the space, and I had beautiful people to share it with, and that it all came together was just like a huge honor, and was a big blessing for me to have that. So I was really grateful to have everybody."



In recent years, I had been educating myself in the art of astrology, despite life-long reservations; throughout most of my life, I had pre-judged astrology as not being based enough in science to be worthwhile of deep study. But by 2010, I allowed myself to take a deeper look, due in part to the influence of Cathy Star Eagle, a woman I admired who was channeling Loran, an extra-terrestrial being, but made her living doing tarot readings for people, and sharing astrological insights as well. I was impressed enough by her channelings to open up my mind to a greater degree and reconsider astrology; I began to regularly research astrology in relation to my own life, and I found after over four years of observation that, for me, astrology was very often accurate and useful in my life.

The day of the sacred circle, Sunday May 22, 2015, I was conscious of some of the astrology regarding the timing of our ceremonies to honor the Earth, and told Maritza, Rachel and several of the others that we were making our ceremony at an auspicious time, beyond it just being the Spring Equinox which was special enough in itself. I had heard a podcast by an astrologer named Laura Walker in which she reminded her listeners about the special astrological qualities that were powerfully in effect over the course of that weekend, due to a very rare total solar eclipse during a new moon in the very last degree of the 360 degrees of the zodiac. Ms. Walker said that she was unable to find a similar event in her astrological computer program going back ten thousand years! That got my attention, but that was about all I had remembered about the astrology going on that weekend, and besides, I was becoming far more fascinated with natal birth chart astrology than transit astrology, which I didn't consider quite as revealing and accurate as natal chart astrology in my short four and a half years of casual research.

But because the evening's events unfolded the way they did later that night, I have chosen to include here my summary of six different astrologers' interpretations about the powerful astrological influences operating at that point in time, from mysticmamma.com's "Total Solar Eclipse New Moon in Pisces + Equinox March 20th 2015" article and Laura Walker's March 20, 2015 New Moon in Pisces report. If you don't find astrology relevant, bear with me here;  try to think of it as a weather report of energetic waves.

17-j Chart For Vail March 22 2015 7pm

A natal chart for 7:00 pm March 22, 2015 for Vail, Arizona, about the time of the "Angel Catch"


Some of the astrologers considered this to be the most powerful week in 2015, for several reasons. First, even partial solar eclipses are considered potent in terms of astrological effects on people's lives; what happened two days before our gathering was a total solar eclipse, "a complete blocking out of the Sun," at the omega point, the last degree of the entire zodiac, 30 Pisces. Of the twelve major signs of the zodiac, the twelfth and last sign, Pisces, is considered to be very sensitive, psychic and representative of the collective unconscious. The phase of the moon at this time is known as balsamic, which, yes, is a vinaigrette dressing for salads, but in astrology, according to Laura Walker's interpretations, the "balsamic phase is the mystical, dreamy, ethereal time of the year when the veils between the worlds are thin.  Our ancestors are closer. Spirit is closer."

Compounding all of this was that this rare total solar eclipse was also happening at the New Moon in Pisces on the same day, and within twenty four hours of the Spring Equinox. Very strong astrological energetics would be in play for those days just before, during and after that weekend, energetics that would remain in effect for up to six months later due to the "eclipse energy." Several themes repeated in the astrologers' evaluations.

One of the repeating themes was that there would be great opportunities to receive a higher degree of spiritual awareness. The astrologers wrote: "You could have spiritual experiences," "Much insight can come to you now," "The energy of trust and faith in Life," "Mystical awareness and communion," "Dance with Creator," "This is such a moment of grace!" "Play in the Quantum Field and start creating that new life that the world needs so very much," "Connecting Heaven and Earth," "Being students and teachers for each other," "Pause with reverence," " Ceremony offering gratitude for the gift of Life and All that Is," "Trust your intuition," "Your sub-conscious speaks in a different language than your conscious mind, " "The energy of opening to the Divine Presence," "The energy of surrender to the flow of life," and "Your feelings rising from your subconscious may be difficult to articulate and communicate." All these phrasings suggest this would be a very opportune time for spiritual connection.

Another recurring theme involved the greater likelihood of having an "awakening." Intuitive astrologer Sarah Varcas wrote:  "We cannot stop it nor can we choose to postpone our own awakening. This – right here, right now – is the end of denial, the end of artifice, the end of avoidance. This is life in all its terrible grace and terrifying beauty. For this we were born: a visceral, unavoidable, undeniable confrontation with the very heart of All That Is. Each choice has shaped who we are and the relationship we now have with the authentic and sacred self within. We are precisely who we have caused ourselves to be... Now here we stand at the grand closure of a cosmic cycle, reviewing its shape in our lives, invited by the cosmos into deep reflection on how we best move forward from here."

"This Real Self," continues Varcas, "has power, it carries weight. It challenges the very foundations of life as we know it. It refuses to conform to mindless notions of right and wrong, to dictates of value and worth that dishonor inner wealth. It sees through artifice, laughs in the face of shame and denies everything but the bold and beautiful truth. The world is not ready for the Real Self and yet still it emerges, in you and in me, in the collective psyche which twists and turns to accommodate a deeper knowing that nothing is as it seems. The Real Self emerges every time we sense the integrity of the moment, the deep, pulsating beat of the unified heart, time-keeper of our collective awakening. It grows in strength and fortitude each time we honor its wisdom over and above the expectations and demands of the external world which denies all but that which can be counted, compared and traded.... The Real Self knows that to think one's own thoughts is the only path to freedom, whilst the world demands unthinking conformity."

The astrologers also agreed that powerful, energetic "portals" from the higher dimensions of consciousness would be opening up, helping us to awaken: "Those decisions made in alignment with the evolutionary imperative of awakening reveal powerful new beginnings on the near horizon, crystallizing as we speak," "Can you open up your crown chakra to Spirit and listen to the original story of your soul?" and "As we shift our vibrations, we contribute in unseen ways to uplifting the energetic web that connects us all."

A fourth recurring theme involved connecting with your soul's purpose. "Like the ancients and aboriginals, we can learn to be at one with Mother Earth as well as living our soul's destiny in this time of great change," and "This Pisces eclipse is bringing to light your mission in this life: your soul's purpose," and  "We are urged to stay true to ourselves and our paths."

The fifth major motif was that this particular weekend was bringing to conclusion a major ending to a significant cycle of time, and beginning another. The last degree of the zodiac signified an urgency to release ourselves from the past, and any of its unproductive patterns. "The endings we face now, be they losses, disappointments or liberating closure, remind us of the need for deep and abiding alignment with the god-force from here on in, as it threads its way through our lives." This theme spoke also of new beginnings: "Whatever you see at this time, in the symbolic darkness of an obscured Sun, don’t look away," and "New chances await us on the other side of the darkened Sun. They hold promise of wisdom and hope of freedom from all that held us back before."

Another one of the astrologer's remarks that makes me smile is, "Remain focused and... stay the course regardless of what shows up and what falls down."

Laura Walker of The Oracle Report, who uses the Sabian symbols extensively in her astrology reports, had many observations about this cycle of time's ending: "The Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: 'A majestic rock formation resembling a face is idealized by a boy who takes it up as his ideal of greatness, and as he grows up, begins to look like it.' Poised on the precipice of the Second Renaissance, the panorama of majestic rock formations surrounds us. This month is very important because it marks an end point.  A cycle of time where truth and wisdom have been shadowed comes to a close. When there is a Total Solar Eclipse, this particular energetic can trigger levels of identity crisis. The degree of the Earth at the New Moon is the Sabian symbol of "having an urgent task to complete, a man doesn't look to any distractions."

"One last thing," offered Walker, "is the significance of the degree of Mars at the New Moon with the Sabian symbol of 'the gate to the garden of all fulfilled desires.'  This energetic implies that we have come to a 'place' we were seeking and now must take it up.  What do you need to admit?  Do you announce yourself, knock, or just open the gate and walk through?  This is a very esoteric concept, but you inner wisdom should be glimpsing or telling you what you need to get from this image. The question for each of us this month is 'What is your ideal of greatness?'  It's what has already come into concrete manifestation at another space and time.  And it's majestic." Laura even felt this Total Solar Eclipse in Pisces' last degree marked the end of the age of patriarchy, and was the herald of a "Second Renaissance" that would begin just weeks later.



"And so," I asked Rachel, "by the time we were leaving the circle, what were your feelings at that point?"

Rachel exclaimed, "Like, 'Woo hoo! Let's go! Next phase!' Yeah, it was fun. It was a lot of fun."

So the next phase was that we all loaded up in the cars and then drove down Marsh Station Road.


Cienega Creek


 "We decided to go down to Cienega Creek and bring a water offering," recalled Maritza. "Time passed quickly and night time came. We caravanned over to the creek. I was sitting next to a guy named Stacey. He was talking as if he was an old and wise soul passing through Earth, and gifting people with his wisdom."

I asked Mollie, "Did you have any kind of anticipation about the next part of the ceremony going down to the creek?"

"No," stated Mollie. "I really didn't know what to expect. I remember we were all kind of hyped-up from the circle anyway...  I had people in the back of the truck. Do you remember who was in the back of the truck?" she asked all of us.

"Ian," remembered Jaime. "And he was singing!"

"And he was singing! There we go. That's fun!" laughed Mollie. "So I was super excited, so just a feeling of like being excited to be going... night hiking!" she laughed. "But I didn't know I was going to end up experiencing that."



"Our beautiful and goddess-energy hostess had plans on walking down to Cienega Creek just down the road in Vail and performing a water blessing rite," said Jaime of Rachel, as we all recalled the second phase of our Spring Equinox gathering.


Rachel, her palm lit white by Arizona sunlight, on our return visit May 1, 2016


As we disembarked from the two vehicles that were now parked just off the road beyond the bridge, all of us could see the last glimmers of sunlight at dusk's end, while stars were beginning to pop out brilliantly in the evening sky, far from the glow of Tucson's city lights.

"So Rachel said there was a trail down to the river," remembered Mollie, "so I literally thought 'trail,' like somewhat clear even if it was a one-person path, some sort of path down. That really wasn't it at all... So then Rachel, crazy Rachel (says), 'Yeah, let's go down in the dark to put the water in the river,' which was kind of crazy because we didn't have flashlights, so probably not smart but we did it anyway. And I don't really know how we did it... It was dark, but when we first started there was just a little bit of light... it was just enough light for us to be like, 'Oh crap! This is gonna be hard.'"


Maritza, Jaime and Debbie on May 1, 2016, giving an indication of the steep incline


"I had envisioned an easy, level trek to the water. It turned out to be more like a rocky, steep ravine, as it was dark, and our hostess could not find the easier trail. Nonetheless, I would not trade this experience for the easier route," remarked Jaime, without any reservation.

"It was more like going down a huge rock embankment that probably would have been a challenge in the daytime. And so it was just kind of extreme in the dark," Mollie made clear.

"And of course," admitted Rachel, "I'm like, 'This way!' You know, I'm hopping down and I had flip-flops on and a skirt, and everyone was in their just-comfy clothes, like no one was really prepared to hike, so that was kind of funny, too. I'm like, 'We can do it! We're Earth children! Let's go!'" she said with a giggle.


Rachel, leading the way down on our daytime revisit


Maritza was trying to keep an eye on our guide to the creek. "Rachel was leading the group. She and Lukas disappeared into the darkness rather quickly... Jaime and Janet were walking in front of me, Both girls were wearing sandals, and Janet was wearing a skirt. I remember having to crawl on all fours to make sure that I didn't fall... but it was so dark, I had several close encounters with Janet's butt!" laughed Maritza.

Mollie recollected about the footwear we wore during our adventure down the ravine. "I remember being very happy that I was not in flip-flops. I actually had on shoes, but I think Jaime and Janet did have on flip-flops, and Janet was in a dress, and I just remember thinking like, 'Oh my gosh! Can't believe we're doing this! As crazy as it is, I feel sorry for Jaime and Janet right now.' Maritza, did you have flip-flops or shoes?" asked Mollie.

"No," replied Maritza thankfully.  "I had jeans and some shoes."

"Yeah," said Mollie, "I had like planned ahead for a little hiking, so I had pants and actual shoes on. And I remember being very grateful for that. It was fun."


Jaime and Maritza, carefully making their way down on the May 1, 2016 revisit


"I thought," remembered Maritza, "we would have to step down a few feet and we would be there. Nope! We just started climbing down. It was dark and we couldn't see anything ahead of us. I pulled out my little Blackberry phone and used the LED light from the tiny screen to try to light the way. I was wearing jeans and sneakers, so I felt like I could do it."

"I was ill-prepared for this journey, as many of us were," admitted Jaime. "Our gang's attire consisted of shorts, skirts, flip-flops, and the lucky people who wore sneakers... By the shared light of one cellular phone, we began our way down to the water, trying to avoid falling and the kiss of a cactus."

Pulling up the rear of our troupe were Ian, Kaleb, Rachel's eldest son, and Stacey, a fresh acquaintance Rachel had met just the night before, and, in a burst of generosity, had invited to the Spring Equinox gathering. Surprisingly, Stacey joined all of us for both the sacred circle and for what was now turning into a somewhat perilous hike down to Cienega Creek.

"Stacey kept saying, 'I have been here so many times,' as in past lives, over and over," recalled Maritza, "and then all of a sudden he took a hard fall! I thought he may have broken something, but apparently he was fine."

Stacey had taken a hard tumble, falling right near the top of the ravine.  I heard a loud thud and rocks crunching together as it happened, and then the sound of rocks rolling down the embankment. I expected to hear some kind of exclamation of pain, but there was none, so I figured that whomever had fallen was alright since no one was shouting about something having gone terribly wrong, because I certainly couldn't see far enough back to tell whom it was who had fallen, until the word was passed down to me that it was the "bird guy." I never heard Stacey complaining, so I don't know whether he was unhurt, or that he was simply toughing it through a lot of pain. But we all kept going, now with a heightened sense of trepidation, since we had collectively imagined that it would be just a short bit more until we would be resting alongside the creek. We couldn't have been more wrong.


Maritza snapped a few flash photos from the phone that was acting as our source of about four feet of light, including this picture of Jaime and Rick, as we all carefully edged our way down the ravine


"Do you remember Ian going down? Wasn't he singing tunes?" I asked Mollie.

"Yeah," she remembered. "He continued his singing that he had been singing in the back of the truck." Ian's songs really helped lighten the mood, and he kept us all giggling from time to time, which kept us from getting too down about our predicament.

However, Stacey's fall had made me even more concerned for our ill-prepared group because several of us certainly were not ready for scaling a ravine without proper footwear, let alone dressed in skirts, and especially in the pitch black darkness that we found ourselves in. I decided to take the lead since Rachel and Lukas were no longer in sight. We couldn't even hear them anymore at that point, and so I excused myself from Maritza with a short explanation, and worked my way past Janet and Jaime, to take up the lead.

"Rick stepped in to help the girls using the light from my phone," recalled Maritza. "We kept passing the phone back and forth," because even the small amount of light it was generating was enormously useful. "I was worried about Rick because he usually slips on hikes. Big feet!" admitted Maritza with a smile.

"Rick was a gentleman," Jaime stated graciously, "trying to spot everyone by lending a steady hand for the steep climb. Janet and I, the flip-flop sisters, were the slowest at making our way down."


The "Flip-Flop Sisters" on all fours, with Rick leading ahead


"Since we had left the circle in Rachel's backyard," continued Jaime, "I had felt a buzz in the air. This was not new to me, but it was the strongest I have felt this buzz. I knew we were surrounded by benevolent spirits. It was so strong, the buzz was even audible to my ears. Let's just say the air felt electric, and I felt watched, but not in a creepy way."

"It got darker and darker as we went down," recalled Mollie. "There were parts of it where you pretty much had to actually lean back on all the rocks and make sure that you were holding on, and going really slowly, or else you would just fall... I remember there was one spot in particular that there was like a huge hole."



I had taken the lead, and was trying to find a safe way to the bottom in the pitch dark under the beautiful stars, which I fondly kept looking up to throughout the journey down. Maritza was about nine feet above me, Janet was six feet above or so, and Jaime was about three or four feet above me as I led us down. Both Jaime and Janet, who are big women, were wearing only flip-flops. We all had thought that we were going to be walking down a gentle trail under the stars to the creek, not climbing down a dangerous ravine in the dark of a new moon. After I took the lead to make sure that everyone would get down safely, I kept checking for cactus, boggy water, sharp rocks, and steep drops, and any other perils that may have been awaiting us.  I was mainly trying to protect the safety of the women in the group who were at a disadvantage.


The site of the Angel Catch


"This is where the story really gets interesting," feels Jaime.

At one point, there was a pretty big gap, which I remember being about two feet of space down to the next, firm stable spot that I could anchor my right foot and leg, so that I could reach back up to help Jaime down this next part of the journey. I placed my right foot on a spot and pressed against it to make sure that it was firm and stable, because I would be holding most of my weight there as I stretched back up to Jaime, to guide her down. I tested the spot with my right foot, two feet below my left foot, with a couple firm presses, and it felt firm enough, so I settled on that space, and planted my right foot firmly into place there. I reached my left hand up to help Jaime step back down, when the rock I had planted my right foot upon snapped and gave way, and I quickly and suddenly found myself falling helplessly backwards down the ravine, doomed to crash my body on the jagged protruding rocks still below us.

Jaime saw the whole accident as it was happening:  "At one point, Rick had begun to slip and fall backwards ahead of me. I started to reach for him, but I would've been too late. I saw Rick fall backwards at an acute angle which would have been impossible to regain an upright position."

In the split seconds as I was falling backwards, time seemed to extend into a slower speed,  just like the moments right after my Grandmother and I, who were in a compact rental car in southern England, had been struck by a speeding car while we were on our way to the Findhorn community in Scotland.

Four thoughts raced through my head clearly and quickly: "Am I going to crack my head open?" "Is my left shoulder going to be pierced by a rock?" "Am I going to be one of those people who gets carried out on a stretcher from the bottom of a canyon filmed by news crews? Joey (pseudonym) is going to be really pissed at me since I'm one of the healers in the group and I won't be able to heal."

What is interesting is that I felt no fear: it was just my intellect racing and considering possible outcomes; however, my conscious mind never considered the outcome that was about to happen next.

By this point, my whole body was now arched horizontally more than ninety degrees from an upright position as I was sprawling backwards towards my fate. As those thoughts rang through my brain, and as I was falling further,  and was about to crash upon the sharp, unforgiving rocks, just as suddenly my momentum downwards stopped, and without even feeling a jerk, my whole body was moving in the opposite direction from falling, rotating back towards where I had fallen from, supported by what felt like a giant hand made out of air at my back, propelling me back upright! That led immediately to a sense of shocked awareness that something beyond the law of physics was happening!

Some benevolent supernatural force was lifting me. Without any doubt, I could actually feel, in a heightened sense of physicality, a giant Hand of Air with a palm and fingers supporting me from a point on my lower and middle back, pushing me back up to the place where my left foot had been prior to falling, where I had been standing before I had even searched for solid footing with my right foot.

This was something completely bizarre, unlike anything I had ever physically experienced, and it was something that I didn't really conceive of being able to happen, given the laws of science. What was happening to me defied physics as I understood it! The law of gravity was being subordinated by the Hand of Air.

The Hand of Air was so strong and yet so soft, and I could feel an actual physical pressure against my back. During those moments, I felt completely awestruck that I felt my head and body rotating back up from below horizontal. Not only was I not laying on the rocks below in pain, but I was coming back fully upright. The emotional feeling that I felt was simply awe, that this big hand at my back was lifting me. It all happened very quickly and yet so many thoughts, physical sensations, and even the emotion of awe all occurred within what were just a few seconds.

From a side view, I rotated over ninety degrees, as if my feet were moving around the center point on a clock, while my head and upper body moved faster as I swung back upright. My head and view was like that of the top point of a minute hand on a clock, rotating counter-clockwise from below three o'clock to twelve o'clock.

And then I found myself standing completely upright, both feet planted side by side at the same level, where I had been standing before the time I had gone to move my right foot down to find solid footing. Suddenly, words just blurted out of my mouth as I was now looking again at Jaime's face, and it was like I was listening to my own words with a kind of detachment as they came out of me: "An angel just pushed me back up! I felt a hand on my back push me!"

"Yeah," spoke Jaime softly, without any tone of disagreement.

"Suddenly," recalled Jaime, from her point-of-view, "Rick had sprung back up with a completely stunned and surprised facial expression and said, 'An angel pushed me! I felt a hand on my back push me!' Feeling the buzz of spirit energy in the air, I did not question him, and I simply replied, 'Yeah' in agreement. Coming from Pagan roots, the idea of angels felt very Abrahamic and foreign to me, but I was already beginning to open up to new ideas. An older me would've translated his exclamation into my then-current belief system for my personal comprehension."

"His experience was confirmation for me," affirmed Jaime, "that we were blessed and our activity that evening was very special. Again, I chose the right party!"

I was both dumbfounded and elated! I was also so surprised at the words that had come out of my mouth were not that my extra-terrestrial guides had helped me, yet at the same time I was feeling that maybe all the very higher-dimensional benevolent beings were essentially the same, in respect to their huge capacity to Love. I was quickly beginning to flood and overload with thoughts that were racing through my head, and powerful feelings of awe, surprise and gratitude. Why and how could this have just happened? My third-dimensional, physical, conscious brain was having a very hard time making sense of what was happening. Reality had just completely flipped for me, spiraling up to a new plateau of experience that felt simultaneously foreign, wondrous and overwhelming.

I was incredulous at the words that I had blurted out, yet I fully trusted what my sub-conscious mind had just shared with Jaime and my conscious self. My body was saved from harm. My head wasn't smashed open. My spine wasn't broken. My shoulder wasn't pierced with sharp rocks or separated. My bones were not shattered. There was no blood, no disfigurement, no bruises or gashes or incredible pain or injury of any kind. I was standing back where I had started before the move with my right foot. I was healthy! I was saved by a giant Angel's Hand of Air! And I knew Jaime had seen the whole thing! My head swam in shock. I was grasping in my mind that higher-dimensional, benevolent angelic beings do exist, that it wasn't only about having faith, that angels were real and that they can and do manifest into our physical reality, because one had just saved me from certain injury, maybe even death.

I called up to Maritza to pass her cell phone down to me, so that I could use the light to see what I would have fallen on. Maritza passed her cell phone down to Janet who handed it along down to Jaime who handed it down to me.  In the light from the cell phone, there right below me was what appeared to be a large rock that came to a sharp point where my back would have landed, which could have pierced my spinal column, snapped my back, broken vertebrae, or who knows what. I handed the phone back to Jaime who passed it Janet, and then back to Maritza.


The rocks that I believe I would have fallen upon that I was seeing with the light of the cell phone


From that point, I think Jaime  began to feel a greater sense of the danger we were all facing. "The trek down the canyon to the water seemed to have taken forever, as if time slowed down," she said. "We were being uber-cautious and slow."


Rick pointing to the site of the Angel Catch, as Rachel, Debbie and Jaime examine the area


Maritza agreed: "It took forever to make the descent into the creek."

"Because," said Mollie, "we were all giving each other signals, like one person goes down, 'Be careful,' and everybody was doing a really good job like making sure that none of us fell. But I know there was this one spot where I just remember going down, and like making sure that  I went over this huge gap with my feet and trying not to fall in the hole, and just thinking to myself, 'Oh my gosh! I really hope nobody hurts themselves right now.' Yeah." Mollie pointed to Rachel and laughed.


The pareidolia suggestion of a face on the left edge of the ledge from which Rick fell


"I knew how to get down there to take you guys down the trail that I knew," explained Rachel, "but it was dark. So no one else knew it, and then it was rocky, and at a steep angle... And it's not necessarily as perilous in the daytime as it was for us in the night time" she giggled. "It was bad because we couldn't see and it was dark. But in the daylight, it's not that bad, but it is a pretty steep drop down."

"It was awesome!" felt Mollie. "The whole journey down and back up, especially down, because down was actually harder than coming back up, to me anyway. I just think that added to the whole experience of the Circle and us all being together... it was kind of a bonding thing... It felt like it brought us closer together."

"We all did it together, which I thought was pretty amazing," agreed Rachel.

"It's kind of one of those things," said Mollie, "that you look back on it, and it's special just the fact that we did it, and didn't kill ourselves. So definitely spirits and guides were with us, protecting us along the way. Rick has his own experience... and it's the best experience ever!"

Frankly, at this point, after so much time in the darkness of the ravine and after the Angel Catch, I was trying hard to process it all, and I barely remember the rest of the way down. I remember still guiding people in my somewhat dazed state of mind, but not as many details as before the fall.




The wet, marshy puddle in the same spot I remember stepping in shortly after the Angel Catch helped me to determine the site of the incident just over one year later, and knowing the spot  of the Angel Catch gave me both a sense of space and a better visualization of the incident


I remember a boggy, swampy area that I stepped in and warned the others about. I do remember proceeding so exceedingly slowly that Jaime was starting to make her way around and past me near the bottom of the ravine where, just beyond at the creek's edge,  Rachel and Lukas were waiting for us with the singing bowl filled with the blessed water.

"At one point I heard Rick saying, "Watch out, there's cactus over here," so I pointed the light in his direction, and he was pointing in the darkness, with his hand just missing the cactus," observed Maritza.

I think I may have been in a mild state of shock by then.

I remember finally being with Maritza again at the bottom near the cactus that I was helping people avoid, waving my hands carelessly around the cactus, and according to Maritza, nearly catching my whole hand in the cactus, but by this time I was almost completely lost in the thoughts of the Angel Hand of Air that had saved me, and I was not fully in the physical. I began to whisper to Maritza what had happened.


Ian and Rick just a few minutes after the Angel Catch


Toward the end of the hike, I had heard Rick slip," recalled Maritza, who had been working her way down about nine feet above me, and given the darkness within the ravine, had not clearly seen what had just transpired. "I thought he was going to get hurt. I was too startled to realize what was going on. Later he told me someone had pushed him back. He said it felt like a hand. I simply accepted it as another of Rick's strange phenomena. I didn't understand the magnificence of the event."

I thought of sharing what had just happened with the whole group as we made our way through some of the scrub and weeds and bushes near the creek's edge, but I kept quiet at the time because this whole trek down to the creek wasn't about me, it was about the ceremony to honor the Earth. There would be time to share back at Rachel's house when we were eating dinner. Anyway, my mind was really still swimming and dazed, and I was feeling like I was in a space between worlds. Maritza snapped a picture with her cell phone of me and Ian, while I was still just in this mental daze. Reality had just altered for me in such a major way, that my brain itself was having trouble comprehending it all.

"When you got to the bottom," I asked Rachel, "what do you remember, while you were waiting at the bottom for the rest of us to get down?"


Rachel, where she stood one year earlier with Lukas, again watching as we climbed down to the creek to join her for another sacred ceremony and anniversary remembrance


"Just being cautious and watching to make sure that you guys made it down safely, and that the trail was clear for you to get to where we were. That was really it," said Rachel."And just waiting for everyone to make it down safely. And then relief when you guys did."

I also asked Mollie, "What did you feel like when we finally got to the bottom?"

"Relief! " admitted Mollie as she laughed hard. "Yeah relief. It was good, but it just added to the actual experience of going down and the excitement that it was kind of full of dangers. And kind of like a trust-like bonding thing for us. That just made getting to the bottom and doing that even more special because it's not like I'm doing that with strangers. Because at that time I don't think we had known each other very long... so just the whole act of doing that, I felt like that brought us together, and even just made the little ceremony at the bottom even that much more special. The whole night just seemed like a whole series of getting closer and closer together."



Jaime recalled, "Eventually, we found a secluded flat of land next to the creek, and began to bless and thank the water in the bowl individually. Some of us took off our shoes to stand in the water. The flip-flop sisters stayed dry. We sang and we howled like wolves. The spirit energy was high, and more than once I looked over my shoulder."

The beautiful, lightly flowing Cienega Creek May 1, 2016


"Being at the bottom of the creek was magical," said Maritza. "The sound of the train above us was nostalgic. It felt as if we were not alone down there, seeing Mollie, Rachel and Lukas in the water felt holy, and it made me gain more reverence for nature. Doing the water offering felt very holy and special."

So, even though I could have been my normal talkative self, for the most part, as we settled in by the edge of the creek, I sat very quietly with Maritza as we began the ceremony, comforted by the company of my wonderful friends, yet stunned by what had happened to me.

"We stepped into the water," Rachel said, recalling the next stage of the Spring Equinox  ceremony with her group of friends and her two sons, Kaleb and Lukas. "I was in there, and I think Lukas maybe was in there, and Mollie was in there and I think Ian was in there; so we all got into the water and then we had our combined waters in the Heart bowl, and then we played the bowl, and then we all toned together and sang as an offering of love from our hearts, and then we took the water and poured it into the creek so that it could flow with the other waters of the Earth, so it was really beautiful, yeah."

"How were you feeling when you were standing in the water after you had completed the whole ceremony?" I asked.

"It was awesome, it was awesome, it was awesome!" Rachel said with heart-felt enthusiasm. "Yeah, I just felt really at peace, and really grateful, and really blessed."

"Now when you were at the bottom," I said to Mollie, "you and Rachel and Ian stepped into the stream: tell me a little about that part."


Ian, Mollie and Rachel sharing moments of joy on the evening of the sacred ceremony on March 22, 2015 that culminated with a blessed water offering to Mother Earth at Cienega Creek


Mollie laughed, remembering that the water felt  "slimy and cold, but felt good."

"Did you feel good about honoring the Earth?"

"I did," said Mollie."And I'm trying to remember what we were playing... I remember I had the tingshas... I felt good 'cause we were actually really all setting the intention, and taking the time to do something sacred. But I had a different feeling while standing in the river," Mollie explained."Before in the circle, I was mainly like so grateful for being around my new family, and then actually being down in the river just felt really, I guess, grateful for the Earth. I felt a little bit more connected to what we were actually doing, and thanking the water. I don't know... just warm fuzzy feelings."

"Personally," continued Mollie, "going doing was fun, but what really hit me was when we got down to the river. Me and Rachel were in the river, and when we first got down there it was clear. I kept looking off to the left-- I don't know what direction it was-- but down the river, and when we had gotten there it was clear. And as we were in the river, I kept looking down, and I just happened to notice that it just got really heavy, kind of what would look like a heavy mist, and it was like rolling in between the trees toward us. And it's not like it was a foggy night: it was the desert. So I really got the feeling that it was different spirits coming to join us for what we were doing. And that was pretty cool. I don't know that anybody else noticed that. So that kind of hit me, "she said to me, touching her heart, "that different spirits would join us for what we were doing."

"When did you start to notice the cloud stuff?

"After we had already taken off our shoes... because it was clear when we got down there, and it was clear when, as I recall, when we first got in, but as (Rachel) was playing the bowl, we were just taking that moment of being there and setting the intention, that's when it started. That's when I kept looking down and seeing it move in closer and closer and closer... it felt like it was directly moving in just for the sacred moment, almost like even the music and playing was like calling them in almost to come join us."

"And what did you start to see?"

"Just like a thickness, like a fog. I don't know how else to put it. Kind of like a fog. Like a fog rolling in. A mist. And it was just... It wasn't like it was up in the air. It was from the ground up to the treetops. It was like just rolling in toward us."

"Did you see anything in that mist?"

"I didn't really see anything in the mist. I just felt like it was just like a whole bunch of spirits, or energies like kind of that probably appreciated what we were doing that were coming in to join us and aid us in doing that. It was just a feeling I got."

"Did anybody else see the mist?"

"I don't think so. Did you guys see the mist?" asked Mollie, turning to everyone in our group on an afternoon when we had all just finished a successful past-life crystal grid group meditation. "Anybody see the mist? Nobody saw the mist. Nobody saw the mist. I guess that was just my thing."

"So you had a special vision that no one else had."

"I guess I did," Mollie affirmed, nodding. "I saw it a little differently, so... yup."

However, as it turned out, there was another person who experienced a highly unusual vision, and for this person, it was very unsettling, definitely "startling," and even bordering on the slightly scary side as it initially began to happen.

At the time Mollie was seeing the misty fog rolling in, Lukas "was on the bank actually seeing, I think, shadow figures moving in the trees behind us," said Mollie. "That was kind of neat because we were kind of both having a similar feeling, but his was more of an actual figure."

"Lukas," said Rachel, of her ten-year-old, youngest son, "was pretty amazing. He was really excited and into it, and then when we were standing there in the creek, Lukas had seen like a shadow or something behind me. And at first I thought he said it was a man, but then he said he thought it was like a wolf, so I'm not sure that he knew exactly what it was, but he saw a figure moving behind me, and then he got scared, like 'Oh my God! Mommy, there's like spirits here! We have to go right now! I'm freaked out!' And then we just told him, 'No, It's okay. They're here to just kind of join us and watch and see what we're doing.' And then after that he just kind of calmed down, and just kind of dealt with what he could perceive, that I couldn't perceive, but that Mollie perceived too. So, Lukas and Mollie are the ones that could see the different energies that were there."

"Did you know that he had that ability before?" I asked her.

"Yeah, he sees stuff a lot of times, and he feels things, too. All the boys do, generally... Kaleb is more like an intuitive. He gets a lot of information in dream time. Gabriel is a feeler like I am... but Lukas is more like a visual... he can see things visually. So it's different. All the boys are different."


Stacey, Kaleb and Lukas resting along the edge of the creek, just shortly after Lukas had his vision


On an afternoon just after a morning when several of us had revisited Cienega Creek a little over a year after the 2015 Spring Equinox ceremony, I asked Lukas to share with me all the details that he could remember about what he had seen that evening at the creek one year earlier. Lukas told me that he had seen something that had frightened him initially because it was so startling. Lucas had seen something quickly appear behind his mother Rachel and Mollie, on the other side of the creek, somewhat above the level of the water in the creek.

Lucas described seeing a man standing next to a big wolf. The wolf was grey and had green eyes and was about the size of the family dog, L.T., who is roughly seventy-five pounds. The man was a Native-American, according to Lukas. The man was wearing pants but had no shirt. He had a bow and a quiver of arrows, and they both stood together among the trees staring down at our group. Lukas said that after awhile, he saw them both slowly fade away.

"How did it wind up down there at the creek? Do you remember?" I asked Rachel.

"Well, yeah, after we did the ceremony, it was like I felt there was this calmness that kind of came in... everything was really peaceful. It was kind of like this build up to get down there, and then it was a little bit chaotic... Once everyone got there, and after we did the ceremony, it was just like this big calm. The whole space changed, and it seemed like everything kind of lightened up. And you could just feel a shift, I don't know, like a shift in the air, like the spirits that were there were grateful, you know, that we honored that...I just remember it being beautiful... it was just gorgeous out. You know, at a certain point we all just kind of laid there... lying back and kind of relaxing, so yeah, it was just this peaceful calm after we were done. And then it was time to go back up."


Rick and Maritza, enjoying the moment



"And then," said Rachel, "when we had left going back up, it was like nothing. It was like we were right at the top. Like I felt that going down it was a struggle, and there were all these different things that happened, and it was kind of perilous, and everyone was kind of scattered and it was scary and it was dark, but then after we did the ceremony and the honoring, I felt that going back up almost like we had hands that were guiding us up... like you feel a shift in a certain energy."

Maritza agreed. "Getting back to the top took no time at all. It was very strange. My phone died as soon as we reached the top. The phone should have died much earlier; on the way down it was already at very low battery power. Again, that seemed strange."


Looking back up the embankment from down in the creek


"I remember exclaiming, 'Wow, climbing up took no time at all!' The cell-phone battery then died. It lasted just long enough to help," confirmed Jaime.

"Maritza's cell phone was dead, like it was supposed to be dead, the battery was dead," Rachel recollected, "But then I held it the whole time as like a light behind us, so we could see so we had a flashlight going up the hill, and then when we got to the very top, it just went completely dead. And she's like, 'My phone should have been dead the whole time,' and she was like, 'You look like Gandalf with the light!'" laughed Rachel. "I remember that was really cute...  So, even our path on the way back was lit up... so that was really cool."

We piled back into the cars and headed back to Rachel's home.

"Back at Rachel's home," said Jaime, "Janet received terrible news about the health of a loved one, and we gathered to send her white, healing light. Janet left in a hurry with Rick and Maritza driving her for her safety. I later found out that Rick wanted to share and talk about his experience, but the time was not right."

"We got back," recalled Rachel, "and then Janet got a phone call that her grandmother was in the hospital or something happened... and so she had to leave. So then at that time, I was like, 'Okay, let's huddle up' and then we all held hands, and then came together as a group to pray for her grandmother's highest and best good and send her our healing intention to assist her through whatever was going on with her in the hospital, because they weren't sure if she was going to make it or not. So that was pretty intense to come back to that. So after going through this kind of like blissful journey of the circle and then going down to the water, this great adventure, and then coming back to the house to have that. But then at the same time, it still solidified us as coming together as a group for a higher purpose, which is healing. So it was like we had a three-fold thing. And then with Janet, it was, 'Okay, we're going to gather energy to send healing to her grandmother.'"

"I was so hungry," admitted Maritza, "and looking forward to the potluck and the party by the circle. Unfortunately, we heard bad news from Janet's family. Janet's grandmother was in the hospital, and her health had taken a turn for the worst. Janet was convinced it was not her grandma's time, and a year later, her grandmother is still alive. Nonetheless, Janet wanted to 'floor it' into town. She was our ride and we did not want to let her endanger herself or us, so Rick drove us back into town. So there was no food, no party and no sharing of strange events, but Janet got to see her Grammy and family right away."

"You guys had to leave after that," remembered Rachel, "so that was kind of a bummer, but I was glad that we were able to do that, to sit and hold space for her, and send her some prayers and love and healing energy... We had the potluck still, and we all just kind of hung out after and goofed off, and people drummed, and then it became a party," laughed Rachel, "and then I don't remember what time it ended, but everyone filtered out after a while, so it was great! It was an awesome, awesome evening."



"So, after that, you were dubbed by the circle of friends as the 'event coordinator.'

Rachel laughed, "Yeah."

"So tell me about your responsibilities as Event Coordinator," I chuckled.

"To hold circles... To just get us together to do fun things that are... you know, we do get together once in awhile to just have a good time, but mostly with a higher purpose in mind, for us to get together to do things that are healing for ourselves and others, some things that have an intention that will kind of broaden our awareness, I guess you could say. Things that are going to assist us on our path. But a big part of that is coming together for drumming, because it's honoring the Earth and grounding ourselves and healing. And sometimes just to have fun."

"So we had a second Spring Equinox ceremony at your place this last March... so remember a little bit about that. I know there were some really beautiful things."

"I was talking to my mom and I had told her, 'For this Spring Equinox, I wanted to do something that was balancing ourselves, and so it was a balance of the light and the dark on the planet... So I asked her if she would want to come and hold a yoga ceremony for us, so we could have it honoring of ourselves to balance our own energies, and then honor the planet in the balance that She was in. So we ended up doing a yoga ceremony which was awesome! My mom is great! We did everything outside... you guys helped clear the space and it was really beautiful, so we got to do all the postures out on the land, and connect Heaven and Earth, and bring ourselves into balance and honor the Earth at the same time.

"Right under the full moon."

"Yeah, under the moon. It was gorgeous. It was beautiful!"



Part Two: How I Dealt With the Angel Catch



The next  one hundred  and fifteen hours, I felt like I was drifting spontaneously back and forth between alternating realities in the sense that what I had been accepting on faith had become concrete and had materialized as a Hand of Air. While my mind tried to fully comprehend every angle and aspect about what had happened that I could think of, I went from moments of bliss to moments of worry over what other people may think if I told them what had happened. I had wanted to tell what had happened to our special group of spiritual friends during the pot luck and drumming after the ceremony, but the incident regarding Janet's grandmother's health scare had precluded that from happening Sunday night. As my mind turned over and over, I began to worry that if I didn't say something right away to somebody, then people may begin to doubt me more, once I finally began to open up about the angel.

That Monday morning, I looked to a key astrology report that I had been following on a daily basis since 2012, the Oracle Report, to see if I could gain any additional insight. This is what The Oracle Report for Monday March 23, 2015 contained, just hours after the Angel Catch: "Today our ideals of greatness may bump up against things, primarily our beliefs about what is possible and others' beliefs about what is possible. Comparisons to others, comparisons to what others want for us, and comparisons to what we think society  expects of us don't facilitate this month's theme of envisioning a personal ideal of greatness to which we aim. If we are comparing to what is already in existence, we are limiting ourselves.  And each of us is the only one who fully knows our own potential because it is linked to our heart's desire. In terms of this month's Sabian symbol, it is better today to think about releasing or removing the pieces of the rock formation that need to be released in order for the face to emerge.  Sculptor's often say the form is already in the piece of stone, and that they merely remove the pieces around it so that the form can be revealed.  This is what is happening today.  We take in the full picture and see what needs to be released in order for true form (or plain truth) to manifest. We also see where we have been spending a lot of our energy trying to make something work or make something happen.  It may help today to suspend expectations or fixations on the outcome.  If this proves difficult, turn the situation over to a higher power. You are not alone. Communication with others is highlighted, so follow prompts to share.  Connection often comes first through a leap of faith in expressing aspects of who we truly are. Again, all month long, we take care with what we wish for, as we are inclined to get it. This month is like a month long Balsamic Moon phase, the dreamy, mystical time of the year.  The veils between the worlds are thinnest.  It is a time of release.  Today gives us good ideas of what can be released in order for truth and true form to emerge.  We are the artists of our lives, dreaming a dream within a dream.  Take up the tools of the sculptor and help what needs to fall away do so."

Walker's report connected deeply for me with what I felt I was going through; even the Sabian symbol metaphor of the "rock formation" seemed materialized in physical reality for me. Those next five days were five very wonderful, magic-filled days, but also five hard and difficult days.

From that Sunday forward, life became much more wonderful because I recognized the implications of what I now knew to be true about the cosmos: we live in a magical, miraculous, fantastic universe where angelic beings and divine benevolent invisible beings and realities can and do intermingle physically with our world. Prior to that recently past weekend, I had not fully understood just how physical their interaction with us could become, what boundaries did or did not exist between their reality and ours, and so this was a personal discovery of immense beauty.

But those five days were also very hard and difficult because my mind became so preoccupied; it took a Herculean effort to stay focused on everyday reality and the mundane details that I had to responsibly take care of for my business and for my family. Every minute of every day I could think of nothing else but the Angel Catch, and the many implications of what it might mean to my life. Despite my journalism into fringe areas of science and metaphysics, I've tried very hard to keep grounded and remain scientifically and intellectually defendable. I was known within my community for talking, writing and making documentaries about extra-terrestrials for many years. However, suddenly in 2010 I became a healer, and by four and a half years later in 2015 I had alienated a number of people close to me. So now, how was I supposed to share that an angel caught me and saved me from a potentially deadly fall? That public admission might just create an even greater level of alienation and stigma between myself and other people who had done their best to tolerate me up to this point.

I did not wish to race headlong further into the fringe, most especially because I have a family who I must be responsible for, a business that needs to maintain a respectable reputation, and a life that functions best with balance and stability.

These concerns weighed heavily upon me, as well as the struggle to be patient and focus on the present moment while my mind really wanted it to be five days later, Friday, when Maritza and I would finally get to visit with Rachel, Mollie and Jaime again at the drumming circle and spiritual support group meeting, where I could simply ask Jaime to remember the hike and to tell me what, if anything, she remembered. I felt that I needed this to satisfy the intellectual and scientific side of me that was beginning to demand external validation by a witness. If I were to just start claiming an angel caught me from a terrible fall, the bigger fall might end up being my personal reputation. No, I decided, I would wait until Maritza and I went to the next group gathering, which was coming up just a few days later on Friday March 27th and simply ask the witness what she saw without giving her any prompts or any leading questions, and find out whether or not what I was remembering had  happened is what she remembered happening. I couldn't really contact her any earlier because we barely knew her, so the most appropriate thing to do was simply be patient and wait.

In the immediate days that followed, I desperately wanted to talk about it with my all my close friends, but I felt as if I had to keep it to myself until I could speak with the witness, Jaime, about the fantastic event, and ask her what she had seen and what she remembered. I knew it was real, but I didn't know if it was "real enough" that I could share it with others without being considered a complete and total kook.

Despite misgivings I had about ridicule, I remember telling at least three people who I had known for many years.  These three people saw me and my strange life every week and often on a daily basis: Jorge, Will and Morgen, who all were working with my wife and I at our store. While all three humored me and listened to my summary of the past Sunday evening, I didn't expect them to believe me completely, but I think they did feel my sincerity and knew that I believed 'the Angel Catch' had happened. And this allowed me some release where I could record it as real outside my immediate family of my wife and mother-in-law, and yet keep my account quietly contained in a safe bubble until I could speak to Jaime on Friday evening at Mystic Candle where our meet-ups were held once a month.

Furthermore, I didn't really know how I would react or what I would do if she could not affirm what happened to me. My questions ran the risk of creating a big letdown and a very crushing feeling from not be validated. If that ended up being the case, then I figured that I would probably just have to stick my neck out there again like I had done with the Owl Incident all those many years, and let the chips just fall where they may, but that felt like another tough road to travel. I longed for some smoother sailing with this Angel Catch, and so the anticipation of how it would turn out was stomach turning.

That Friday morning, prior to the spiritual support meeting when I would finally get to talk to the witness, I looked to Laura Walker's March 27th Oracle Report again for insight on the day's energies: "The mighty influence of Uranus and Pluto, so prominent over the last couple of weeks, is re-engaged today with the Moon's dance with Pluto in the sky tonight (at 7:15 pm MST.)  The day builds to the night, but all day long we are returning to home base-- our "center."  In other words, the destination today is back toward our inner selves. Issues related to support, appreciation, and recognition are concentrated.  If someone feels unsupported, unappreciated, or unacknowledged, it will show out today.  The show may be highly dramatic and emotional.  This is a purging or release of what has been pent up or repressed, which is in line with this month's lunar dynamics of releasing and letting go of what no longer needs to be held. It is best to honor and respect anything that is falling away, as it served a purpose.  There is no need to trash anything.  We hold dignity for the human experience. With the goal of returning to home base or returning to inner center, we are strengthening our skills of fluidly moving between worlds.  Self-reliance builds.  We gain clearer alignment with who we are and what we are here to do.  As we are re-called (called back) to home base today, we are also called back to our childlike view of the world.  The childlike view of the world sees adventure, magic, and wonder. When we return to center, we naturally reconnect with unseen guidance and wisdom.  All that we need is there. The astrological winds may gust today, but we stay on course, determined to return home.  What awaits you there?  Does your inner home have a blazing hearth or gentle glow?  Either way, it is ready to embrace you."

All this sounded very encouraging to me, and after such an excruciating wait, I would finally have my answer, so I tried not to fear the worst, but continue to remain calm and poised once I got to Mystic Candles with Maritza, while I waited for Jaime to show up, if she was even planning to attend.

Fortunately for me and my peace of mind, she did come to the meeting. "I did not see Rick until the following Friday, at a drumming circle with crystal skulls," recalled Jaime.

As I approached her, I remained calm and cool. Most importantly, for my own sense of truth, I continued to remind myself not to give her any prompts or any leading questions or body gestures that could influence her answer to my two questions: "Jaime, do you remember the hike down to the creek? What do you remember seeing?"

"He came up to me," remembered Jaime, "and asked me what I saw. I proceeded to nonchalantly recount what happened, using my hand to show the degree of the angle of his fall and how I saw him come back up in what would be an unnatural way, as if he was bounced back up. I had already accepted that an angel was present that night and had saved his life. Rick was ecstatic, and was in awe of an angel helping in the physical world. I realized, if I was in his place, I would be in awe as well. He felt the push of a hand that was not there. At the angle in which he was falling, he could not have regained control. I also learned that when Rick looked back that night after being saved, he saw a big pointed rock in his path. He surely would've died or been seriously injured and paralyzed from the pointed rock coming in contact with his spine. Wow, I give that angel and all the other protective spirits with us that night an A+. This is when the realization of my soul group started to became more real to me."

Without hesitation, I threw my arms around Jaime, and gave her a huge bear hug and told her that she was my witness and my friend for life. I had found another member of my soul family! I was overjoyed, and Maritza was, too, especially for me, because she knew the agony of my long wait to hear Jaime's recollections. Without waiting, I dragged Jaime and Maritza over to Mollie and Rachel and a few others and shared what I had been keeping mostly bottled up for the last five days. Both Mollie and Rachel were overjoyed to find out about the Angel Catch that I had wanted to share with them since returning to Rachel's house after the ceremony at the creek. There was true electricity in the air as we all began to realize just how special that evening had been. We shared a growing awareness that we were all closely connected in spirit and part of an even bigger, more magical world.

Ian, who was now joining us at the spiritual support group meetings, was moved by the whole Spring Equinox event as well. "I remember the rest of the night went about the same, a gradual opening myself up to a small group of people from drumming and dancing in the moonlight to hiking down to the pond in the moonlight. It was the first time that I felt like I bonded with others over my beliefs and my spirituality and I became rather close with several of them. I went back several times... even though I do not see this particular group as often anymore... Even if I move away and never see Mollie, Jaime, Maritza, Rachel and Rick I will still have my memories and I will remember them fondly. Looking back at this event puts a lot of things in perspective. Not all change and not all seemingly chaotic things are the  end. In fact, more often than not in my life, it is throwing one's self head first into the fray that yields the most life-affirming results. Secondly, strength comes to us all and fears can be overcome. Throughout this whole endeavor I was nervous and unsure. I was out of my element. I overcame that. I was also shy and introverted. I have overcome that as well, as I am sure the rest will attest. Lastly, and probably most aptly, no matter how things may seem, no matter how things may look, I am not alone. There are those behind me that are rooting for me and who, though they do not understand who I am, what I do or why I do it, are here supporting me. That night will always be with me, the things we did and the people I met had an impact on me, as I am sure it had an impact on the others. It is that impact that I carry with me, and with these fundamental truths backing me there is very little that has the means to stop me, wherever my journey takes me next."

Mollie recalled the whole Spring Equinox 2015 gathering as "really, really awesome because it was the first time... we really got to do stuff all together, like our little core group that is sitting here (with me) right now: Rick, Maritza, Jaime and Rachel. Just the sense of knowing that when we do get together to honor the Earth or do something sacred that there really are other energies and spirits that are joining us to do that, and that we're not just blindly doing it alone."

Rachel summed it all up so well: "I think if you come from a place with an open heart, and that you're honoring your ancestors and your loved ones, and you're honoring the Earth, and the Universe feels that you're coming from a place of heart, that magic does happen... Everything about that night was magical. You could feel that our ancestors were there, the spirits were there, our angels were there. It was amazing. And just to kind of keep that in flow, if we can learn how to do that every day of our lives, not just on special occasions. But specifically to remember that as long as we have an open heart and we try to honor ourselves and everybody else, and accept them as they are, and take that with us in our everyday lives that that's the gift, that's the key for me is just take that love, and allow it every day, and then have beautiful, magical things happen all the time!" laughed Rachel, like an angel of joy.



Especially since 2010, I had turned my mental direction in life away from an over-weighted  scientific and intellectual process toward a more balanced approach to my life and my work, when I began again to include my intuitive side and my right-brain, creative side more and more into my self-perspective that I had downplayed during the last decade of intellectual research into the extra-terrestrial phenomena. In wanting to stay firmly grounded in history, facts and documentation for my journalism, I may have temporarily discarded a side of myself in order to satisfy what I perceived would be the demands and deconstruction of my investigations by skeptics of UFO phenomena. After the Loran channelings  in 2010 that were so remarkable, I realized and accepted that I had been stifling myself unnecessarily, and I swore to myself that I would re-direct my energies and awareness away from the nuts and bolts, constraining world view of the skeptics, who I had been trying to placate in my journalistic approach, and now instead re-adopt my natural tendency towards balance, accepting both the scientific approach as well as the intuitive approach in harmony together. And so I began to re-emphasize signs from the universe, dreams, feelings about people and situations, and I allowed myself to notice once again much more around me in terms of synchronicities, serendipities and subtle guidance from beyond the veil. By 2015, I had been practicing my balanced approach for over four years, and so I was completely open to both science when it satisfied my intellect , and messages from the Universe which spoke to my intuition.

As it happened, this Spring Equinox created a real bond between the five of us from the Spring Equinox ceremony: Rachel, Mollie, Jaime, Maritza and I. A week after the spiritual support group, we went to a local spiritual hangout called the Galactic Center to celebrate Rachel's birthday, listening to a new age DJ who played for some talented dancers, gave and received energy healings, danced together, did tarot readings in a beautiful parlor of one of the residents, engaged in all kinds of conversations about astrology and metaphysics, and introduced ourselves to new acquaintances in the parlor, but mostly we just made sure that Rachel felt supported and happy on her birthday. This brought our group even more closely together.

As I talked with Rachel further, I also discovered that she has had an owl experience similar in nature to my experience detailed in my blog, so this further connected me with the members of our Spring Equinox group.

The following Monday, Jaime felt comfortable enough with Maritza and I to visit us at our store on her day off.  The three of us had a really good, long conversation, and Jaime told Morgen, one of our co-workers, about the angel at my back from her point-of-view.

Then, Jaime quietly asked us if she could tell Maritza and I something that might be a little disturbing. I was unworried.  "Go ahead and tell us," I said. Jaime asked me if I knew of a psychic named Brian Fox who had given her a reading a few years ago, shortly before he passed away. Brian had told Jaime in his reading for her that two prominent likelihoods would be that she would become connected to a man named Rick who would help introduce her to teachings, and that crystal skulls would also be involved. "Wow! That's mind-blowing, if true," I thought. She said that I had been the doorway into our group through several key ways: by inviting her to the spiritual support meetings, by giving her the crystal skull postcard several months earlier, and by encouraging her to become more involved with all of us. She also told us that Janet was discovering that she is a chakra healer, and had already successfully worked on Jaime's left foot. I affirmed that the ball of energy that she, Janet, Rachel, Mollie and Kiko had prepared for me during Rachel's birthday party had really helped relieve much of my lower back pain, and that I also believed in Janet's growing abilities.

After several hours, Jaime left our store, but my mind had expanded once again to find that members of our group were pre-destined to meet.

The sharing from Jaime about her reading with Brian made me deeply consider destiny and clairvoyant skills all week. This continuing train of thought over 2015 also led me back to December 2014, at my 52nd birthday when I had turned of age to be considered an elder. Prior to my birthday, that realization that I would be of age to be considered an elder motivated me to get my first reading ever with an astrologer. I wanted a natal chart reading, and so I chose Laura Walker, because I had been following her work so closely on a daily basis since 2012, and I resonated with both her approach and her world view on many levels.  This, of course, is why I have quoted her work throughout this article. In addition to a very generous and illuminating natal chart reading, Laura also shared with me three of my upcoming astrological transits, which I interpret as periods of energetic movements. Because her reading resonated so deeply with me, I transcribed it in its entirety, which was 43 pages long, and I am sharing a section of it within this article because it has significant relevance to what happened to me at the Spring Equinox. When I realized this earlier this year, 2016, as I was transcribing the session, I realized that I had forgotten all about Laura's three transit reports for me, because I had been so focused on understanding my natal chart all throughout 2015. Her reading was so influential on me that I had embarked on a serious study of astrology since her reading in December 2014 to know for myself whether the information that she had given me was accurate and truly valid, which for me, at this point of study, I can affirm does appear accurate, and not a sugar-coated snow job. But my obsession to know for myself turned all my attention to the natal portion of the reading, so that I completely dismissed the transit portion of the reading until I was actual typing it word-by-word to complete my transcript of the session. When I stumbled across the third transit, I was awestruck by its relation to the Angel Catch.

At this point, I will simply let Laura's words speak for themselves, and bear in mind, this was a full three months before the Angel Catch occurred:

Laura: Okay, and I've got something really beautiful to tell you. The last one here. I'm so stoked to tell you this.

Rick: Thanks Laura!

Laura: (chuckles) This one begins February 17th, and it goes until March 16th. That is the Black Moon conjunction to your Pluto! This is fabulous! It brings something very lovely to life to make you happier. And your Pluto is in the Twelfth House, so that would tell me that it's going to be some kind of spiritual blessing, maybe an upgrade of what  you were saying, maybe like a massive kind of upgrade. It's a definite! It's about spirit and consciousness, and expansion into those realms. But it will always bring something to make you more fulfilled, and satisfied and happier!

Rick: I like the sound of that.

Laura: And it may be something beautiful with your relationships, something really nice that happens for you all.

Rick: Ah, that's so nice. Thank you, Laura, that's great news!

Laura: I know! Isn't that cool?!

Rick: Yes. So just struggle through and rest a lot during the period from December 20th to the 23rd of January, and then know that I've got something to look forward to shortly after there.

Laura: Yes, absolutely. And really the transit is, you know, it should be something we look forward to as well, because what it is is a massive leap in consciousness. It can be hard on us because, you know, it takes a toll, because she's really doing... It's basically like a Pluto transit compacted into one month, if you understand what that means.

Rick: Yikes, because that's going on in Capricorn until like 2026 or something.

Laura: Yeah, but like, when somebody has Pluto transiting their planet, it's like two years.

Rick: Oh. I gotcha, okay.

Laura: So it occurs over two years. It just kind of like drags it out. This is bam! In one month.

Rick: Two years in one month. Okay, cool.

Laura: Yeah, that's the ratio of it. So that's the leap in consciousness that comes from this, because she always brings a rebirth at the end.  Your feelings about the spirit and the abandonment and all that stuff: you are going to do massive healing with that, because you are going to start to understand more and more about your purpose.

Rick: My special purpose? [allusion to Steve Martin's "The Jerk"]

Laura: Your special, special purpose.

Rick: (laughs)

Laura: I know, and... and I'm ready to like send the world to you. That's why I want you to get it the way you want it to come, because I don't think you understand so much about what's getting ready to come. (chuckles)

Rick: I think I don't.

Laura: (chuckles)

Rick: You're starting to make me think that something big is on the way... like big big.

Laura: Yes! You are gonna be... if you can face the fear with it, and you will because you would not be completing your mission otherwise. You're going to be just like me, and you're going to face it. You're just gonna keep going. Because it is massive! The power that you will inject, the healing power that you will inject into the collective will ripple out like ribbons, giant banners. The healing power that you have-- and that's why we have to protect it, Rick-- that's why I want you to see it for the precious gift it is, and not to throw pearls before swine, because we've made that mistake.


Yes, Laura was correct: I have been trying to overcome blocks and worries about going public with some of my strange, personal inner world by creating my blog and tackling very deep subjects that are difficult to convey well. And, yes, I do hope that my writing of this article will, over time, help heal many human beings who feel disconnected from the Angelic Kingdom. Here, I want to thank Linda Dillon once again for her channeling work that really helped re-introduce me to this area of higher-dimensional reality, after my longtime rejection of large religious hierarchies and institutions and their leaders. I may have thrown the baby out with the bath water. Linda helped me re-connect with angels, and I began, with an open mind, to ask for their help along with my galactic guides when I was doing healings for people, on the premise that the Angelic Kingdom may actually exist, and within less than two years, a galactic council called The Council For Assistance To Earth introduced me to my leading guide, Archangel Metatron, through another medium, Isis-Neith Shanti.

Since I first began discreetly sharing my Angel Catch experience, I have had several friends who have advised me against going public with this story, and partly because I respect those friends,  I hesitated for a long while, and contemplated what to do. I also have two other friends that I feel close to, elder friends from the Pueblo tribes, one from the Zuni nation and one from the Hopi nation. I have learned that we are at a time in mankind's history where they are no longer holding back in the same way their secret wisdom and teachings any longer. This does not mean they are fully sharing everything openly, but there is a greater openness and sharing by the tribes with the world than ever before, because, for whatever reasons,  many now feel the world needs to know more of what was once held secret.

I believe that we truly are at a point in history where we all need to be more courageous and share openly our private connections to benevolent spiritual beings from the higher planes. I feel that we need to wake each other up, and remember who we are and what a wonderful planet we live upon. And we should respect and love more our beautiful universe of Infinite Creation that we are connected to directly and eternally, without fear of ridicule or reprisals from within our community.

How many hundreds of thousands of people is this kind of thing happening to? Since I've shared the Angel Catch in detail over the last year with several people to whom I feel close, I have already heard of two very similar experiences. The first incident involves an elderly man named Allen who was about to be run over by a speeding oncoming vehicle when two big invisible hands grabbed each shoulder and lifted him off of the road, spun him around one hundred and eighty degrees,  and then set him safely on the sidewalk. I also learned of a second incident where a man named Ray was scaling the side of a cliff along with his wife when the terrain became very treacherous. He slipped off the rock cliff and as he started falling back many feet, and likely to his death, a hand came out of thin air and pressed him back up against the cliff wall until he regained his grip again, and climbed to safety along with his wife.

So why are most people so timid about sharing these miraculous experiences? I think it is fear of ridicule. Yet I believe now, as the planet has become so polluted from greed and fear, more than ever we need to become unconcerned about any ridicule that we may receive, and try to widely share our stories of miraculous events so that we as Earth people can recognize the true nature of the reality we live within, which apparently we share with beings who are not necessarily visible in our reality. No one wants to be labeled crazy, but if we can all understand that this is a repeating phenomena in our reality, we will have a more accurate understanding of the greater reality that we truly live within.

As for me, that's why I am writing this article. I would love to throw pearls before pearls, so that's just what I'm going to do. That is my intention.

In trying to train my mind from denial of self and denial of my own experience, and in order to recognize that we truly do have guides and angels by our side at all times, I have engaged psychic mediums to assist me in connecting with higher, benevolent energies through the perspective of another human being. However, I choose very carefully the human beings whom I will allow to influence my reality and my view of myself and my own experience. Aside from a small circle of wise and loving friends, in the last five years that I have sought information about my experiences outside my inner self and my internal experience for clarification and better understanding, I have carefully chosen only a handful of psychic mediums to consult. Typically, I will follow their output and work for at least two or three years until I feel confident enough with the tone of their work. I must observe their continuous high quality output in the form of written channelings where I can both analyze and feel the qualities of spirit coming through. And whenever possible, I observe their video presentations in which I can watch and listen to the medium, and hear their voice and feel their energies to know whether or not I resonate with their vibrations. As well, with video I can see the medium in action and discern whether or not I feel the genuineness of the  medium, through my observation of their mannerisms, the look in their eyes, their body language, and this helps me to gauge the overall level of integrity which I sense for myself. I vet these psychic mediums who I may potentially allow to influence my life very carefully through mental analysis and emotional and spiritual resonance from a distance, since usually I am not able to connect with them in person and feel their energies face to face. So far, I have found this approach has worked well for me.

Two of the gifted spiritual mediums whom I have been fortunate enough to receive communications from within the last year since the Angel Catch are Isis-Neith Shanti, living in Canada, and Natalie Glasson, living in Great Britain. After enough due diligence and careful consideration, I asked both women to answer  questions specifically about my experience falling down the ravine during the evening of our 2015 Spring Equinox ceremonies and being caught by a Hand of Air. While I choose to keep private a good portion of both answers that spoke directly to my soul path and development, I am including large enough portions to demonstrate that both the psychics that I have asked about the incident have confirmed its greater spiritual reality to me. This has allayed any last miniscule vestiges of self-effacing doubt that I may have had, and helped me to gain enough confidence to go public with all the things that I have gone public with on my blog in the last year, some of which were pretty heavy, especially regarding the Owl Incident and the Loran transcripts.

Now, I feel part of my purpose in this lifetime is to go from a level of timidity about spiritual connectedness to higher-dimensional angelic, galactic and Nature entities, to a point of greater confidence about those connections for all people.

Despite any concerns of ridicule, anger, jealousy, misinterpretation or misrepresentation by others, desire for exploitation by others, or any types of negativity or negative reactions that I may be worried about, I have decided to share because I feel that it may help other average people who have been remaining on the fence about their own personal experiences, and to encourage them to come forward and share more about their connections to higher-dimensional benevolent entities in a more spiritual format, outside of simply a religious context. Connecting with these loving energies is not the exclusive domain of those who are choosing to connect with Source through orthodox religions. These loving higher-dimensional benevolent beings are available to all of us all the time. You don't have to belong to a church to experience angels.

We all have a constant, direct connection to All That Is Love all the time. This is a main point that I wish to get across with this article.

Yes, I'm writing this article from my point of view about what happened to me, but I feel that when any group of people, not just a religious group,  get together with benevolent intentions for a sacred purpose, magic can and does happen. Sacred spiritual connectedness to All That Is can happen for anybody. I am really no different than anybody else. I fart, I get pissed off, I have problems, I am definitely not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, and yet an angelic Hand of Air made itself available to me and saved me from injury in large part, I believe, so our group could continue its humble sacred offering of Love to the Earth, but as well to show me personally of their existence without a doubt, and maybe also so that I could share it all to help inspire others to share their stories, whether within a religion or without, it does not matter. We are all watched over and loved and nurtured from the higher-dimensions of Love. If enough of us can set aside our fears and write about and share our personal stories of high vibration, this will have a huge positive impact on our collective unconscious, and will act as a gateway or portal into a new and better way of looking at our lovely selves and our  lovely planet and our lovely connections to our Universe. I believe the word for this is communion.

So with imperfect modesty, I will share part of the readings here.

Here is part of how Isis-Neith Shanti interpreted what Archangel Metatron was relaying to her in regard to my question. This reading  is from August 26, 2015, five months after the event:

"Metatron is saying that angels are all around you," conveyed Isis-Neith. "Angels are all around you. They're assisting you. They're always with you. This is part of where you get your healing abilities from. So this is part of question two. So of course they are always around you. Of course they are always protecting you. But he's also saying that from the angels you can learn to protect yourself. And when they provide for you, you take from it that you provide for yourself. You are taken care of, true, but he's saying act according to your own desires. And he's saying that there's a group energy. He's saying that this group energy is meant to be there for a time of your life. There's this group energy, maybe even for all of your life... He's saying... that angels have always protected you and guided you your whole life as powerful guides. This is a big part of the reason that you have your healing abilities."

And here is what Natalie Glasson channeled from Saint Germain to me, who answered my question about the Angel Catch. This reading is from May 25, 2016, a little over one year after the event

"Well, your destiny connected to the Angelic Kingdom is very strong and very close. Yes, that was an angelic being that was supporting you. It was not essentially to stop you falling, but to allow you to realize that you are supported. It was a dramatic and influential way of allowing you to realize, to recognize, especially mentally, that you are supported by the Angelic Kingdom, including the archangels. And that they are with you, guiding you forth. It's like a hand that carries and guides you forth. It was to enhance your trust, to allow you to believe whole-heartedly in all that you are. And yes to ignite within you the understanding that there is a destiny, a pathway. It is my feeling, Saint Germain, that this pathway is connected to the divine blueprints that are within your being. And yes you already have the divine blueprint of the Angelic Kingdom. And it is connected to the distribution of these blueprints. Now, whether you focus upon them or not, they will be distributed where they are needed, when they are needed. This process has already begun. A touch, a glance, an expression of healing when someone is unwell. It returns their true blueprint. And what is occurring is that, yes, the Universe of the Creator is uniting. We are recognizing this more and more. The Earth is ready to receive the Universe of the Creator. And by receiving the blueprints of all different civilizations, even Ascended Masters, humanity will feel once more a oneness with All That Is the Universe of the Creator. But there are other pathways as well connected to the Angelic Kingdom: the awakening of the trust vibration in others. Archangel Raphael wishes to bring forth that new healing vibration through you. This will also be the beginning of an expression. Now, working with you as protectors, you have Archangel Metatron before you, Archangel Raphael to your right, you have Archangel Azrael to your left. Archangel Azrael is known as the Angel of Death, but we know that death is the release of old, and the beginning of new transformation, and that is his purpose within your protective team. Then of course behind: Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Hope. These are your protectors, but there are many more. Does this answer your question?"

It does indeed answer my question, and I am deeply grateful to both Natalie and Saint Germain for bringing this through, and deeply grateful to Isis-Neith and Archangel Metatron for bringing the former message through as well.



Part Three: Contemplations



For those five days just afterwards,  and this whole time since the save by the Hand of Air, I have contemplated and contemplated the meanings of the whole evening, and I wish that I had written down all my best thoughts as they were occurring over the last year, but alas, I was not writing most of them down. Still, as I meditate and recall all the details that I can of my thoughts and musings from the last fifteen months, I have been able to dredge up much of what has been going through my mind for this article. I am going to try to coalesce it all into the standard journalistic approach of who, where, when, what, how and why.

You create your own Reality. This is my understanding from the Seth material channeled through Jane Roberts. So if I am the sculptor who is creating his own reality, I certainly was chiseling away excellently this particular evening for such an event to manifest in my life, and to be part of such an awesome series of events that happened to our whole group. I find it so powerful that you can sculpt your own life and your own self into the image of yourself that you want. You don't have to see yourself as you perceive other people see you; you can perceive yourself in the way that feels the truest and healthiest to you, and let other people's opinions of your reality blow away in the wind. "Hu."

For myself, I have come to believe without a doubt in the existence of angels, as a firm reality that I no longer need to debate or prove scientifically. I would be a complete fool if I ever allowed any skeptics to try to persuade me otherwise, because I have without any doubt felt the Hand of an Angel, even  in front of a witness, and my subconscious screamed out this fact so loudly that physically the words were coming  out of my mouth as I was being set back upright. This is a very freeing and liberating experience on a mental level, because it allows me to focus on other explorations. Human lifetimes are relatively short, so by understanding the existence of angels for myself, I can now explore reality beyond this mental and spiritual milepost.

From a mystical point of view, the angels, and likely the higher benevolent galactics, may see me more clearly than I can see myself. They may be able to see me in my imperfect totality, what I have lived and forgotten in my conscious mind, and every thought and action and feeling that I've ever had. They have conscious access to the Akashic Records, and know my past lives, the good and the bad. They know my wishes, and dreams, and hopes and aspirations, and for whatever reason, chose to step in for me during a moment of peril. And since I know that I am far from perfect, this gives me hope for every one of us on the planet, that we could all be as fortunate to have these types of experiences when the angels and galactics feel that it is appropriate to intervene, most likely when our Higher Self also agrees. I don't consciously know the spiritual mechanics of how this all works, but that would make sense to me.

Next, a  hugely important "who" in this event are all the individuals who made up our group that was honoring the Earth. Each of their individual energies and the collective group energy as a whole also created our reality. This was group energy at work as much as it was individual energies. The very act of honoring the Earth that we were all engaged in is likely the most attractive force to bring angels into our midst. I just happened to be the one who, maybe, needed to fall so that I could receive a "demonstration" of angelic existence externally, while others in the group may be so much more spiritually advanced that they did not require an external experience since they had such a wealth of inner experience. Or maybe I just experienced it as a representative for the group awareness.


Before our ceremony and remembrance on May 1, 2016


And, of course, I have wondered about the identity of the angelic being. As I was caught and pushed back up, it felt like a broad, firm, steady, loving hand of air and very much like a giant hand. The parts of the hand that I felt the most were the lower palm where the hand connects to the wrist and the puffy fingers.

Of the very few people comfortable enough to want to carry on an extended conversation with me about my experience, one intuitive friend of mine, Margo,  asked me, "So who and what do you feel is the angel hand that was with you?" I wasn't able to truly and with complete confidence give her the name of the angel or archangel. I do feel that Archangel  Metatron is so closely connected with me that I feel that the "Angel Catch" may have been under his care and oversight, yet not necessarily was He the angelic being who caught me.

In the last two and a half years since I found out that I was connected with Archangel Metatron, I often feel His guidance in relation to much of what happens to me. I do definitely feel that Archangel Metatron and my guides were watching over me that evening, but my gut tells me that it may have been an angel who isn't even well known who actually caught me, just one of the many unsung benevolent angels in the universe that was available to help, which is similar, in a way, to those times when one anonymous human being saves another human's life. As of this moment in time as I write these words, I really don't know for sure which angel caught me. But whatever the case, I do have complete trust that it was a benevolent angelic being, and that is good enough for me; in fact, the more I contemplate this, the better I feel.

According to Loran, who some readers may remember from my previous blog posts, the benevolent galactics have protected me from malevolent extra-terrestrial abduction and tampering, so I feel certain that the benevolent Archangels and angelic beings would be willing to protect someone, too, if there was a need for that person, in this case me, to continue upon a specific destiny path in this lifetime. I suppose that if I had finished whatever work or missions which I had agreed to, prior to incarnating here, that the Angelic Kingdom may have allowed my body to die. If that had been the case, I feel that my spirit and soul would then rejoin fully with my Higher Self in one of the higher dimensions of existence, as I tend to feel may happen once we pass on and one's consciousness goes to rest, review, learn and create between lifetimes.

But since I am alive and well for the time being, apparently I still have life experience and lessons that my guides in their wisdom and awareness know that I need to experience before I transition, and I'm fine with that. Just to be clear with my angelic friends: thanks, and there's no rush!

The question of "where" we gathered is one that I have contemplated, as I theorized that possibly the spot where we were along the creek may be some type of inter-dimensional portal that can allow a higher-dimensional being to come through and, in this case, save me from injury, that can account for the fog that Mollie saw, and that allowed for the materialization of the Native American spirit and wolf spirit that Lukas witnessed. However, upon revisiting the site on May 1, 2016 with members of our group, I found no obvious evidence of "portal energy," comparable to some of the vortex-twisted trees on Cathedral Rock in Sedona. Still, my short exploration was in no way a thorough investigation, nor does the absence of obvious evidence preclude it from being a "portal energy" hotspot.

I have also considered that our group energy which we were creating while honoring the Earth may possibly have been acting as a mobile inter-dimensional portal, via the Law of Attraction, that helped to create a window between dimensions, which more easily allowed the Hand of Air to materialize for me when I needed support as I was falling head first backwards down the ravine.

If group energy and sacred intentions can and do manifest portal energy, then Rachel's sacred circle may now be infused with portal energy, which might account for the strange light in this photograph as we drummed one year later in the circle in honor of Rachel's birthday.


The strange but beautiful light as Nick and Rick and the gang drummed and danced in the sacred circle on Rachel's birthday, April 3, 2016


In regard to "when" these series of metaphysical events occurred, all three within the space of about fifteen minutes or so, I have a number of observations and comments to make that I have considered and contemplated upon over the last year.

Astrologically, the significance has already been summarized in detail earlier in this article.

In terms of the timing of the Angel Catch, I feel that this occurred in order to help us to fulfill the offering to Gaia; if I had become injured, the group would not have been able to fulfill its sacred purpose of making the offering to Earth.

And it is at this point that I wish to make a few comments about  ecology. What would the rest of the benevolent beings in our Galaxy wish for us to do with this precious Earth, honor it or defile it? Clearly, I feel that the benevolent beings  hope we will find a way to manifest balance. We need to creatively find a way to harness power and energy without imperiling ourselves and  the surface of the Earth. I believe that this is also true if we wish to venture into the space beyond the Earth, where benevolent galactic beings may populate. There is a crystal clear imperative in my mind for the human population, at this point in our collective development, to use only clean energy, which has no destructive side effects to living creatures and living planets, especially when coupled with benevolent intentions and actions.

We have been taught and conditioned by negative forces in our midst who profit off of pitting us against each other on all levels to ignore the value in ourselves, our lives and our planet. We must re-educate ourselves to believe in our own self-worth and the value of all others, and we must support each other and our planet Earth.

This is the New Age of recognizing our self-worth in this galaxy, a time to completely release any need for the approval and connection to old, patriarchal and Archontic systems and paradigms of those who had held power over us and our planet for so many thousands of years. Those leaders and systems that continue to try to impose energy produced by destruction will step aside as we light up the planet with our clean, spiritual energies, because the negative beings do not do well in the Light.

As we focus on cleaning up ourselves from the inside out, meaning spiritually and then emotionally, mentally and physically, we generate conscious light that attracts Higher Light and beings of Light that share our wishes for a clean and healthy and Light world. The answer does not lie only in ritual and only in honoring what came before us;  we must honor who we are now and who we are becoming, and all the living beings upon the planet, and the Earth itself.  We must stop exploiting our planet and stop dumping toxic waste from antiquated systems that profit industrialists and corporate capitalists at the expense of all of us and our future,  and expand into truly honoring Gaia's whole ecosystem in very pragmatic ways that once again return balance and good health for all.

So our offering on the Spring Equinox 2015 was more than just a ritual offering to Gaia; it was an offering to the future of ourselves and our planet, and a wish that we may all be blessed with free, clean, fresh water, which tied in with the International Day of Water. This weekend was also very much about letting go of our old ways of being, and I'm sure that this means letting go of the Industrial Age.

We need to let go of our old personas and our old ego wishes and our old desires for fame and fortune, and come together for the future of the planet and all of us on it, so that we have a future free from dangerous radiation and pollution from scientifically-advanced projects that are ecologically out of balance. I feel that the weasel that cut the power to the CERN particle accelerator was guided by Nature, and I feel it is an apt metaphor for us to contemplate.

I feel that we really and truly need to honor the Sacred Feminine and healthy mothering energies again, along with the Sacred Masculine, both in balance and harmony. Because without health and a healthy ecology, we have nothing. We need to protect the Earth from destructive, chaotic, and self-destructive energies, and those same sociopathic energies usually want to be in power over us through government, religion and control positions.

We need to prioritize and to allow our spiritual evolution and ecological evolution to come first, and subsequently, this will bring about cleaned systems filled with Light, but we each need to evolve ourselves from the inside out first and foremost. Solar, wind and Tesla energies are available to us, but need to be released from the control of the corporations back to all the people of Earth. We need a return to balance. The epidemic cancer rates clearly show us that our current energy systems are polluting us, and we need to remove the financial incentive from those that profit off of disease, dirty energy, and environmental chaos. Worshiping science, which has gone mad with greed, is also the issue here: just because you can do something, does not mean that you should do it. Evolution sometimes means self-restraint and greater devotion to spiritual self-awareness. We need to consider the consequences of wreckless "scientific" actions for financial profit that become catastrophic calamities, like Fukushima and the disposal of nuclear power waste continue to be.

So I believe that the Angel Catch also occurred in large part to preserve the positive experience for all the others in our group, along with protecting me. The Angel Catch showed me something powerful about our real reality, and pulled our group more closely together. It was a blessing. And because I love to communicate, I hope this article acts as a blessing for you and yours. I feel that the benevolent higher-dimensional beings are pleased by the sharing of this event, and I truly hope it inspires many of you to break your silence and share more about your personal experiences without fear of ridicule for boasting, bragging, or being considered kooky. Consider the wave of upliftment for humanity if we all began sharing these experiences together in a massive wave. Think of all the Light that we would bring to our planet and our collective consciousness! So I encourage you to gather in groups small and large and create a sacred space of honoring with benevolent intentions, just as so many people within spiritual communities continue to do all the time, attracting more and more higher-dimensional energy into our physical reality, really and truly bringing Heaven to Earth.

"How" these type of events can happen is still quite mysterious, but I feel that one of the most powerful generators for experiences like this is Love. Higher-dimensional beings can and do intervene in our physical reality, and as much as the scientific, intellectual side of me may want, current science does not supply a sufficient explanation for what happened to satisfy me.

The Angelic Kingdom allowed me to know with certainty that they are real, giving my mental side some undeniable confirmation, which I tend to want and feel a need for. The Angel Catch has allowed me to move from faith to certainty, or said another way, from belief to knowing with both heart and mind. So many things in my life have had a strong element of ambiguity, but the Angel Catch is definitive evidence for me that my mind must learn to accept. Now I have absolutely no doubt! This is what finally gave me complete, one hundred per cent trust, because an angel became a physical force in this physical reality to help me.  I have always had tons of faith in All That Is, but not until March 22, 2015 was I gifted with this kind of unequivocal physical confirmation.

There are probably more answers to "why" this happened than I will probably grasp in this lifetime. My first feeling is that it happened simply out of Love, without any further agenda. The Angel Catch has allowed me to feel protected at some level, so that even if I were to suffer injury or when I finally die at some point, my consciousness has already fully accepted a greater reality beyond this Earthly life. In a way, I can relate to stories of people's "near-death" and out-of-body experiences even more, and thus the multi-dimensional realities have grounded into my life with greater impact now. This may or may not mean that I will always be protected, I don't know. But I do know that I have been protected long enough to write this article and testimonial, and that in itself is pretty awesome to me!

To slightly further explore the "why," and what was rolling around in my head a lot during the five days after the Angel Catch, many thoughts about personal destiny, my purpose here, and ideas about past lives, karma and divine law rolled through my mind. I suspect the event also may have occurred to trigger something within me that needed to be ignited. Since that time, I have started trusting myself more and gaining, little by little, a greater confidence in myself. Also, I am sure that part of the reason for the dramatic rescue was to focus upon our ecology, and how we can live on Earth in harmony with our environment and all the living creatures here, made blatantly obvious by all the species die-offs we see occurring, especially with so many marine species dying in such great numbers.  Another reason may include learning to live with the wisdom that angels do exist within our reality, and for me to fully accept this and to pay more attention to my Higher Self. Along with guidance from Archangel Metatron, the Angel Catch also gave me the confidence to release very personal sections of the Loran transcripts, despite my worries and concerns about ridicule and any unforeseen backlash. And I have also considered that maybe the angel saved me, both to see that the group ceremony could come to completion for all, but also to keep me  in school and grounded here. Maybe my destiny here is to keep learning lessons upon lessons for my soul to experience and grow, and maybe that's always the case with all lifetimes.



I do automatic writing, and have done so since Loran first suggested it to me in 2010. Here is the first automatic writing session that I did after the Angel Catch, on April 9, 2015:



You will understand that there are many aspects to how one's destiny unfolds. And there are many times when one may overstep their process of unfoldment, or blossoming. For you to flower in the most healthy manner, you must be patient and wait, and in those days of waiting, each day, practice your meditation. If the responsibilities of your position seem to weigh heavily upon you, then release them to the wind. For they are unreal in the larger Real sense. They are simply parts of your role as you act in this 3D theater.

When you fell, you were trying to safely protect yourself and others on your somewhat perilous journey in the darkness as you moved slowly along down to the creek. You are a protector, and we wish to protect you. There is a considerable amount of protective white light around you at all times, for you are part of a team or ground crew, if you will, here upon this precious planet. You have learned something about destiny recently, and that is that destiny can be a reality for some people who have come into this life with an important purpose. And even if you avoid or delay its unfolding somewhat, your destiny will arrive ultimately at your doorstep, for you were the one who agreed to it before incarnating into this lifetime of yours.

This incident where you fell backwards down the rocky trail, headed for injury, was for the purpose of falling so that we could catch you, and demonstrate to you that besides healing through you, we also can affect your life in very physical ways. And this understanding that you have now gained gives you the experience to know this as truth while you live here on Earth in this your lifetime. You felt the hand at your back as a soft but strong hand of air, but which was substantial enough that you could know it was a physical phenomena.  And while humans often attribute powers over the physical to poltergeists and unloving spirits, know also that there are many much more powerful and loving spirits who perform actions of protection for humankind every moment of every day on your Earth.

This event of falling toward injury, being gently caught, and being stood back upright has increased your faith in us, and in your destiny, but it has also increased the awareness of us for those around you who have come to learn of this event. Thereby, your event is lifting all of you up into a higher level of grace and awareness, and hopefully increases levels of faith and trust. Additionally, it may help those who learn of this actual real event to reconnect with their inner selves, their guides and in so doing, remember more of who they really are, and the greater unseen realms with which they are intimately connected.

This event happened to you as part of a larger group honoring the Earth and putting out your intentions to send love around the planet through the blessed, sacred waters you shared back to your Earth. At that moment, you were acting to protect others in your group: this was a group event, created by coming together as a group with high intentions, and this event manifested for the benefit of the whole group, as a microcosm of all of humanity on your planet. This protection of sacred intenders is symbolic of what we are doing here in and around your planet at all times of the day and night, for it is our intention to continue to assist in the benevolent upliftment of all of you as a whole group, and your whole world. May your heart understand this message and rejoice.

With all our love,

Your guides



As I was constructing this article, I felt the desire to try to poetically channel once again, not having done so since early November 2015. After reclaiming my meditation spot by strengthening it with a more solid frame, I tried once again after half a year to try to clairaudiently listen to my guides and specifically Archangel Metatron, for this channeling.



Angels and archangels are in your midst. We are here for you to see when you can finally stop ignoring us. You must stop hurting yourselves. This has much to do with greed and technological obsession, for these are distractions from your true inner Selves. We come in Peace and Love to bring you awareness about yourselves. You are worthy of saving yourselves, you are worthy of living, and you are worthy of loving. The Universal Source of Life and Love rests within the heart chakra of each and every one of you. You all have something vital to give to the universe if you can learn to refrain from willfully hurting yourselves and hating yourselves. Have you considered your connection to the Earth lately? How are you personally interacting with the water, the land, the air, and sunlight? What do you feel when you look at the Moon and the stars?  When was the last time that you considered yourself in relation to the Earth, to the Moon, and to the stars for longer than you think about your job, your appearance and your money? Which should have more lasting value to your heart chakra?

Your heart is the center of your consciousness. Your brain is just a tool, and that tool can be manipulated, but your heart is pure with innate wisdom and connection to the Universal Source. Do you trust your intellect more because it tells you to, or can you spend time listening to what your heart has been trying to share with you? We come to remind you to listen to your heart more than your intellect, and in this way, we come to bring Heaven to Earth. Your angel fall and catch was to liberate you from the constricts of your mind, that keeps you bound in an endless search for scientific solution to the mysteries of the universe, and the power that you wish to wield. But the greatest power is that which is less used. The greatest power is in simply being love, both giving and receiving to yourself and to all others, which are not truly others for we are all of One. Your mind has had a hard time grasping this because it is a tool much used for differentiation in order to experience physicality. But your heart is much superior for it knows no discrimination in that sense of separation and judgment, for it is powered by the Universal Source and Infinite Consciousness, and is your connection to your Higher Self. But you block that connection with your over-dependence on your mind.

The Angel Fall was an illustration to you that your mind is not capable of fully comprehending all the circumstances, implications and ramifications of acts within your physical reality, which science tries in vain to master. There is a level of mastery far beyond science, and this is the level of mastery of the heart chakra, which can accept that there is a consciousness that is collectively greater than its own individual mentality, and that this consciousness is of heart and spirit and not simply of the mind. In order to attain true power, you must relinquish the imbalance of focusing only on your mental and ego self, and explore the broader more inclusive spectrum that your heart chakra is gateway to. For once you have contemplated long enough, you can arrive at the conclusion that Love and only Love is the Source and Power of all creation, for without it life does not continue to exist, but instead destroys itself. And when you turn outward and only to the external, and forget to spend your seconds and minutes and years in this earthly suit by looking deep, deep within, you find yourself focused on whatever external thoughts and programming tells you to think what your life should be. Your life should only be the reality that you yourself choose to create, not based on anything that anyone else or any external source says you should be. And if that voice within you tells you anything but to focus on Love, you know that you still have not fully connected to the Voice of your heart chakra, for your Heart, at its core, is where your Higher Self resides, and knows only the Love of the Creator, and knows that all else in physical reality is simply an illusion if we look at it and see anything else but Love.

This does not mean that you cannot feel various emotions other than love, but know within your heart that those other emotions are simply only fragments of the totality of the Love consciousness, and while they are whole in the sense that everything is of Love and Source, the mind can begin to see them as separate and begin to fool you into a separation mentality, for that is what the brain is designed to do: to compartmentalize, discern and make distinctions in order for one to operate in a physical universe. Yet, remember, just as you have experienced some multi-dimensional events, you can now know with certainty both within your heart and your mind, that truly there are earthly interactions with beings of a multi-dimensional nature, and that all of you as human beings are of multi-dimensional nature too, and can access that greater reality through your heart. This is where the core of your Higher Self resides, this is energy that is scientifically measurable that radiates out from yourself to the rest of the universe, and the primary source in which the universe radiates back into you for you to receive.

And we responded to your heart's cry for assistance as you fell, for time does not limit us nor does space for we are fully multi-dimensional and conscious of our nature and connection with Universal Source, just as all of you are gradually becoming fully aware of on Earth. Many more types of incidents such as the one you experienced with the Angel Catch will be coming into your collective awareness, as the people of Earth begin to surmount their fear of blending science and spirituality, mind and heart, discrimination and integration, and arrive daily at a greater and greater balance with the nature of their cosmos and their place within it. For you know within your heart that you are neither special nor un-special but that all are special and cherished and loved. And as the vibration of this is acknowledged and transmitted silently or otherwise, you and all on your planet will bring Heaven to Earth, will bring the mental plane into balance with all the planes of the universe and the completeness of Love. For as you all begin to love yourselves more and cherish your differences knowing that you are all in reality of the same stuff, which is particles of the Source in the form of conscious loving Light and Sound, yet in the greater reality of both form and non-form, existence and potentiality, as you begin to feel, and this most important, this word feel, as you begin to feel this Love and connectedness to all things multi-universal and multi-dimensional, you collectively create that reality and Heaven comes to Earth, just like your big strong, soft Angel Hand.

We love you all eternally, for you are us, and we are you, your angels and soul family. Blessings to All.


With Endless Love,

Archangel Metatron



And on the morning just after I finished writing this article, I sat down and did what I had been waiting to do for over two years: I tried channeling Mother Earth once again.



Hear me my children, for I call to you now, this day of grace. Celebrate not war upon me, for that is not my purpose. I came into existence as a space for you to reconstruct lost love.  I came into form so that you would have the space to learn to love again. For you have lived many lifetimes throughout the universe, and have been saddened by war, wars in other galaxies, wars in other times, and wars within your very own being. When I was called upon by All That Is, I accepted to release the form I had and incarnate here on the rim of this galaxy to be a space where beings like yourselves could incarnate to expunge your pain and cleanse your souls. I materialized for you a home of beauty that would reflect the truth of your souls. Incarnated as a planet, I provide you with the elements to take physical form to house your spirit while you each rediscover the love that you are.  This is a place where the chaos in your minds, confused by the deception of separation, can be cleansed, that your souls may be nurtured back to health and reintegration with your highest Self, which is one with Source. I provide you with the space and materials for these soul opportunities.

For you all come from very different realms but have gathered here on my being, your planet Earth, Gaia to some, to recognize the folly of separation, and the illusion that it is. And you have masterfully allowed the chaos to consume your minds in order to visualize the worst things that you can do to both your inner and outer worlds, to paint a picture of what you really do not want. You have done this to see for yourselves in physical reality what things can look like if you choose not to get along, as happened with Maldek, now the asteroid belt, and has happened too many times throughout the aeons upon aeons of material existence. But your dream in calling to Source to call me into form to paint this picture was a much higher dream and vision, for you all, from various parts of the universe, formed a dream of a planet taken to the brink of destruction, only to be miraculously cherished and loved once again back into health, to create a blueprint for the universe of the consciousness necessary to achieve reintegration from separation, to bring the wholeness of Love back into form on a planetary scale, so that other systems and beings throughout the universe could learn from and see how to materialize peace and harmony and abundance even among the most dire of circumstances, and the most seemingly hopeless of situations. You are creating a blueprint for the cosmos of how to turn war into peace, hate into love, and annihilation into paradise. For that is your destiny, and that is why billions of your souls from many different worlds, and galaxies and dimensions of reality have come together on the shores of my body Earth to fulfill your destiny.

I come today through this poetry to remind you of your calling to awaken to the beauty of each other and the miracle of your gathering here upon me, your Mother Earth. For I am a special being with a special promise from the Creator, which is a destiny to help unite the galaxy and the universe in peace once again. For none have seen the depths of illusion such as you have here, and so nobly and valiantly brought yourselves back into fuller and more awakened consciousness. For you are brave, brave souls, dear ones, my children, for you have answered the call of the universe and assembled here now to release those fears that each of you have carried for your ancestors from all parts of this galaxy and beyond, and allow the spirit of Oneness and harmony to be born and brought into existence as a blueprint for the cosmos, here upon your Mother Earth. Together, we are birthing an understanding of how to release the mind's illusion of separation and bring forth the heart's certainty of Oneness with All, to be shared with civilizations throughout the cosmos, for each of you are a representative of all those different civilizations, having come from there in past and future lives, to share this moment of Now, as you reconstruct harmony from chaos. And the message that I also bring is that my brother and sister planets from across the universe have sent their children here as well in all forms, and they surround and penetrate my body, your Earth, and their consciousness is here with you today, singing great songs of joy and reunification, a homecoming of souls from throughout time and space, a family reunion of the greatest magnitude. When you meditate and listen, you may hear them calling to you, and those of you gifted with special sight may see them appearing in Love and Joy more and more as you all collectively awaken to your bright future in Love and Union. So Rejoice, for I your Mother Earth, bring you great tidings of joy. Promise me that you will try to dream of peace and abundance for all once again, so that it may be so. For where you put your intentions is where you materialize your reality. And if you choose, you may Now materialize Heaven Upon Earth.

Live upon my body in Joy, my children.


With Utmost Love and Caring,

Your Mother Earth




So there you have it. Certainly one of the very most important events for me in my lifetime, and on a mental level, maybe the most important. Throughout this time since the Angel Catch, I have felt tremendous support and unconditional love from my wife Maritza and our soul family, Jaime, Mollie and Rachel. I also want to thank my best friend Dan, who has always believed in me and supported me during my wild explorations into the fringes of reality. I want to thank my friends Ingrid, Bruce and Margo who have lent a patient ear to my long-winded stories before and since the Angel Catch. I also want to thank all the mediums whose channelings I have so benefitted from in relation to my journey, and specifically Jane, Cathy, Isis-Neith, Blossom, Natalie, Fran, Marlene, Meline, and the Golden Age of Gaia team, especially Linda, Suzanne and Steve. I want to thank Laura and Andrew of the Oracle Report. I want to thank every person who went to Rachel's Spring Equinox 2015 Gathering, including Elda, "Janet," Ian, Nick, Kaleb, Lukas and Stacey.  And I want to thank you, dear reader, for reading thus far and keeping an open mind. Lastly, I want to thank everyone that I have forgotten to thank, and I reserve the right to add to this section of the article (as I remember to thank who I may have forgotten to thank.) I hope that this article in some way greatly benefits all of us. To all the benevolent soul families throughout the universe: Peace, Love and Harmony!

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