Infinite Are You

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 01/04/2016 - 08:21

God said:

In all the world, there is you, and there is I.
To you, it is as if We hang in space, and yet you have well-heard that space does not exist. Nor do you quite catch on to timelessness when your life, as you know it, is fraught with time. There is no space in which you wish to accumulate and no time which you must hurry or pause hurry in or pace.
What you really want is Infinity. Well, you have it already although Infinity can’t exactly be had. You want to know Infinity. You want Incredible Infinity as if it were in the palm of your hand. Yet Infinity cannot be in the palm of your hand, nor is Infinity vague. It is very real. Infinity is the Real, yet, of course, My children have confused the concrete and taken the impermanent as real whereas Infinity is eternal and the only real.

Daily Message ~ Monday January 4, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 01/04/2016 - 07:20

If you are wishing to manifest a divine love partnership, one of the most helpful things you can do is to acknowledge that person already exists and then incorporate them into your life energetically. Meditate and ask to connect with that person. Feel their energy. Try not to force them into being anyone specific, just concentrate on how they feel loving and wonderful. If you are having trouble not attaching to how they look, simply imagine them standing behind you, holding you in their arms lovingly.

When you go to bed, imagine curling up with your beloved. When you wake up, say good morning to them energetically. Send them love and encouragement throughout the day.

This technique works very well because it allows you to experience for yourself that the one you seek is out there. Then, by starting to nurture the relationship energetically, you are making the choice to be love, to hold the energy of what you desire, which then activates the manifestation process. It is a beautiful, effective tool that anyone can use, very easily, that will powerfully allow you to shift your focus onto the connection that already exists, rather than the lack of love in your life, which can then only draw it to you in physical form. ~Archangel Gabriel

5 Signs 2016 Is The Year Of Consciousness

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 01/03/2016 - 16:33

by Christine Horner, Collective Evolution

If you limit yourself to viewing corporate news outlets, you would never know humanity is becoming healthier, stronger, and more informed. Societal constraints bound by fear are losing their grip to rising optimism and the forces of evolution.

What coalesced as a paradigm shift in “entitled” Millennials is exploding as first-wave TransGenerationals (Generation Z) graduate high school. Looking out at the world as if they’ve seen it all before, the new attitude is, “I’m changing so fast, I dare you to try and define me.”

And they’re right. TransGens are asking themselves and each other “why” instead of parents and authority figures. Could we be witnessing a fractal leap in consciousness as we hit critical mass known as the 100th monkey effect?

Another Interesting Leak: A Second NASA Scientist Tells Us That ‘Somebody Else’ Is On The Moon

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 01/03/2016 - 15:20

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

We live in a strange world, and as Neil Armstrong once said, there are “great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of the truth’s protective layers.” (source) (source)

Fast forward to today, and a number of people have become aware of the fact that not all of what goes on behind the scenes is made public. This is precisely why the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) was created; it’s a federal freedom of information law that allows for the full or partial disclosure of previously unreleased information and documents controlled by the United States government.

There are still many obstacles in the way of full transparency, one of which is the use of ‘national security’ to keep information classified and hidden from public viewing. This has become more evident with the revelations of WikiLeaks and Edward Snowden, but the problem goes deeper still. Did you know that the U.S government classifies roughly five hundred million pages of documents every single year? This is a completely separate topic in itself and if you’re interested in learning more about this, you can check out our article about the ‘Black Budget.’

Day 228: No Problem!

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 01/03/2016 - 10:41

Relax and get into a quiet state of mind. State clearly a problem you wish to resolve. Your mind will fill with ideas, possible solutions, steps to take and perhaps things you need to change in your life that have exacerbated this problem.

As objectively as you can, without judging yourself or another, realize your role in this situation. If you are holding on to feelings of being a victim or needing an apology from another, release these feelings at this time.

The goal is to move forward with love and kindness. Bless the situation, for it gave you an opportunity to experience growth in your life. Send the person love, even if you have not released the anger or frustration you feel towards them. Surround them with love, encasing yourself with them in a bubble of golden light. By doing so, they will receive your love and it will help to keep walls between you from getting denser.

What Happens When People Meditate For The First Time?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 01/03/2016 - 09:42

Source: | Original Post Date: July 1, 2015 –

There have been numerous studies detailing what happens to the brain in long-term meditators, but what exactly happens to people who meditate for the first time?

Sara Lazar, a Harvard researcher, has gained quite some notoriety detailing how the brain actually grows grey matter when people meditate. Other studies have shown that meditation improves IQ, and lessens depression. In addition to these benefits, meditation also:

  • Reduces alcohol and substance consumption, reduces blood pressure (Chiesa, 2009),
  • Decreases anxiety, depressive symptoms, and relapses (Coelho, Canter, & Ernst, 2007; Kim et al., 2009)
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5 Signs That You’re Outgrowing Yourself

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 01/03/2016 - 09:41

Source: | Original Post Date: June 3, 2015 –

“Every step forward means tearing oneself lose from the maternal womb of unconsciousness in which the mass of men dwells.”Carl Jung, The Spiritual Problem of Modern Man

On the journey of life, many of the blessings that steer you towards the right path, and keep you on that path, often appear at first as personal crises. A challenge to your well-being is precisely what it takes to catalyze lasting and meaningful personal transformation, and you must awaken and overcome, facing the worst of yourself in order to discover the better version of yourself in waiting.

When I experienced this personally many years ago, the crises in my life stacked up and became utterly impossible to ignore or cover up. Life slowed down to a suffocating pace while I grasped for direction and meaning. Happiness was a daydream. My fantastic corporate job, my good marriage, my friends, and all of my possessions were meaningless, and at every turn the world looked dark and unforgiving. Life sucked… to be more succinct.

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