A Page You Turn

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 01/06/2016 - 21:20

God said:

If you no longer hold onto emotional and stymied memories from the past, what then will your life be like? What will you be then? What will you be done with?
In this scenario, you will know your name. You will know all the things you need to know – where you live, where you work, the skills you have learned, and where your heart is. What will your life be like when you no longer try to relive your life again and again like a chant?
Your emotional pain will no longer exist! Ah, there will be no mourning the past. You will love. You will be aware of all the hearts that are no longer on Earth. It is your attachment that will leave. Love will stay, yet your sense of loss and need will go.
You will have joy. You will have sweetness instead the hurt that loved ones are no longer present in your life. You will smile at thoughts of loved ones rather than cry.

Pervasive Conformity and Its Influence on Earth Culture

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 01/06/2016 - 16:38

Jon Rappoport, Guest
Waking Times

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

People assume that the culture of Earth is normal and understandable. Even critics harbor this opinion.

“Well, even though massive conformity isn’t desirable, we can see why people embrace it…”


Examine the annals of science fiction; even there, the majority of ET cultures in the literature exhibit conformity to norms. That’s how far the assumption goes.

Culturally speaking, what is conformity? It’s the passing of an idea through many hands and minds, rendering it lifeless and limp, drained of vitality. What these minds are accepting becomes a dead habit, a series of empty gestures.

That’s the fundamental of Earth Culture. Everywhere on the planet.


Examine the annals of science fiction; even there, the majority of ET cultures in the literature exhibit conformity to norms. That’s how far the assumption goes.

Read more... (wakingtimes.com)

How To Be A Wizard & Why We All Have The Potential To Be One

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 01/06/2016 - 16:30

by Peter Russell, Collective Evolution

A wizard allows synchronicity to manifest.

We cannot make synchronicities happen. It is in their very nature to occur “by coincidence.” We cannot control or manipulate the world in order to create synchronicities—their source is not of this world. Yet we can encourage their appearance; we can open ourselves to them.

A wizard opens to synchronicity by following three basic principles.

The first principle is that of wholeness. The more rested I am, the more relaxed my mind and body, the more in touch I am with my self, the more free I feel, the easier my soul, the more whole I am. And the more whole I am, the more synchronicity seems to occur. Conversely, when I am out of balance, tired, stressed, frazzled, wrapped up in concern or in some other way off center, synchronicity does not manifest nearly so abundantly.

A wizard allows inner wholeness to be a priority. A wizard keeps rested, relaxed, centered and clear.

Day 231 Light Hearted Day

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 01/06/2016 - 15:34

There is much work for you to do in your inner and outer world, yet many of you forget to take time to enjoy the day.

We encourage you to pay attention to the words you speak and the choices you make.

Remember to smile, to notice the beauty in Nature and to keep your thoughts focused on your desires. Choose things that bring joy to your heart.

Laugh out loud.

Do “a bun dance.”

Focus on what you want in your life and let all other thoughts simply waft past you. Selamet!  Chuen 10, Day 231

Physicians In France Join Growing List Of Doctors Who Question Vaccine Safety: Mainstream Media Blackout

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 01/06/2016 - 09:23

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

There have been a number of articles floating around the internet claiming that France is opting out of vaccines. I could not find a credible source to back up this information, however, and from what I’ve examined, it does not seem to hold true. There is, nevertheless a demonstrably harsh resistance to vaccines among the general population and a significant portion of their doctors, as noted in a recent study published in 2015 that goes into more detail.

Before going into detail about France and vaccines, it’s important to note the following prior to reading:

Questioning vaccine safety can be met with sharp criticism in return, despite the fact that a number of countries have a very limited vaccine schedule compared to the Western world. Critics also seem to ignore the fact that many scientists and doctors around the world are presenting information and publishing papers (in reputable, peer-reviewed journals) which outline the science behind these concerns. On the other hand, we have a number of doctors and scientists publishing papers in the same journals which completely support the mass administration of vaccines. It remains a divisive issue to be sure.

Government Chemist Tampered With 40,000 Cases, Locking Countless Innocent Americans In Prison

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 01/06/2016 - 08:51

UPDATE 1/3/16 – Multiple Victims Don’t Know They Were Affected by the Fake Lab Results

Years after government chemist Annie Dookhan faked evidence against thousands of Americans, there is still a long trail of lives she destroyed, and the government is evidently not cleaning up the mess.

Disturbingly, there are still numerous innocent people locked in prison, and they might not have any idea that it was Annie Dookhan who brought about the horrible fate they now face, day after day, year after year, stuck there with no hope of getting out.

Imagine being locked in a cell and knowing you’re innocent. Imagine how you’d feel as you watch the prime years of your life taken away from you — all because of a vicious government chemist, along with the low-IQ cops who willingly enforce the corrupt “war on drugs.”

Read more... (collectivelyconscious.net)

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