The Science Of Joy & How To Create It: Study Finds We Are “Hard Wired” To Give

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 01/09/2016 - 15:47

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Happiness. It’s a loaded word. We are constantly trying to understand it so that we can incorporate it into our lives. We try to define our happiness by all the little things that make up our existence. Does our appearance make us happy? Does our health make us happy? Do we feel fulfilled enough in our jobs to feel happy? Are we in love? Do we have a family? Do these things determine our happiness radar, too? And then, once we mull over these things, we measure just how much each aspect of our lives makes us happy. And then we question if we could be happier. It’s a strange and vicious cycle that, ultimately, has you asking many more questions than simply living from a place of peace.

And then, of course, there’s the day-to-day things that give us bursts of immediate happiness. They are so different for each person. It could be as trivial as a bite of chocolate; as easy as curling up on the couch for a movie. Perhaps it’s stepping out for a long and indulgent run, rain or shine, the fresh air smacking you in the face as your blood pumps rapidly throughout your body. Happiness, as we know it, seems like something internal. Until now.

Study Shows Exposure to Animals in Early Childhood Supports Immune Development

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 01/09/2016 - 15:45

By Christina Lavers
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Is Urban Living Making Us Sick? 

The last century, especially the last several decades, has seen a steep rise in levels of allergies, asthma and auto-immune disorders. What is interesting is that statistical analysis shows that typically these conditions are more prevalent in developed nations than in developing countries, and when families migrate from a developing country with a low incidence rate to a developed one with a high incidence rate, it only takes one generation for the conditions to present.

A recent study from the University of Eastern Finland suggests that exposure to farm animals in early childhood may play an important role in the development of a healthy immune system, specifically in regards to the role of dendritic cells and cytokine production. Dendritic cells are messengers that present antigens to other cells to elicit an immunological response. Via this mechanism they regulate cytokine (messenger protein) production, adaptive immune system response, and are essential for the establishment of immunological memory.

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Experts Claim Passion for Eating Healthy Has Become a Mental Disorder

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 01/09/2016 - 09:50

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times

When you finally realize that mainstream food companies are basically selling us food full of chemicals and devout of nutrients, you may, like many others, start to become a little fanatic about reading ingredients lists, seeking out GMO-free products, supplementing with superfoods, and actually paying attention to what goes into your body.

Well, guess what? Now, you suddenly may have a mental disorder, at least according to scientists at the University of Northern Colorado who conducted a case study about the obsession of eating healthy. This new eating disorder is called orthorexia nervosa (ON) and is said to be driven by a fear of being unhealthy and disgust for low-quality food.

“Orthorexia nervosa (ON) is a term introduced to describe a condition characterized by a pathologic obsession for bio-logically pure and healthy nutrition.” ~Ryan M. Moroze, MD. et al [1]


Submitted by AstroEyes on Sat, 01/09/2016 - 09:40

AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology -

Cathy Lindsey

As we say good-by to 2015….and look towards 2016……it is time to think back on how far you have come in the year of 2015…..and where you would like to be at the end of 2016. The year 2016….it isn’t over yet! This is a year to get your “Ducks in a Row.” It is time to get down to business. It is the time to get unfinished business sorted out and things in order. What are your goals? What new realities are you co-creating? What kind of future, what kind of world are you looking forward to living in? Now is the time! This is the last year that we will have the full energies of the Cardinal Square……to help push us, and guide us….and give us the ability and power to co-create our own reality….to co-create the “New.” Even though since 2010…some of the “help” from the Cardinal Square has been harsh…chaotic…transformative…with many changes…having to let go of people, places and things that are not vibrating where we are vibrating….things have been put right in our faces….right in our faces….so we couldn’t avoid them and we had to deal with them! Those changes and transformations have helped us move forward, transform and evolve.…even if we don’t see it right away. Next year the Cardinal Square starts to pull away…..when Pluto and Uranus are no longer in the Cardinal Square…..we will then…… be on our own.

The History & Healing Powers Of Aromatherapy

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 01/09/2016 - 09:33

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

In today’s world, there are so many avenues presented to us to help us heal — whether it’s physical, mental, or spiritual. And while a trip to a doctor is among one of the first things that comes to mind in terms of understanding your symptoms and then treating them, there’s something incredibly powerful about alternative methods that have been around for centuries. Long before we were given the ability to swallow a simple pill, there was aromatherapy.

What Is Aromatherapy?

According to The National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy, it is “the art and science of utilizing naturally extracted aromatic essences from plants to balance, harmonize and promote the health of body, mind and spirit.” In other words, with the use of essential oils from plants, aromatherapy’s purpose is to heal. The essential oils can be extracted from a variety of things, whether it be flowers, seeds, barks, herbs, or roots.

Day 234: Which piece are you?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 01/09/2016 - 09:31

Visualize a box filled with puzzle pieces, on the cover of the box is a beautiful scenic view of people going about their day in a quaint hillside town. Open the box and spread the pieces on a table. See yourself as being one piece of the puzzle, unique from the rest in color and design. As the pieces begin to fall into place, the scenic view begins to emerge.

Once the pieces are all in place, take time to enjoy the image. Then see the lines separating the puzzle pieces melding into one another. Notice how the picture is much more attractive when there are no lines of demarcation. Now see the picture come alive, with you being one of the people in the photograph.

This is how we see your plane of existence. The box is the Earth that has specific rules or parameters. In the box are myriads of people and opportunities. Each is unique, yet one part of the whole. When the individual pieces begin to unite, the full picture begins to emerge. Once united, a new life begins, beautiful, complete and whole.

New Moon In Capricorn: Cultivating Excellence

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 01/09/2016 - 09:26

A New Moon in Capricorn is occurring on the heels of Mercury retrograding in the same sign. It will occur at 1:30am Universal Time on January 10th, which works out to be January 9th everywhere west of Europe (click here for your time zone). This is the beginning of the 29.5 day Lunar cycle that will last until February 8th, when the next New Moon will occur in Aquarius.

New Moons mark new beginnings in specific areas of our lives. This is based on what sign they are in (Capricorn in this case), what aspects they are making with other planets, and how they are interacting with your astrology chart based on your birth time. Also, if you do New Moon intentions, this can also influence how the moon cycle works for you.

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