Day 229: Come Together

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 01/04/2016 - 18:02

There is nothing you cannot accomplish when you are working together. Continue to network and stay in communication with those you meet. Join together, supporting each other as needs arise. Comfort those who have fallen. Feed the hungry by teaching them to grow their own food. Share your wealth, that which you have accumulated through the years: your wisdom, knowledge, material gains and food resources.

Teach each other how to heal your inner wounds through prayer and meditation.
Teach each other how to heal your outer wounds through herbs, not medication.

Take time to dream your highest dream. What will it take to leave the unsatisfying chores of this day? What do you desire to do with your time? How can you be more kind, compassionate and loving? Be responsible for the raising of the children and caring of the elderly, for they are your past and future. Come together and begin changing your mindset, knowing that together you are One. Dream big for all is attainable!  Muluc 8

You Are Invited….

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 01/04/2016 - 13:25

Do you desire to have more peace in your life?
Are you ready to change the things you can’t seem to change?
Do you need help with your relationship?
Are you perpetuating self-sabotage and/or destructive patterns?
Do you need some guidance in choosing the most productive path for your life?

You are invited to start 2016 with a clean slate and make this your ideal year!
Costs are as follows:
$60 for an hour
$45 for a half hour
$30 for a two question e-mail reading
Space will fill quickly so book soon!
Please contact me here or at

18,600,000 Vacant Homes In The United States – Enough For Every Homeless Person To Have Six!

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 01/04/2016 - 11:01

Source: | Original Post Date: January 3, 2012 –

The National Economic and Social Rights Initiative along with Amnesty International are asking the U.S. to step up its efforts to address the foreclosure crisis, including by giving serious consideration to the growing call for a foreclosure moratorium and other forms of relief for those at risk, and establishing a housing finance system that fulfills human rights obligations.

New government census reports have revealed disturbing information that details the cold, hard numbers of Americans who have been deeply affected by the state of our economy, and bank foreclosure practices:

In the last few days, the U.S. government census figures have revealed that 1 in 2 Americans have fallen into poverty or are struggling to live on low incomes. And we know that the financial hardships faced by our neighbors, colleagues, and others in our communities will be all the more acutely felt over the holiday season.

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A Moment Away

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 01/04/2016 - 09:10

The space between: what you are and what you are to become, what you have and what you will receive, how you think and what you will think in the future is all just a moment away. Be comfortable with the resting spot you’ve chosen. The upward progression of the soul need not be fraught with slings and arrows. It is, after all, only thought. ~ Creator

Self Discovery – The Key to Real Education

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 01/04/2016 - 09:04

By Will Stanton
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

What if kids knew themselves – I mean really knew themselves?

Ask the average school leaver who they are at the core of their being and they’ll likely say they haven’t the faintest clue. Heck, ask me eight years ago when I was in my final year of high school and I’d have shrugged my shoulders too. I, like many others I’ve spoken to, didn’t find myself until after I’d run the school gauntlet.

Why is it that so many kids go through over a decade of ‘education’, yet come out the other end without a sense of who they truly are? Surely, the education system hasn’t done its job. Or, perhaps, the education system was never geared at helping children learn who they are. If that is the case, as I daresay it is, what a tragedy…

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Recent Studies Find Cannabis Highly Effective Against Depression, PTSD

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 01/04/2016 - 09:01

Steven Maxwell, Contributor
Waking Times

Recent scientific studies regarding the use of cannabis (marijuana) and its healing powers are further disproving the government’s biased and inaccurate stance against its medical use. The government refers to marijuana as a “gateway” drug to harder substances and schedules it along side them even though it has proven to be safer than alcohol.

Taking these claims into consideration, scientists across the country have taken it upon themselves to research the chemical makeup of marijuana and prove to the public the benefits that it holds. Through the research of endocannabinoids, a stress-regulating chemical found in the brain that is also found in marijuana, scientists are producing evidence to prove that marijuana usage could benefit those who suffer from depression.

Fear Drives Hesitation; Detach from Both Today

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 01/04/2016 - 08:32


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

I’ve been thinking a lot about hesitation, an important topic for anyone who’s discovered their life purpose. I notice that while I enjoy writing, music, meditation and other things, I sometimes resist them.

It’s easier to get distracted than sit at the computer and write or edit a document, and the commitment that comes with living with purpose will challenge us.

I’ve been wondering what drives hesitation, procrastination and other qualities that impede a life of purpose, and the best answer I can come up with is fear. Fear keeps us from the things we need the most in life, and if we can become aware of how it hinders the creative drive, we can take the first step to resolving it.

In order to do so, we have to look out for any fear or hesitation that surface during the creative process. We have to question if our commitment is strong enough to stop giving in to fear, and if the answer is yes, it should be easy to find the strength to keep moving.

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