The Only Intention You Need For The Upcoming Year

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 12/30/2015 - 11:51

Ahhh, New Years. The time of year when people take stock of where they are, set an intention/resolution, and swear that this time things will be different. Sound familiar? 

"This will be the year when I:

a) Get in shape/healthy/laid

b) Give up smoking/alcohol/gluten

c) Find the perfect job/partner/cheesecake recipe"

And while all those are desirable changes, they don’t really matter.

Hear me out. I’m all for making changes, growing, and creating a life you love. But chances are that what you’re truly seeking won’t come from a number on a scale or in your bank account. And that’s because the goal of every goal is happiness.

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Gratitude Attitude

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 12/30/2015 - 11:45

There is no other thing more important on Earth than to become aware of your Spiritual Essence. Once you have enlightened your Self, your ability to love from a pure heart will exponentially increase.

Once you are aware of who you are and have worked through the fears and belief codes that keep you from allowing love of Self and love from Source to flow through you, your ability to be a role model for others on their Path will exponentially increase.

We are here to offer our support and encourage you each day to tell yourself how much you love you, to feel the love from Source and to extend love to all other Beings.

Be grateful for each experience, for each breath you take. Feel joy in every moment and every step you make. 

Repressions Within The Subconscious Mind and Their Impact on Your Life

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 12/30/2015 - 11:10
Do you suffer from anxiety, fear, shame, guilt, sadness or anything else? I'd like to share a method with you to help correct that.

Horrible things happen to us all at some point in our lives. When we are young, things can happen that we don't consciously deal with properly. As children we lack the tools to process these events and circumstances, there is no conscious adult reasoning. Children and young adults, being largely helpless and at the mercy of others, lack the power to escape negative situations or gain support.

You may have experienced loss, physical or emotional neglect (mild or severe), shaming, abuse, abandonment and more, to a small or great degree, from birth up until recent years, as a one-off event or series of events.

Traumatic memories and emotions are placed into the subconscious mind as programs. These programs feed us emotional responses, information and feelings daily, into our adult lives, all as a result of repressed trauma from younger years. As an adult, you may experience anxiety or fear in certain situations and not know why. Consciously you're not afraid but you have a sense of fear bubbling up to the surface all the time; this is a symptom. Underlying fear, shame, anxiety, guilt, even depression, are symptoms of repression.

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Wherever Your Feet May Land

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 12/30/2015 - 10:25

God said:

You live under My umbrella, do you not know this? You live under a vast umbrella that covers the world. It is an Umbrella of Love. You cannot be cast out from under this umbrella. There is room for all. There is greater than room for all. There is love for all -- if you could only know -- if you could feel and live this --if you could be but content -- if you could but know that Love is Truth, and nothing else is – how happy you would be.

You are fearful that love absconds from you. You consider death as lack of love. You consider that you may never have been loved or loved enough. The crux of the matter is that you do not love yourself enough, and so you may feel like a lone wanderer in the world, isolated and insulated from God and your very own Being.

You simply are irreconcilable with what feels to you like abandonment. Sometimes, in your sense of loss and irretrievability, you may feel like an orphan of the Universe. That you are forgotten and unnoticed and undervalued is the song you sing. For much of your time on Earth, you feel this, and life in the world seems to support this. In fact, you are quick to point out all the evidence for this abandonment.

What if you could turn your attention even slightly to a beneficent world? Instead, you seem to have felt at the mercy of the world, even harassed by the world. You hold on tightly to your convictions. You would dearly love to change the world, and, yet, you set yourself aside.

Behold Life on Earth in a New Light

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 12/30/2015 - 10:25

God said:

Much of relative life in the world may seem to be no more than banter and running around, perhaps a mass jitterbug kind of dance all like traffic. There may be a place you have to be, and something you have to do. It is all banter, yet you have to be there, and you don’t want to be late. It is important that you have to be at a certain spot, and you have to be there by the clock. Ah, the immediate urgings of time and place.

You are obliged to answer to the immediacy of time and place that certainly exist for you as real, yet the physical is not real. All the ideas and performance of somewhere and some time are illusion. They seem to enter your life as they are on their way out.

Life seems to be lived in teaspoons of rationed time and space on Earth. There is hurry hurry, and there is slow down, slow down. Your body, which is not the Truth of you, lives in a penthouse or in a basement as if a building or a tent or under the trees is the extent of where you live.

Yet you can consider the same life as unbounded. There certainly is more than meets the eye or reaches your hearing. As it happens, not all of life as it appears is to your taste.

To your taste or not, your life is how you feel about it. Your day, an increment of your life, can elicit from you: “What a beautiful day!” or your life can elicit from you: “What now? How will I ever get through this day.”

What you take from life is what you make of it.

Throwing Stones

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 12/30/2015 - 10:25

God said:

It is to your Self that you are beholden. You are not in debt to Me, My beloveds. You are My Crowning Glory, for I know what I see. I am not hesitant to declare it. If you tend to see that I owe you and am in debt to you, you see a figment of your own imagination.

Between Us, there is no debt. We have the Free Will to love. You may, and often do, see perceived absence of love. It is your abstention from love which you perpetuate upon Me. Do you understand this? You would rather have a neglectful God to throw stones at than to look at the sliver in your own eye.

There is a propensity in My children to accuse others for what ails them. You may tend to proclaim less than wonderful upon Me. How simplistic. Everything you protest is an aspect of you. This is the straight goods. This is how it is. You don’t like to hear this.

I talk of how We are One, will be One. We are One now. Even as your eyes are cast down, even as you may reject Me as God on Earth and God in Heaven, you make Me your fall guy. You see an aberration of your wounded self, and you call it by My Name.

It is like I am a package that has been sent to you. You look at the package from every angle, yet you won’t open it up. You make declarations upon this unopened package which is a special delivery of areas within your little self that require attention.

Day 244: Sunlight

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 12/30/2015 - 10:21

Welcome to this grand and glorious day! Take time to soak up the blessings and warmth of the sun this day. Allow your skin to ingest the nutrients provided by your globe of light.

Greet the sun each morning as it rises, thanking it for the light and nutrition it provides you. Bid it farewell as it sets in the evening. There are many cycles of daily life that go unnoticed. Pay attention to these cycles and be thankful for the support they give you. Without the sun, moon, Earth and planets, you would not be able to exist in this Realm.

Using common sense, providing your body with a balanced and nourishing diet and acquiring daily doses of sunlight will have a beneficial effect on your overall health and energy level.  Soak up the rays; it’s a lovely day!   Selamet!  Kan 3

Affordable Net-Zero Pre-Fab Home Is Solar Powered & Constructed In Only 3 Days

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 12/30/2015 - 10:20

There’s a new net-zero, off-grid capable home on the market, and this beauty is a pre-fabricated house that pops up in just 3 days -they are also designed to stand the test of time, lasting for centuries. Now, doesn’t this just make a whole lot more sense?

The 1620 square foot, 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom home is a great example of how we can use sustainable forms of energy to suit our every need and modern lifestyle. It is built to LEED v4 Platinum and net zero energy standards and also impressively is outfitted with the largest selection of Cradle to Cradle certified building products ever used in a residential project. Cradle to Cradle is a name given to products that have a regenerative design, modelling human industry on nature’s processes, viewing materials as nutrients circulating in a healthy and safe metabolism.

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Lost Christianity: Following The Threads Of Ancient Wisdom To A Deeper Psychological Reality

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 12/30/2015 - 10:17

One of the things that always intrigues me is the historical basis for certain philosophical and metaphysical concepts. We often simply take for granted that the memes or ideas of our time have always been the basis for “truth” – and in our scientific age that can be a huge distortion.

I remember when I read A New Earth and Oprah hosted Eckhart Tolle in a webcast series, and many people calling in wondered at his references to the parables of Jesus, and whether there was a connection with Christianity.

Oprah tried to soft pedal the fact that Eckhart’s teaching is secular, which is problematic for fundamentalist Christians – but is there a connection going further back?

One of my favorite ideas from Eckhart’s work is his interpretation of the notion of the “Kingdom of Heaven” not as “someplace else” or in the sky, but rather as a state of being resulting from questioning, and ultimately not believing your thoughts.

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