Living in Some Kind of In-between Land

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 12/24/2015 - 20:21

God said:

Beloved, once again I hear you speak from the depths of your heart. I hear you say:

“Beloved God, where would You like to take me today? From what discouragement will You lift me and to what heights?

“It seems I have been sleeping all my life. I didn’t know. I was hardly awake. I didn’t know where I was. It’s like I was in some kind of in-between land, yet I was also suffering anguish and doing my best to ignore it.

“I also went through what I thought was joy, yet, it seems to me now, wasn’t that much joy, perhaps a little loosening of the ropes. The joy was made up. All of my life was made up in that I wasn’t really alive. I was passive and impassive. I was off somewhere, and I also wasn’t anywhere at all. I must have slept through life. Occasionally I opened my eyes and then closed them again. What I thought was enjoyment wasn’t really. It was louder noise or, perhaps, a break in the noise. I was locked in a cell of my choosing or that I had settled for. I want to know life as it is meant to be lived and meant to be loved. Help me, O God.”

Beloveds, how often you repeated this approach and reproach to life. You felt that life had passed you by.

Had all your dreams come true, you would be singing the same refrain, for you discovered that you had been a watcher. You were a watchbird watching a watchbird watch. You were an observer with, perhaps, one eye open.

Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, December 25, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 12/24/2015 - 20:20

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The earth element continues to dominate the transits this week. Ademtos (Transneptunian), Virgo Moon, and Mercury in Capricorn form a grand earth trine on New Year’s Eve. The trio is in the ingress chart for the 2016 chart in some parts of the world (New York and the United States East Coast has this configuration within orb at the stroke of midnight on January 1). That is one rock solid, albeit ephemeral, grand trine! Naturally, many useful themes arise as attention to taking on the New Year approaches. Both emotion and thought, already manifesting in an earthy manner via Moon and Mercury, have a solid base to operate from, provided by Admetos. Instinctively using communication to build enduring structures, using ideas persistently to fill emotional needs, and focusing on gathering practical information to meet security needs are all relevant themes to approach the challenges of 2016. The past should not be overlooked as an important factor, as Admetos and Moon (and to some extent Mercury) very much have an orientation towards the past.

Turn The Page

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 12/24/2015 - 10:05

You are about to turn another page, my beloved.  It is time to leave the previous behind you and look forward to writing more of your adventure.  It is not necessary to hold onto and tuck the past pages away.  Those experiences, places, people and things……they are done.  Just turn the page and read on. ~ Creator

Congress Quietly Ends Federal Prohibition On Medical Marijuana

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 12/24/2015 - 09:38


“The war on medical marijuana is over.”

Great news! A provision ending the federal prohibition on medical marijuana, banning federal agents from policing its users or raiding dispensaries in any state or district where it is legal, was just passed by Congress.

The provision can be found in Congress’ new 1,603-page spending plan. 

Mainstream media may be quiet about this latest news, but you can guarantee the little passage will radically alter the way America treats – and views – the use of medical marijuana. 

Bernie Sanders: We Need A “Full And Independent Audit” Of The Federal Reserve

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 12/24/2015 - 09:14

2016 Democratic presidential candidate and U.S. Senator from Vermont Bernie Sanders wrote an op-ed for The New York Times on Wednesday calling for the Federal Reserve to be audited independently by the Government Accountability Office on an annual basis.

Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has scheduled a historic Jan. 12 vote on a bill, colloquially referred to as “Audit the Fed,” which was introduced by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.). The bill would authorize the GAO to perform full audits of the Federal Reserve System.

To rein in Wall Street, we should begin by reforming the Federal Reserve, which oversees financial institutions and which uses monetary policy to maintain price stability and full employment. Unfortunately, an institution that was created to serve all Americans has been hijacked by the very bankers it regulates,” wrote Sen. Sanders.

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Christmas All Year Long

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 12/24/2015 - 08:54


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Christmas is supposed to be a time for love, joy and being with the people who mean the most, but unfortunately, it’s become a time of stress and frustration for many. It doesn’t have to be this way, but to change anything about it will require us to change how we see it.

I don’t discourage getting gifts, but perhaps we should be aware of why we do it. When we are, we’ll see that the consumerism is out of hand and people have forgotten the holiday’s true intention.

It’s ingrained into our culture that the only way to show someone you love them on Christmas is to buy that perfect gift, no matter how expensive, but this isn’t what the holiday is meant to represent.

Ignoring for this post the apparent connection between Christmas and magic mushrooms, it’s generally supposed to be about love, family and giving.

Its intention should be to bring people together without the need for expensive gifts, and we can achieve this by changing our mindset and what we do during the holiday season.

For example: How many people have the thought to give a homemade gift instead of buying one?

Are These Remnants Of A 9,000 Year Old Stonehenge At The Bottom Of Lake Michigan?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 12/24/2015 - 07:55

Have scientists stumbled across a structure similar to Stonehenge at the bottom of Lake Michigan? Insanely this story is not new, it’s actually old but it went so under reported that nobody knows about it. In 2007, 40 feet below the surface of Lake Michigan where the Grand Traverse Bay Underwater Preserve is, Mark Holley, a professor of underwater archaeology at Northwestern Michigan University College, found the site with his colleague Brian Abbot after voyaging across the lake in a ship that contained sonar equipment, which is generally used to examine old shipwrecks.

After several passes they found a row of stones that piqued their interest. When they sent down divers to visit the site and obtain photographs, they were left somewhat discouraged. “It was really spooky when we saw it in the water,” Holley said. “The whole site is spooky, in a way. When you’re swimming through a long line of stones and the rest of the lake bed is featureless, it’s just spooky.”

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Daily Message ~ Thursday December 24, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 12/24/2015 - 07:10

Every single time you choose love, choose peace, choose joy, you send an energetic ripple forth that supports yourself, others, and the entire planet. Dear Ones, please don’t underestimate your ability to assist, simply by making your alignment and highest intention a priority. It is an incredibly powerful act that serves all and is a delight to behold. ~Archangel Gabriel

The True Thoughts You Desire to Be Yours

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 12/23/2015 - 21:03

God said:

I overheard you whisper, not a prayer, but a realization that seemed to force its way into your heart which has been dangling for so long. You sang out:

“Beloved God, You Who Bequeath Yourself to Us, You Who Knows How to Love, You Whose Eyes Light Up When You See Us, I thank You for All Your Gifts to Us. Holy Are You, and Holy-Making Are You. I wish to be holy, not as a Saint, no, not at all -- like a human being desiring to be closer to You, God, and closer and closer until You bring me into Your Inner Courtyard, and I live Oneness with You.

“Where did the Littleness of me, the me I thought I was, go? I was a pretender to the throne. Now, with Infinite Patience, You have removed the Peacock Feathers from me, and here I am, melted into Butter, Absorbed in You, One in You. While I am on Earth, I continue to be a body that is not you. My body is the Dust unto Dust. My Soul is the Pure Light of God.

“Ego in the form of conceit just doesn’t live in this body any more. Ego simply couldn’t remain in Your Presence. Ego had to get out of me, for, of course, I had to transcend anything that was not the Truth of You, God. I had to let joy in through the Door of my Heart and ego out the door. “Shoo, ego,” I said, “Shoo.” Ego skulked out the door, and I, as God’s Pure Light, am left.

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