There’s A Hidden Network Of Psychedelic Temples Under The Alps

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 12/22/2015 - 08:38

Damanhur is a commune, ecovillage, and spiritual community that was founded in 1975 by a man named Falco Tarassaco. It is situated in the Piedmont region of northern Italy about 30 miles north of the city of Turin, in the foothills of the Alps.

It is best known for its otherworldly underground tunnels that feature a cathedral dedicated to awakening the divine spark present in every human being, known as the Temples of Humankind. Called the “Eighth Wonder of the World,” what makes these temples so extraordinary is that they were dug (almost) entirely by hand into the heart of the mountain in which they reside.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday December 22, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 12/22/2015 - 07:15

Dear Ones, you cannot analyze your way into having fun. Think of children leaving a school for recess. They whole-heartedly embrace the Now moment, effortlessly moving from activity to activity, spending time in whatever they feel is most enjoyable.
Fun is a surrendered flow. It cannot be forced or constrained, as true fun takes on a life of its own. Allow yourself to set your inner GPS to fun and see where it takes you! With the carefree abandon of a child, know that if you try something and don’t like it you can simply try something else. Be present, be open, and be joyful, for you that is how you fully embrace life and all it has to offer. ~Archangel Gabriel

Your Fantastic Voyage

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 12/21/2015 - 20:31

God said:

Life is like a pot of gold that you put your hands in and pluck from. For the sake of argument, let’s say that you are blindfolded. Unable to see what your hands pick up, We might say that you are flying blind.

Gold is gold. By touch alone, however, gold doesn’t sparkle. If you pick up a piece of wood, easily your fingers would recognize splinters. Of course, you don't put much stock in splinters.

I make the point that your life is gold. Blind, even with gold right in front of you, you do not recognize the gold as it is right before you. You may not value your life or life itself for the gold it truly is. You may even complain about life on Earth. You may think it is a waste of time. You may even think it is unendurable. You simply don't see the Truth of Life because you have limited vision.

Beloveds, you are not here on Earth by chance or mistake. By great lengths, you came to this birth on Earth. Unique, you came to Earth. From the world’s point of view, there is no one just like you, although you yourself may have some passing acquaintance with Oneness housed deep in your heart.

In any case, you are here for a reason or for more than one reason. All the connections are vast. Ultimately, what you see as many -- well, their arms are entwined, and the connections are masterful and sometimes beyond belief. Oh, the unseen connections.

The Off-Grid Rebellion the Media Doesn’t Want You to Know About

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 12/21/2015 - 16:31

Daniel Arsenault, Contributor
Waking Times

For many waking up in the modern world, the weight of the planet is on their shoulders. It seems like the more one learns, the more everything is in ruin. Climate catastrophe and secret financial institutions threaten devastation on all sides, the media is run by the corporate elite and filters the truth into coarse bits of marketing slogans, and there seems like no avenue to fight back, to levy solutions.

When even the charities seem corrupt, where does the charitable soul go?

When I moved to Montreal, I was desperate to get connected to a group that was actually making a difference. I joined an organization I’m proud to work with known as the Valhalla Movement.

How To Balance Your Chakras Through Dance

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 12/21/2015 - 09:08

Does it ever feel like certain parts of your body are stuck? Maybe you feel physical tension in your stomach or an emotional resistance in your heart. This can actually be stuck energy and by dancing your physical body, you can begin to transform these energy blockages.

Each chakra serves as a library of information, and are doorways to conscious growth. When your physical energy is able to freely circulate, your mental, emotional and spiritual experiences become brighter and more acute.

Dance your way through this movement guide and open up to healthier chakras.

Chakra Dance Guide

First Chakra – Root: The first chakra is located at the base of your tailbone, the lowermost part of your pelvis.

Movement of this chakra stimulates an energy exchange between the legs, coccyx, rectum and the sex organs.

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Irrefutable Scientific Evidence That We Are All One

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 12/21/2015 - 08:46

Christina Sarich, Contributing Writer
Waking Times

Editor’s Note: After reading this, please visit the follow up to this article here.

If a system does not interact with its environment in any way. . . it does not exist in nature.

I will start this article with the definition of an isolated system: implies a system that does not interact with the other systems of its environment in any way. Now I ask: Does an isolated system exist?

Morning Gratitude

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 12/21/2015 - 08:35

Take a few moments to clear your mind from today’s concerns. Close your eyes, breathing in and out, allowing your body to relax. Once relaxed, fill your mind with the blessings you have in your life. Feel gratitude for these blessings, welling up feelings of love in your heart.

Begin by thanking the Earth for hosting your physical form. Without her role, there would be no stage on which to play. Send blessings to your Creator for allowing these experiences to occur. Thank your Higher Self for the reminders to stay on your Path, allowing you to be in this moment. Send appreciation to the Spirit Guides who have helped along your Path, supporting each choice you make, without judgment.

Make heart-to-heart connections with those whom you have loved and despised, thanking them for playing the roles that have allowed you to have the experiences you have chosen. Thank yourself for the courage to face the dilemmas you have encountered.  Thank your body for hosting you, with the promise that today you will treat it with respect by supplying it with the nutrients, exercise, rest and sunshine that it needs.

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