Daily Message ~ Monday December 21, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 12/21/2015 - 08:00

Dear Ones, you simply cannot make changes by pushing against what is unwanted. To do so keeps you engaged in the very essence of what you are trying to move beyond. True, lasting change comes from creating a foundation that supports what it is you wish to experience, and from there the rest will come automatically and naturally, with ease and flow.

Let us give you an example. You cannot create the energy of patience by pushing against impatience. Pushing against anything is sure to get you more of the same. Impatience indicates a lack of acceptance, which is the essence of what you are looking for.

Acceptance is a wonderful energy that will lead to many of the attributes you are seeking. Acceptance is a demonstration of faith and trust, an anti-dote to judgment, and an anchor of peace. It is the addition of complete acceptance that makes love unconditional.

So, Dear Ones, if there are recurring elements in your life that you would like to change, we suggest you look for the base element of acceptance and see if that is what is missing, for once you embrace the divine perfection of all, there really is nothing left to push against. ~Archangel Gabriel


Your Song

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 12/21/2015 - 06:35

The song you sing will not be for everyone.  Some will laugh, others will cover their ears and grimace and still others may turn away.  That is OK, my beloved!  Do not let them keep you from singing.  Sing your truth, integrity and Unconditional Love for all to hear.  The ‘right’ ones will be drawn to your song. ~ Creator


Good Soul, Good Soul

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 12/20/2015 - 18:41

God said:

For today alone, promise yourself that you will not complain about even one thing. No complaints, no criticisms. For this one day, do not let a word pass your lips that you would not be glad to have on the front page of the newspaper. In fact, for this one day, do not watch the news or read the paper.

No cluck-clucking over the news or the state of the world. No relating harrowing experiences or an injustice done to you or to anyone. No crime statistics. No shaking your head at anything.

Observe a day without finding fault. Oh, sure, you can always find fault without hunting for it. Today, take a day off. Abstain. Make today a fast day from discussing woes.

In effect, pat the Earth you live on, and make nice to all the diverse people who share this Earth with you and call each: “Good soul, good soul.”

See the world and its population the way you see your puppy who just can’t seem to get enough love from you, and who, without trying, just wants to pour vibrant surplus love on you. Treat the world and its population with some of the way you treat your puppy. Be a treat to the world.

Just for today you are trading in plaints for what can be called appreciation. If you can’t express appreciation today, then seal your lips.

For one day, give freedom from criticism to this world. See what it feels like.

Charity Turns ‘Barefoot’ Grandmothers Into Solar Energy Experts In Six Months

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 12/20/2015 - 09:54

Source: www.themindunleashed.org | Original Post Date: November 26, 2015 –

Some people pay dearly for a degree in solar engineering, but one charity is making ‘barefoot’ grandmothers into life-changing solar energy experts in a matter of months.

A global enterprise, with its start in India, Barefoot College takes elderly women, which many cultures cast aside as useless, relegating them to nursing homes and clinics, and instead, teaches them how to ‘electrify’ entire villages using only solar power.

Some of these women can’t even read, but they can build solar panels, and install solar lighting in some places that have been dark for decades due to the lack of infrastructure.

With the UN estimating that more than 1.5 billion people still live without electricity, the barefoot grandmothers have their work cut out for them.

Read more... (collectivelyconscious.net)

Day 214: Receiving Gifts

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 12/20/2015 - 09:53

When a person or soul is blocked to either giving or receiving, an imbalance occurs in the energetic field. This happens because blocking the flow of love is a result of fear. To get past these things and to open the flow of abundance, take time to go within and seek the things that caused you to block the flow in the first place. Scrutinize these beliefs until you see how they no longer serve you.

Forgive any others involved by allowing them to be responsible for their actions and inactions. Simply note what occurred, bless the experience and change your attitude by exchanging negative thoughts for those of pure love. At first, this may be difficult to do, however, with practice it will be easier until it becomes your first nature.

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