Day 212: Enjoy Your Work

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 12/18/2015 - 22:20

What is your passion? Can you answer this question? If not, then it is likely you are living with belief codes that are not in your best interest. Take time to go within and remember the things that jazzed your energy when you were young. Why did you set these dreams aside? Which ones are worth resurrecting?

Often people feel they should do big things in order to make an impact without realizing how much they impact others by doing small, everyday things. Look around, what needs to be done? Choose things you find interesting. Perform services that energize you. When you are performing services from the heart, there is no need or expectation of being thanked; the service itself is your gift.

Divine Simplicity

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 12/18/2015 - 22:17

God said:

How can One God be Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omni-benevolent and made of Divine Simplicity? None of these are thinking abilities. I do not have to remember. I do not make a list. I do not add to a non-existent list, nor do I check items off. This is not an accumulation for Me. I am not an accountant who wears glasses to read the small print. My capability is not a trick. It is not a parlor game. It is not learned. This is how it is. A Moment of Infinity reveals all. In one second, all is known.

You have glimpses of this All-Knowingness yourself. You know your Self. And you know through and through what is called My Self if you but dared to own it and own up to it. As it is, you may let My capability slip through your fingers.

I zero in on all of My Children in one Second of Infinity. I do not have to remember, nor do I forget. You may choose to call this Simple Awareness of Mine the Mind of God, if you like, yet this is more like the Heart of God, the Realization of God, the Love of God for All of Creation which is ultimately My Very Self which you ultimately are. All the Awareness I AM, you ARE. Otherwise, what else can that We Are One possibly mean?

It is not that you have Me. You don’t have Me. I am not something you picked up at the corner store. You are My Very Self. We travel in Infinity together although there is simply One of Us, One One.

The World’s Darkness Mirrors Our Own

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 12/18/2015 - 12:41

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

A thought recently came to me that I’d like to share with those of you who also want to expose and bring down oppression, whether in government, big corporations or anything else.

What if the darkness we witness in the world mirrors the darkness that lives within?

Maybe we reinforce mental and spiritual slavery by refusing to address and heal the issues that keep us from knowing ourselves, and if we could set ourselves free, we could make it easier for the world to be free too.

I don’t mean to say that one person’s liberation will automatically free the world, but I do think our inner and outer realities are one and this oneness is important when it comes to personal and societal change.

What we feed within will manifest in the world, and if we can set ourselves free, we can make it easier for others to be free too. It’ll be easier to share our love and good vibes with everyone unconditionally when we liberate ourselves, and we can make an undeniable impact on the world if we dedicate ourselves to giving good vibes freely.

We’ll realize along the way that the people in power want to control our freedom and social/spiritual awareness. Then, we can raise awareness by sharing our knowledge with a world that’s slowly opening up to what we have to say.

How Muscle Testing Taps Into The Subconscious Mind To Reveal Hidden Secrets

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 12/18/2015 - 12:33

Muscle testing, or applied kinesiology, is an emerging practice that can reveal hidden secrets in the subconscious energetic body. The energetic system of the body has been largely ignored by mainstream medicine but has its roots in ancient cultures thousands of years old. In fact, this is the system that is being worked on in not only muscle testing, but acupuncture, pressure points, massage, tapping, and some homeopathic pain patches. Muscle testing includes but is not limited to a few different hybrid techniques like: Neuro Emotional Technique or NET, Autonomic Response Testing, and Applied Psycho Neurobiology.

Why Don’t Most People Believe in An Energetic Body?

There has not been much scientific research performed at all on the energetic body due to pharmaceutical backed studies. However, there is a wealth of personal accounts of vast improvement with muscle testing. Kinesiology and muscle testing blossomed under the care of most chiropractors. Again, most medical doctors have a misguided view of chiropractors which is too bad, considering the American Medical Association was found guilty of conspiracy against chiropractors in the 1980s.

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Changing in the River of Change

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 12/18/2015 - 12:32

Zen Gardner, Guest
Waking Times

No man ever steps in the same river twice. For it is not the same river, and it is not the same man. There is nothing permanent except change. – Heraclitus

It seems things change more than we think – way more and in more ways. Even when we’re aware of the underlying reality of constant change, we reference new changes by our memory and perception of old changes. And those were based on previous reference points.

We seem to be judging change by points of previous attachment, even though they continually shift. That cannot be very accurate. Nor fully conscious.

While assessing a particular situation, as my mind wandered backward to find context, I was surprised to realize how strongly and easily I was able to reference my previous “points of view”. It jolted me knowing I’m not that person any more yet it was so very available in my consciousness. But that’s how the mind is wired. A lot of information is stored there awaiting activation depending on our perspective and awareness. Hence we often have to wade through a mire of influences whether we want to or not.

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WikiLeaks: US, Israel, And Saudi Arabia Planned To Overthrow Syrian Govt. In 2006

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 12/18/2015 - 12:13

Cables reveal that before the beginning of the Syrian revolt and civil war, the United States hoped to overthrow Assad and create strife between Shiite and Sunni Muslims.

Speaking from Ecuador’s embassy in London, Julian Assange revealed that the United States planned to overthrow the Syrian government as far back as 2006, several years before the start of the current crisis.

The founder of WikiLeaks took refuge in the Embassy of Ecuador in 2012. The premises remain under siege 24 hours a day by a large team of police to prevent Assange from ever stepping foot outside, at a cost to taxpayers that now exceeds £12 million.

The ongoing threat to his freedom hasn’t kept Assange from continuing his work revealing the dirty secrets of world governments. His latest revelations come in an interview with RT in support of his new book, “The WikiLeaks Files,” published late last month.

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Daily Message ~ Friday December 18, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 12/18/2015 - 12:06

Love. Joy. Peace. All of these are aspects of the higher dimensional energies, the exact elements your holidays are designed to celebrate and anchor. What a blessed time! We encourage you to take a moment to still yourselves and acknowledge the magic of it all and to shine with the glory that exists in you and around you. Being present allows you to embrace the true gifts of the season. ~Archangel Gabriel

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