How a Shaman’s Medicine is Curing Combat Veterans of PTSD

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 12/03/2015 - 21:28

Combat PTSDDylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

Getting for help for PTSD through the Veteran’s Administration is a frustrating experience for many returning from war, and the typical treatments follows the psychiactric model which prescribes counseling and psychotropic medications, which for many, only further cloud the psyche, preventing any true resolution of the fear and guilt associated with combat-related PTSD. As an alternative, many desperate veterans are seeking treatment from an unusual source, an entheogenic shamanic plant medicine from Africa, named iboga.

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Ingredients for Making a Cake

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 12/03/2015 - 21:20

God said:

A comparison to life as life happens could be applied to a chef or mother who bakes a cake. There are specified ingredients pulled together, many from the country the baker of the cake lives in, yet some ingredients may travel from faraway countries, vanilla from Zanzibar, for instance.

In terms of the mother, perhaps she did not have a particular ingredient at home that is required for this cake. Maybe she never even thought of making this cake at all until a neighbor left some fresh-picked apples at her door, and now the mother wants to make an apple cake.

Sometimes two ships pass in the dark or, in contrast, two long-lost brothers from opposite ends of the Earth somehow meet in an inexplicable way.

In terms of a pastry cook, perhaps a salesman dropped off some samples that led to a special recipe. It is not really one person who makes a cake, is it? So much and so many contribute to the recipe. It could be said that a special recipe was a lucky break, or, it could be said that the recipe was ordained. In fact, you might ponder on how that particular recipe and those particular ingredients leading to a remarkable cake could come together seemingly as easy as pie. Things in life do come together.

You can also wonder that there is no end to new recipes. By now, haven’t all the possible ingredients already been put together so no new combinations are left? Yet new combinations never seem to run out.

Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, December 4, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 12/03/2015 - 21:20

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A jovial, cheery feel to the transits persists this week, with a contradictory Saturn influence mixed in. Sun begins to draw away from his conjunction to Saturn in Sagittarius, thus starting to escape the limitations of Saturn. At the same time, the revolutionary tendencies of Uranus flow freely with the powerful Sun. A very conscious and central type theme, the ages old Saturn-Uranus “restriction versus breaking free”, permeates the feel of the transits this week. Taking action to push new ideas forward, within existing structures, is a possible implementation of Sun-Saturn-Uranus.

5 Strong Signs You Need Emotional Healing

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 12/03/2015 - 14:02

Do you run your emotions or do your emotions run you?

It’s a simple question that is loaded with thought-provoking, inner exploration. One that really makes us sit back and think about what really is steering course in the direction our lives are headed. Are you on track towards a collision or are you on sailing on smooth waters? are the questions you need to ask yourself.

Emotions play a major role in shaping the paths in life we take. Therefore it is crucial to be in a place of mind where we can be confident that we are letting our clear intuitive processes have the controls, rather than allowing our emotions to run the show.

Don’t get me wrong emotions are a good thing, they give us the ups and downs on the road of life. To experience joy, grief, sadness and exhilaration are what being human is all about! Yet, it’s all about sitting back and knowing that an emotion is just that: an emotion and by recognizing it, you can control how you feel and take back the seat of power in your life.

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World Class Journalist Spills The Beans & Admits Mainstream Media Is Completely Fake

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 12/03/2015 - 13:47

Dr. Udo Ulfkotte is a top German journalist and editor and has been for more than two decades, so you can bet he knows a thing or two about mainstream media and what really happens behind the scenes. Recently, Dr. Ulfkotte went on public television stating that he was forced to publish the works of intelligence agents under his own name, also adding that noncompliance with these orders would result in him losing his job. He recently made an appearance on RT news to share these facts:

I’ve been a journalist for about 25 years, and I was educated to lie, to betray, and not to tell the truth to the public. But seeing right now within the last months how the German and American media tries to bring war to the people in Europe, to bring war to Russia — this is a point of no return and I’m going to stand up and say it is not right what I have done in the past, to manipulate people, to make propaganda against Russia, and it is not right what my colleagues do and have done in the past because they are bribed to betray the people, not only in Germany, all over Europe.

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Day 197: Respect Children

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 12/03/2015 - 13:44

RESPECT CHILDREN   Many parents attempt to spare their children the pain they suffered when they were young, going out of their way to protect their children by sheltering them. What happens as a result is that the child is denied many experiences. They are not given the trust or respect needed to make decisions that will enable them to live a full life. Their maturity is stunted, for they do not learn how to solve their problems or learn to say “no” on their own terms.

Instead of making choices for them, teach them from very young ages how to act appropriately. Teach them to solve their own problems at an early age and allow them to experience the result of their choices. Then, when they reach adolescence, they will have the skills necessary to choose friends and recreational activities that are in their best interest.

As parents release negative thought patterns, change undesirable habits and out-dated belief codes, they will be much better equipped to raise their children.

Learn How This Family Grows 6,000 Lbs Of Food on Just 1/10th Acre

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 12/03/2015 - 10:03


Ever thought of growing your own food but didn’t think it was possible? It’s more that possible! It might even be the way of the future. If the Dervaes family can do it while living in Los Angeles, I think you can to.

The Dervaes family live on 1/10th of an acre 15 minutes from downtown L.A.. In itself that’s not strange. What’s crazy is that they manage to maintain a sustainable and independent urban farm. Complete with animals!

In a year they produce around 4,300 pounds of veggies, 900 chicken , 1000 duck eggs, 25 lbs honey, and pounds of seasonal fruit. There are over 400 species of plants. What?! They have everything they need to ‘live off the land.’ From beets to bees. Chickens to chickpeas.

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Why We Seek Convenient Illusions Over Reality

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 12/03/2015 - 09:40

“Opinion is the medium between knowledge and ignorance.” Plato

Shortly after the tulip bulb was introduced to Europe from the Ottoman Empire it found favor with Dutch high society. The humble tulip bulb rocketed in price. At the height of the mania one tulip bulb was equivalent to ten times the income of a skilled worker. This tulip mania or bubble which took place in the Netherlands from 1634 to 1637 is associated with a herd mentality. The overconfidence which occurred during the tulip boom was a result of individuals actively assigning weight to circumstances while ignoring evidence and fundamentals. This limitation of the human psyche contributes to overconfidence in one’s personal beliefs about some event or circumstance. This confirming bias can appear in economic and political systems as well as businesses, organizations, and social systems. This tendency to interpret information can manifest itself in economic bubbles known as speculative bubbles. Bubbles have long been influential in shaping economies and impacting societies.

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