Life Marches On

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 11/30/2015 - 18:51

God said:

Everyone loves being favored. Nothing wrong with this. Enjoy to your heart’s content. If the world adores you, then enjoy this adoration while you're at it.

Here’s the thing: You don't have to be adored by the world. You don't have to be in the limelight. It is also perfectly all right to be ordinary and unnoticed in the world. What you think of yourself truly matters, for how you think of yourself is what your life amounts to.

You can also be the unobtrusive valet who walks around in the background. You don’t have to be the focus. You can just as well be the valet as the man who is served. You don’t have to be the star of the show. There really isn’t all that much to it. Anything you must have rules the roost.

It comes right down to this: What matters most is who you are and not plaudits or what you seemingly possess.

Fame is short-lived, and what do you have when you have it? What you are is yours. You belong to your Being. You are yourself, and this is wonderful. Regardless of anything else, you are God's Child. You are definitely My Child.

Be glad that you made it this far.

When there is a time you see yourself set above others, know this is just a flash in the pan, and get over it.

When you yearn for something out of reach, it seems awesome. When you do have it, it’s just another something to deal with. That which you sought, as soon as it is in your hand, may seem cumbersome. You might have to even brace yourself for it.

12 Year Old Girl Solves the Banking Crisis and the Money Problem

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 11/30/2015 - 11:51

Phillip J. Watt, Contributor
Waking Times

Charities have it wrong… this girl has the right plan. 

Every single charity in the world has got it wrong. They’re focusing on the wrong problem and therefore can’t see the right solution. That solution, which is blatantly obvious to anyone who has woken up to the issue, is how they get the money to provide a service for their community.

Currently charities want donations off the people. They want it off those who are more fortunate, as well as those who are not. They’re attempting to fix their particular focus, such as homelessness, family violence, mental illness and poverty in general, without looking at the root problem.

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This Colorado County Aims To Fund Students’ College With Marijuana Taxes

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 11/30/2015 - 10:29

This is what progress looks like.

The public’s opinion on marijuana has dramatically transformed in recent years. As news has spread of the herb’s various benefits, more and more people have started supporting the recreational legalization of it.

And why wouldn’t they? In one month, the state of Colorado sold $34 million in marijuana: $3.4 million went to schools, and crime decreased by 15%. And when you hear of people healing themselves of debilitating disease through a cannabis oil regime and healthy diet, you have to wonder why the extract is not easily accessible everywhere.

Rare Astrology: All Planets Are Moving Direct From December 25th to January 6th

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 11/30/2015 - 10:28

astrologyBeginning December 25th, 2015 with Uranus stationing direct, all major planets in our solar system will be moving direct/forward.

Stephanie Forest, who is the first known astrologer to officially recognize this astrological phenomenon, has created a hub for all astrologers and followers of astrology to communicate on their perspectives on the upcoming All Planets in Direct Motion cycle.

Stephanie states, “Now, here in this moment, from our geo-centric view, our entire solar system, moving together, in the same direction, like a flowing cosmic river, all traveling towards this one direction.  From the position of the Sun or Earth’s perspective, All Planets in Direct Motion represents an organic, holistic, synchronous, harmonious group passage through the endless universe.“

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Love In Practice: Communicating With Care In Your Heart

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 11/30/2015 - 09:23

In all communication, there is one thing that each and every one us requires. We all want to be appreciated, honoured, and respected. None of us want to feel criticized, rejected, ignored, or manipulated. To reduce it to its simplest terms, we each want to feel loved. I do not mean love in a romantic sense, or some outpouring of emotion, but simple caring. This is the universal bottom line of every human relationship. We all want to feel cared for.

If each of us would like to be treated with care and respect, then it should be our intent to do so for others. But what often happens is the exact opposite. Instead of trying to ensure that the other person feels loved and appreciated, we end up in a vicious circle of recrimination and attack.

It usually starts by our feelings hurt over something someone said or did. Whether they intended to hurt us or whether it is all our own creation does not matter. The fact is we feel hurt, and if we are not fully conscious of our own inner processes, we are likely to defend ourselves by attacking back in some way. It’s not the most noble or wisest response, nevertheless that is the way us less-than-enlightened folk sometimes react.

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False Promises

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 11/29/2015 - 18:57

God said:

What is this that rises in you, and you feel as if you are an innocent victim of your own choices? You justify actions and inactions with excuses. You couldn't help it. If someone hadn’t hurt your image of yourself, you would be calm. You would be glad to be calm. The peace of calmness is the choice of champions. Excuses are not.

No one makes you do anything. Another human being isn't an excuse for your action or inaction. It may be you made a quick decision without seeing squarely that you yourself made a choice that was not imposed on you. It comes back to you, dear ones. You choose to do as you say, or you choose to forgo your stated promise.

Premeditated or not, you dropped the ball. Except for this and that, you would have been true to your word. Nevertheless, no one made you renege. It may have been against your will to be less than perfect in the world. However, you may say you are too busy. Naturally, being too busy makes you human, yet that doesn't make you your ideal of yourself. How you would like to be divine. You would like to be. If only others would be divine, you would have no worries.

This is undoubtedly true. This depth of equanimity is not easily come by in the common world.

No one would have set off an atomic bomb except for this reason or that. Good reasons are easy to find. Good reasons are not wonderful excuses, however. You may get away with excuses, yet they are not honestly your free pass. It may seem so, yet sooner or later, excuses trip you up. Better to look subterfuges in the eye.

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