Mammography Is Harmful and Should Be Abandoned, Scientific Review Concludes

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/06/2015 - 08:58

By Sayer Ji

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

“I believe that if screening had been a drug, it would have been withdrawn from the market long ago.” ~ Peter C Gøtzsche (physician, medical researcher and author of Mammography Screening: Truth, Lies and Controversy.)

With Breast Cancer Awareness Month upon us again, a new study promises to undermine the multi-billion dollar cause-marketing campaign that shepherds millions of women in to have their breasts scanned for cancer with x-rays that themselves are known to contribute to breast cancer.

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Why We Don’t Mature With Age, We Mature Through Hardship

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/06/2015 - 08:39

GFP: I enjoy this message because it's about taking what could create suffering and using it for growth, but be careful you don't only mature through hardship. You'll attract lots of unnecessary hardship into your life that way.

“I want to be wise. And you know how you get wise? By screwing up.”
Myra McEntire

My mother always told me, “With age comes wisdom.” While she had a point, she should have also said, “With hardship comes even more wisdom.”

Maybe the two are intertwined. Maybe hardship happens because of age, and wisdom follows. Either way, it’s important to note that no one matures without a hefty amount of psychological scarring.

Whether it’s a breakup that almost killed you, an experience that almost broke you or a lifelong struggle that threw you over and over again, all of those hardships carried meaning.

The things that almost destroyed you made you into who you are today. If you’ve been through hell, you’ve also seen the light at the end of the tunnel.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday October 6, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/06/2015 - 08:25

How much time do you spend in tender self care? So many of you are beautifully loving and caring towards others and leave yourselves last.

Listening to your body is self love. Eating food your body is asking for when it needs it is self love. Giving yourself rest is self love. Meditation is self love. Exercise is self love. Taking part in activities that bring you joy is an act of self love. Making choices that support your comfort and wellness rather than sacrifice is an act of self love.

Can you see how none of the above are selfish? You are all so mindful, you fear that to love yourselves will make you selfish or take away from others. We are not asking you to give to yourselves as an act of exclusion to others. Far from it!

We are simply encouraging you to make yourselves equally important as everyone else. We are asking you to include yourselves in the unconditional love and unity consciousness you are here to anchor, support, and experience. We are asking you to love all, fairly and indiscriminately, and that, Dear Ones, begins within. ~Archangel Gabriel

How Creativity & Civil Disobedience Can Change Food

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/05/2015 - 22:55

A soft, corporate dictatorship with financial, academic, and regulatory reach has kept the revolutionary spirt of the population at bay through a false narrative to label genetically modified food. The People have voted to stop chemical pesticide and herbicide testing in their communities only to be ignored, while at the local level, agrochemical products are destroying farmers and families. Hospitals are turning a blind eye and most doctors are clueless about the signs and symptoms of pesticide and herbicide exposure.

Perhaps labels were never the answer for a corporate monopoly whose intent is to patent life. As communities are invaded by chemical companies cloaked as agricultural progress, is it wise to use vital revolutionary energy still attempting to attach a label onto their known toxic products? While looking the other way, our children are slowly poisoned by chemicals we are still arguing to name and categorize. At what point does this new threat to communities be seen for what it is?

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Doubt Leaves You in the Middle of a Forest

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/05/2015 - 20:14

God said:

A great nagger in the world is Doubt. Doubt wears many faces. Doubt brings a whole array with it. Insecurity. Confusion. Conviction of whatever. Fatigue. Anger. Dismay. Dissatisfaction. Worry!

Beloveds, there may be no right decision. There also may be no wrong decision. Life is an experiment, remember?

What is doubt but wishy-washiness? Doubt likes to see you under its spell.

Doubt pummels you. Doubt is a wrestler, a boxer, a bully. Doubt undercuts you. Doubt ties your shoelaces together. It ties you up in knots. Doubt as a way of life is an error.

Not knowing is not exactly the same as doubt. Doubt tells you not to make up your mind. Doubt tells you to take forever.

Doubt dangles you. It diddles you. It runs circles around you.

Doubt niggles you. It is a tease, yet doubt is heavy-handed. We can’t call doubt a flim-flam because doubt is dead-serious about its self-imposed mission. I did not, definitely, did not choose doubt for you. Doubt will foist himself on you any day. Hey, doubt doubt.

Doubt will pursue you. It will run you ragged.

Doubt prevents you from taking a direction. Rather, you allow doubt to prevent you from taking a direction. Doubt says you are lost in a forest and don’t know which way to turn – can’t know which way to turn. What a fatalist doubt is.

3 Things Nature Can Teach Us About Idea Sharing

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/05/2015 - 11:18

Flame Water BiomimicryM.J. Higby, Contributor
Waking Times

“Look deep into nature, and you will understand everything better.”Albert Einstein

According to leading scientists, the earth is around 4.5 billion years old. In contrast, it’s estimated that modern day humans have existed for around 50,000 years. Due to this discordance, I feel that the earth has a pulsating wisdom that we young and inexperienced humans can learn from. Nature has many lessons to teach if only we have the mind to listen.      

10 Ways To Connect To The Earth And Others

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/05/2015 - 10:35

Source: | Original Post Date: July 27, 2015 –

How do you feeling complete and connected to the Earth and others? It takes effort, but it is worth it. We must bring our focus outside of ourselves to allow us to reach out to people and to the world around us in positive ways. Loving, laughing, giving ourselves to others, spending time with friends and those in need to taking care of the environment or a companion animal, all promote positive interaction. Here are 10 steps to help you get connected.

1. Nature and Earth

If you think of nature as a hostile force that is separate from yourself, you will go through life unnecessarily afraid and cut off from one of the great sources of spiritual nourishment. Whether you connect with nature on wilderness trips or lunch breaks in a city park, you can always slow down and observe the infinite variety of her ways. One way to connect with nature is through plants: gardening, collecting plants from the wild, growing cactuses and flowering bulbs, and having unusual and useful plants in and around the home can all help promote connectedness with nature. Plants can enrich your daily life, bring comfort and joy, and remind you that however you think of yourself, you are also part of the natural world.

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