Portable Wind Turbine – Kickstarter Campaign Reaches Close to Entire Goal in One Day

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 10/04/2015 - 20:01

Living in a world filled with technology, it’s pretty common to find that most people nowadays have at least one or two electronic devices. It’s also pretty common to find that a lot of people are out and about, whether it be traveling or undertaking outdoor endeavors like hiking and camping. So, what is one to do when you find yourself on a backpacking expedition or camping trip and you don’t have the amenities of say, a generator?

Janulus, a company based out of Minnesota, has been developing portable wind turbines, and their Kickstarter campaign to raise money for four of their new models launched not long ago. They started out with a $50,000 goal, and within the morning of their launch had received $43,000. Apparently people think this is a great idea!

Read more... (expandedconsciousness.com)

In the Story of the World

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 10/04/2015 - 19:45

God said:

This will pass. Whatever it is, this is the truth in the world. The world is passing right before your eyes. This is how it is.

Procrastination is passing right now. Can procrastination last forever? What is happening is that your world is being turned upside down. It is like you have been thrown up into the air, and you haven’t quite landed yet. What does this mean? It means you are losing boundaries. You are becoming unbounded. You are gaining unboundedness. You are in the middle or muddle of freedom.

Sometimes you would avidly like to clutch to old times and old ways. You feel pledged to people of the past and to people of the present and to a way of life named Future. You have long wanted to get out of confinement, yet, suddenly, freedom does not feel so wonderful as you thought it would. Where do you rest your head? Where are all the seeming possessions and props that, yes, got in your way, yet were comforting to add up. And the people of the past who are no longer evident? You long for them. How you long for them.

The people of the past are lined up like paper cut-outs attached one to the other. There is no end. And I tell you also that there is no beginning. Infinity just is. It is like a choo-choo train you see from an angle. Life seems to pass before you, and, yet, life, without form, amounts to invisible atoms and molecules. Invisible spark plugs are moving. Yes, I suppose We can say that Light moves. It certainly sparkles. Hey, you, all you atoms and molecules out there, dazzle the world.

Oregon Just Became The Third State to Legalize Recreational Marijuana

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 10/04/2015 - 12:25

On October first, Oregon became the third state to legalize the recreational use of cannabis. Dispensaries in Oregon have started selling recreational marijuana to the public, after less than a year since the bill passed. The bill allows Oregon to join the two states where recreational marijuana sales are already legal in Colorado and Washington.

A similar bill has been passed in both Alaska and Washington, D.C., although the Alaskan government is still working out the details, while D.C.’s laws only legalized the possession of weed, not the selling of it.

Medical marijuana had been legal in Oregon since 1998, but now anyone without a doctors note can buy up to a  quarter-ounce per day.

Read more... (thespiritscience.net)

6 Herbs To Help Boost Your Brain Power

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 10/04/2015 - 12:18

Source: www.naturalsociety.com | Original Post Date: December 2, 2014 –

If you want to join the ranks of the smartest people alive today, you might be able to get a little edge from taking some natural brain power-boosting herbs. Only .05% of people have recorded IQs of over 140. If you want to have the brilliance of Stephen Hawking or the intellectual gusto of Kim Ung-Yong who was auditing college courses at the ripe old age of 4, you can try these 6 plants to get those brain cells charged up and ready to fire:

1. & 2. Periwinkle & Ginseng

Both of these herbs improve cognitive function. They have both been studied by researchers at the University of Northumbria in Tyne, England, and can be used together to boost cognitive abilities. Ginseng is great as an alternative to synthetic medications (like those prescribed for ADHD or ADD). It is also known to possess compounds that help protect us from radiation.

Read more... (collectivelyconscious.net)

Daily Message ~ Sunday October 4, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 10/04/2015 - 09:00

The greatest amount of discomfort humans experience stems from their belief that something is wrong. The second they perceive something to be somehow wrong, is the moment they move into complete resistance to the flow. Resistance to the flow then creates even greater discomfort, often resulting in a deep dissatisfaction with life, fatigue, despair and depression.

It is surrender and faith that moves you beyond such uncomfortable states. When you are able to surrender into the flow, even when it is taking you to unknown territories, you are allowing your highest self, your guides and helpers, and the universe to lead you. You begin to work with the system that is always there to love and support with you, rather than denying the very things you seek.

When you are able to move back into that faith in action, you are able to settle into a deep, abiding, acceptance of the unfoldment of life which will automatically activate the energy of peace within you. You will have deactivated fear, doubt and worry, and will find yourself with the ability to be more fully present than ever before.

From that place, you will experience a deep gratitude which will become the place you powerfully create from. Do you see? It is a complete system that beautifully supports you, and it is available to you whenever you choose. ~Archangel Gabriel


Day 137: Mirror Exercise

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 10/04/2015 - 08:53

MIRROR EXERCISE   Greetings, dear one. We are happy to be of service as you wander throughout the universe seeking to find joy and happiness in all things. Today we wish to invite you to take a journey with us. Get comfortable on your magic carpet, visualizing a place you find to be serene.

Take a few moments to unwind by breathing in and out while relaxing all your muscles. Before you begin, mentally push the “off” button on your left-brain, placing it on auto restart when you return to your normal active brain state. Our journey today will be to explore the universe that lies within you. There are many challenges you are facing as you reach towards your goal of happiness and peace. Let us drift inside these spaces for a while, simply gifting yourself with love and assurance that all is well. As you allow your mind to drift, focus only on love. Perhaps you will visualize your Guides meeting you and holding you in their etheric arms.

In whatever way you choose, focus on loving every part of your Being. Do not try to focus on anything specific, just send unconditional love through your whole Being on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Fill your heart with gratitude for all the support you receive from those in the physical realm as well as the unseen Realms.

Russian Government To Ban All GMO Food Products To Protect Citizens

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 10/04/2015 - 08:51

What was once a taboo topic of conversation has now become so widely discussed that pretty well the entire world seems to have developed an opinion about it. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) have entered the mainstream vernacular so thoroughly that an entire country has publicly stated their stance on and intended action plan for the agricultural method.

At an international conference on biotechnology Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister, Arkady Dvorkovich, announced that the country will be eliminating the production of genetically modified food:

As far as genetically-modified organisms are concerned, we have made decision not to use any GMO in food productions…. This is not a simple issue, we must do very thorough work on division on these spheres and form a legal base on this foundation.

Read more... (collective-evolution.com)

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