Upgrading Vibrations – Ascension to Light and Love and the 5D Reality

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 09/23/2015 - 10:21

By Shubhra Chaturvedi
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

“Evil forges a tornado, but goodness battles in a straight line” ~ Caris Roane

At times you need life to completely throw you off guard and you need to hit your rock bottom. It is only then that you start to look inside of you and reflect into your behavior and reactions. If you never ask questions how will you receive the answers?

Did any of you hear about people in the earlier ages suffering from depression? The problem in today’s world is that social expectation doesn’t “allow” you to be sad and go through tough times in a healthy way. People ignore behavior patterns and in place of addressing them you are made to cover them with a fake smile. There is this societal pressure to pretend to be happy all the time. As lives get more busy and artificial there is hardly any time to have the heart to heart talk to a friend or family. And if you do, you are led to a doctor who will fill you in with these horrible prescription drugs that make you numb.

Read more... (wakeup-world.com)

The Soul Answers...

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 09/23/2015 - 08:37

By John Holland

One of the most frequently asked questions I get is about “life quests.” This is our personal crusade of looking for answers either from others or from the outside, rather than seeking the answers from within, from our very soul. Our soul is a bit like a computer, constantly absorbing information from our experiences. Every detail is time stamped and logged, as though it’s a memory imprinted on our soul. Each and every one of us has a unique soul, with our own personal histories, our own values of what is right or wrong, and most importantly our own unique way of interpreting and communicating this information. It’s the combination of all these components that makes us who we are, and defines us during our time on earth.

Yet, so many of us continue to look for answers from the outside. So the theme of this article is about looking within, and tapping into that vast database of memories, information and life experiences. It’s when you tap into this amazing ‘soul answers’ resource that you truly find the answers you’re looking for. It’s like your soul is your inner compass to keep you on track and going in the right direction.

Read more... (omtimes.com)

Why Dream Dreams?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 09/22/2015 - 20:53

God said:

This is your day. Every day is your day. This is your day to watch your dreams unfold. Not someone else's dreams. Yours. The object of your dreams is to dream them and invite them to come true.

You are not a beggar of dreams. Within the seed of your dreams comes your fulfillment. You are the dreamer of your life. So, of course, I extol you to dream and to dream big. Dreams do not HAVE to come true, yet, certainly, the more you dream and the bigger you dream, the more of your dreams there are to come true.

You do not have to stick with the same dreams. If you want to jump from dream to dream the way you jump from one stone to another to get across a stream, why, that is perfectly fine as well. Dreams are not a business you must start and follow according to rules. Dreams are meant for you to dream. The object of dreaming is to dream.

There are no rules against dreaming. There is freedom of dreaming.

Dreaming is how you expand your horizons. Consider dreaming like eating. In order to digest your food, you have to eat. Unless you dream, your desires are left dormant. All of life in the world is a dream anyway. There is every reason to dream big. Your subconscious will make of your dream what it wills. Never was it intended that you be tightfisted with your dreams.

Consciousness in The Holographic Illusion of Reality. Are We In The Matrix?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 09/22/2015 - 15:52

'Unified Field Theory' suggests that our reality is a sea of energy, an energetic illusion that our consciousnesses perceive and interact with. The world you see around you is really a soup of intelligent energy fooling your senses into thinking it is the tangible, visible and audible reality that you experience.

In physics, unified field theory can be described as 'all that is usually thought of as fundamental forces and elementary particles to be written in terms of a single field' (Wikipedia.org).

We all learned at school that matter (solids, liquids, gases, and everything you can see) is made up of atoms. Atoms consist of particles of energy and lots of empty space (the empty space or void itself being highly charged with latent energy). How can it be that the hard, tangible world around us consists of pure energy? Our senses are being fooled because we can't see past this unified field - we are completely immersed within it, it is everything and everywhere.

Read more... (spiritual-awakening.net)

7 Tips That Will Help Empaths and Highly Sensitive People

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 09/22/2015 - 13:51

Have you ever met an empathic person? It can be quite the experience. Empaths are those who have the ability to read people’s energy levels. Some say that this ability is genetic, being passed from one generation to the next, so if you or a family member have experienced the ability to perceive and read the energies of others, there’s a good chance that you or a loved one are empaths.

Having the ability to analyze a person’s energy comes from being highly sensitive. You can scan their thoughts and feelings, and possibly even past, present, and future life occurrences. Having this ability doesn’t necessarily mean that you fully understand it, but you recognize that you are sensitive to other people’s energy. Correctly being able to perceive and mirror the energy of another person can be challenging, but it is a gift that allows us an added layer of perception.

These seven tips will help empaths and highly sensitive people navigate and cope with their ability, so as to not get overwhelmed.

  1. Schedule alone-time for you: Being alone allows one the space needed to release emotion, energy and stress.
Read more... (expandedconsciousness.com)

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