The Significance of Your Spine on a Spiritual Journey

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 09/22/2015 - 10:00

kundalini-energy-spine “So, spine is one dimension of you, which determines which direction you go. How your spine is functioning; how the energies in your spine are functioning right now determines almost everything about where you go.” ~ Sadhguru

The seat of major energy meridians, chakras and neurons, the Spinal cord defines the quality of our lives. In a mother’s womb, the spine is the first thing that is formed and then the body, limbs etc takes root.

From a physical point of view the spinal column is an important channel for all the bodily stimuli that are transferred via the nerves to the brain. It is part of our central nervous system along with the brain. But also on a spiritual level, the spine is the source of all our energy. It is where the three major energy channels or nadis in our body lie.

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Can Excessive Mobile Phone Use Cause Brain Cancer?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 09/22/2015 - 09:30

Source: | Original Post Date: June 3, 2014 –

In the modern world it has almost become a part of the human body: the mobile phone is an essential aspect of our daily communication. And many use it without measure in their everyday life.

However, a recent French study sounded the alarm indicating that excessive use of mobile phone can cause significant health problems. Specifically, the use of mobile for more than half an hour a day over a time span of five years may triple the risk of developing certain types of brain cancer.

The duration of our daily talks on the mobile phone is directly proportional to the dangers that may be caused by it. The study claims that people who on average use their mobile phone for 15 hours per month tend to have two to three times greater risk of developing glioma and meningioma, which are the two most common types of primary brain tumor in the adult population.

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3 Tips To Affirm Living Your Life On Purpose

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 09/22/2015 - 08:44

Even before writing legend Stephen King sobered up, he would keep the door shut tight to his writing studio. When he felt his writing was ready, he’d open the door only to his wife, who he dubbed his supreme editor.

King has what he calls “closed-door writing” and “open-door writing.”

Closed-door writing is the crap, the stuff that he doesn’t want anyone to see. It’s the muck that all professionals and top-performers still muddle through to create something of high value (though they like to keep that hidden).

It’s what Anne Lamott would call the “shitty first draft” in her book on writing, Bird by Bird (one of my personal favorite reads).

To move beyond the first crappy draft, King finds the affirmation he needs from his wife. He describes in his book, On Writing, a scene where he gives his wife a manuscript on a road trip and she reads it in the passenger seat while he drives. He describes biting his nails in nervousness as he waits for her to laugh or gasp when he knows she’s at certain parts.

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True Direct Democracy: The 3rd Nemesis Of The Cabal

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 09/22/2015 - 08:40


NOTE: This article is part of a three-part series detailing the three primary nemeses of the cabal. Part 2 and Part 1 will be released soon.

Many of us were raised by our parents to respect those who fought to ensure our freedom and taught that we should vote because the vote is the basis of our freedom. It is what separates us from tyrannies and dictatorships, the right to choose who or which political party represents you. It supposedly keeps the politicians on their toes and is a means of keeping checks and balances.

This is all well and good in a sovereign nation with little or no threat from transnational corporate behemoths, criminal central bankers or treasonous trade deals that ‘cannot be refused’. Without such intrusions, elected politicians could focus on what they believe is best for the nation and her people, the vote could possibly mean something and for many years, to some degree it did.

However, times have changed, oh and how they have changed.

The Simple Solution to the World’s Problems

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 09/22/2015 - 08:37


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

I’ve written before that I think the world’s problems are caused from a lack of love and compassion, and we have to love ourselves if we want to have compassion for those who struggle. Sadly, a lot of people suffer from a massive lack of self-love, which is evident in their lifestyle and the way they interact with others.

You can tell if someone lacks self-love by their views or beliefs, the way they treat people and the way they live in general, and the greatest spiritual sickness the world knows – the sickness that causes negative or careless behavior – is the inability to love oneself, which reduces one’s love for the world. When felt on a massive scale, this deficiency causes wars and all kinds of other brutal things that we have to deal with in the world today.

If we can understand the importance of self-love – not just for the world, but for each of us who suffers without it – I think we can make some crucial personal shifts that the world will eventually reflect. As the ‘trend’ catches on, more and more people will jump onboard and rediscover what they’ve been missing for so long. The misery and drudgery that’s often associated with life will slowly fade, and with our self-love rightfully restored, we’ll have no problem coming together to create a new way of living.

Short Lived – Why Constant Thinking Is Our Only Enemy

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 09/22/2015 - 08:30

By Harry Krueger
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

The enemy of my enemy (the mind) is my friend (pristine consciousness).

The design of all species is to function in concordance with life’s universal laws. Over eons of time a part of one of our most sensitive instruments (the memory-senses complex) took a mis-leading turn when it deceived its co-dependent partner (the pristine consciousness) into believing that the decisions being made by pristine consciousness are self-generated. This mis-understanding is easily corrected. It is the Intelligence (the mysterious expression of all that exists) – pristine consciousness affinity that will make us whole again.

The consciousness that we are presently experiencing is not our natural state. We live (for the most part) in our head (mind) where thoughts seem to be never ending. This is our foremost challenge to be resolved. The content of consciousness is mind and mind is the problem maker.

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5 Gut Instincts You Should Never Ignore

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 09/22/2015 - 08:17

Source: | Original Post Date: March 6, 2015 –


When people say they’re “listening to their gut,” they really mean that their intuition is guiding them in making a decision. We all have this innate ability to listen to that inner voice telling us not to go through with something, or that the person asking us for help might have ulterior motives, or that our childhood dream could actually become a fulfilling career choice in our adult life.

We can essentially decode this often indescribable gut feeling we get in certain situations, because that pang in your stomach, sudden bout of fatigue, or strong urge to help the person next to you can reveal more than you think.

Here are 5 instincts you don’t want to ignore:


If something in your body doesn’t feel right, you should listen to this feeling before it gets any worse...

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So, Soar

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/21/2015 - 19:58

God said:

Let go of old thinking, for old thinking keeps you where you are and where you don’t want to stay any longer. You no longer want to settle for status quo. I know you don’t. Unless you are on top of the world, why would you want to stay where you are?

If you want to be renewed, think again.

If, in life, you have been dragging your feet, think anew.

If you think life is not listening to you, get some new thinking under your belt.

New is not just a sales word. I do not look for some kind of recompense from you, unless you consider your reaching to greater heights as a reward to Me, for, of course, your flying high makes Me happy. You are far more than a sale I make, however. I do not look for you to increase My profit. You are My son or daughter. I am happy to be part of your growth. Very happy. This is My desire.

We are talking about new consciousness. Your new awareness equals the appearance of a new and faster direction in your life. New awareness works in your favor. New awareness means you influence your life in new ways. We are talking about your spontaneously reaching new heights by virtue of your new thinking, new dreams, new conductivity, a new you according to your desires. Think of deeper and higher heights and thriving inspiration.

New indicates a new take on life, a new understanding, and easier access to your deepest dreams beyond physical manifestations. Why not live a deeper and greater life? Let’s repeat this: Why not live a deeper and greater life?

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