The Dew on the Meadow

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 09/10/2015 - 20:11

God said:

You are Greatness. You do not quite grasp this yet. Tell Me, dear children, do you really think that you, Who are My Creation, really aren’t much? Be clear now. What you are truly lacking is awareness. How can anyone in his right mind think My creation is just so-so or less than Greatness? Tell Me, what is the matter with you?

Tell Me, why do you focus on minute details when you could be comparing yourself to the Stars, the Moon, and the Sun? Is not the dew on the meadow enough to create a rhapsody? What are you missing? Have you never seen a baby or a puppy? What do you mean by not adoring and being amazed at the Creation of the World and the Lights within it? I placed a marvelous Creation in the world, and you are the Leaders of it. Well, who do you think sets the tone of the world?

You think I am filled with superlatives when I describe you, as if I am gushing and don’t know what I’m talking about. What I say is only a portion of your superlativeness. If I wrought the teletype through Morse, what in God's Name do you think? that you are less than the teletype to ooh and aah over?

You are beyond My dreams. You are My emissaries on Earth. What do you think a mother is? A father is? A child is? I ask My children to look for the best they can see or say.

I, God, might say in amazement, “Rosy cheeks, who would have conceived of rosy cheeks?”

You might counter: “Illness. God, Who would think of illness? You may not have created it, God, yet You allow it and appoint professors of it.”

Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, September 11, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 09/10/2015 - 18:00!

The week begins with Moon edging out of Leo on September 11 and forming a stellium with Sun and Jupiter in Virgo early in the week. No doubt that thinking about work, service to others, careful attention to details, and solving problems with analysis is prominent with the luminaries expanded by Jupiter in Mercury’s earthy sign. Neptune and Chiron oppose the Virgo stellium, creating a strong theme of ‘service and sacrifice’ early in the week (credit to Carol Rushman for the term) and gives the first several days of the week an inspirational, healing, and spiritual feel.

Saturn leaves Pluto’s sign, Scorpio, at the very end of the week. Saturn will not see Scorpio again for about another 29 years. An item that must not be overlooked is that Saturn and Pluto will not be in each other’s signs again for a vast stretch of time! No doubt that the ‘behind the scenes authority’ theme of the two in mutual reception is tough (and remains as a less prominent theme in the transits with Pluto still in Capricorn). One might also ask, how were you able to expand your limits over the past few years and increase your sense of perspectives and personal power? Saturn can be very rewarding when we respond to his demands, indeed, and occasionally a planet beyond him complements the reward handsomely.

This Rare Volcano Erupts Electric-Blue Streams Of Molten Sulfur

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 09/10/2015 - 15:25

If you’ve been to the Indonesian island of Java recently, you’ve likely been treated to a stunning view: electric blue rivers streaming out from underneath the Kawah Ijen volcano. It looks like lava, but it’s actually molten sulfur.

“I’ve never seen this much sulfur flowing at a volcano,” U.S. Geological Survey research geologist Cynthia Werner said.

Although seeing this much sulfur is a bit rare, it is common to see blue flames around volcanoes. Sulfur has a pretty low melting point at 239 degrees Fahrenheit. Kawah Ijen has the largest blue flame area, though.

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How to Slip Into the Expanded Awareness of Flow States

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 09/10/2015 - 15:22

HJ: Flow states are magical moments of expanded awareness where we reconnect with our truest self and the pure creativity that is our essence.  And best part is you can train yourself to slip into them with a little practice.

– Truth


By Tom Murcko

Flow is being completely involved in an activity for its own sake. The ego falls away. Time flies. Every action, movement, and thought follows inevitably from the previous one, like playing jazz. Your whole being is involved, and you’re using your skills to the utmost. – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

When was the last time you flowed? When you were immersed in the present, guiding each moment to the next through the unimpeded action of mind and body at the outer edge of your abilities? How beautiful, how exhilarating, how vibrantly alive was the moment?

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How Much Of The Economy Do We Actually Need?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 09/10/2015 - 14:08

Source: | Original Post Date: October 20, 2014 –

“Earn a living.”

“Be practical.”

“Get a job.”

Odds are that you have heard these statements before. As an adult, we don’t need anyone to tell us these things. We tell ourselves. But there was a time when each of us heard these ideas for the first time. Do you remember?

Perhaps you heard it after you were asked, “What do you want to do when you grow up?” as if you weren’t something already. You might have responded “I want to play with horses,” or “I’d like to travel to the moon,” or maybe even “I want to help reduce the suffering in the world.” If you were young enough, your adult companions might have admired at your youthful innocence and purity. But if you were close to becoming an adult, the response was probably something like, “That’s nice but you need to be practical. You’re going to have to get a job to earn a living.”

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Model Gets Tired Of Being Photoshopped & Decides To Do Something About It

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 09/10/2015 - 14:06

It’s become commonplace to see men and women in “near perfect” form on TV, in magazines and music videos, and even in our everyday lives. I say “near perfect” because our minds have been trained to think that certain looks are the “perfect” look – that being blemish-free and “done up” are what constitute beauty. But is this really beauty? And is taking these standards seriously and replicating them a healthy thing for ourselves and our overall collective?

This topic is one I’m very passionate about, as I’m very much an advocate of being genuine and authentic. I myself allow that part of me to express itself as often as I can and I would love to live in a world where we are all striving for it. In fact, I don’t believe it is something we even need to strive for because I believe it is our natural state to be authentic. I believe we learn behaviours that overshadow our genuine selves, and as a result, end up striving for things that are inauthentic.

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How to Speak with the Earth and Awaken Your Consciousness

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 09/10/2015 - 09:50

By Karen Seva
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

We have all heard stories of ancient civilizations – of temples, of priests, of sacrifices to the gods. We have heard stories of ancient wisdom traditions and their practices and myths. Yet, what if this cultural heritage has more to teach us than what has been discovered from an archaeological dig? What if our current interpretations – as perceived through western cultural affiliations – simply have not been sufficient to untangle the mystery of esoteric knowledge that these stories contain? What if the understanding that is truly available transcends time and space, transcends belief systems and even the structure of our own “conditioned” mind – a conditioned mind, which has been molded to receive and comply with overt and psychic messages of societal philosophy, form and function?

What if the world, as we know it, is a by-product of our conditioning? A conditioning which posits the framework of a limiting worldview upon the psyche – almost as though we were to wear a helmet with blinders connected to it; like, that which a racehorse would wear to keep out the distractions.

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Many Voices

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 09/10/2015 - 09:30

Every single thing on your Earth has a voice.  Yes, everything!  They can be soft, very slow or extremely low, some of them are high and airy and still others thrum through the ground.  Please do not fret if you cannot hear them…..yet. (Wink)  Give yourself some time, my dearest one.  Just for a few moments today, find a quiet spot and listen, truly listen.  You will be surprised! ~ Creator

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