Day 116: Dream Big!

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 09/12/2015 - 21:30

DREAM BIG!   Take several deep breaths in and out and release the tensions of the day. Now that you are relaxed, we ask that you choose one thing you would like to change in your life. Choose a behavior, a fear or a belief code you are ready to release. Take a few moments now to fantasize about possible doors that could open for you if you choose to release this thing.

Dream big, for all possibilities have the potential to become your reality. Mentally visualize your life as though what you want is already a reality. Writing your desires is another important option. Role-play the way you wish to react in future events. Take time each day to add energy to what you wish to change within yourself until the change has occurred.

“Fake it ‘til you make it,” is a powerful tool. Be prepared to take the steps that will lead you into a better future. There will come a time when you have to say “no” to others in order to say “yes’ to your needs. You have been taught to fully give yourself to others, that selfishness is sinful. Adhering to this belief code has created exhausted, overwhelmed society members who have lost the ability to think for themselves. Millions of you are floundering, not knowing who you are or how to obtain a life filled with joy and peace.

The Sun That Rises in the East

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 09/12/2015 - 19:54

God said:

Your heart is like the Sun that rises in the East, you realize this, don’t you?

Your heart is bright light. Your heart radiates its light. Its light falls on all. This is your heart’s nature. This is the nature of every heart. In the world you live in, sometimes you, My children, overlook the nature of your singular heart in an attempt to follow the world and so neglect the Truth of Your Own Heart.

Life in the world can make you profit-centered. In business as well as everything else, you want to be greater than profit-centered. Dealing with people is its own ball-game. You don’t stay the same. Your heart is the Sun. Let your heart radiate. Watch what you do with your life.

Don’t squint your eyes at people any longer. This means that you don’t look exclusively for people who contribute profit to you. When you look at people, you are not looking to specialize in those who bring you fame or access to others who profit you. You seek Being.

Monetary gifts are not the measure of people that you are to take. Some people have more financial worth than others. More financial worth is all that means. Of course, you don’t discount someone because he’s a millionaire. You don’t discount someone because he is not a millionaire either. The size of someone’s pocketbook isn’t meant to be your deciding factor when it comes to making friends and valuing people.

You do not waste your time. There is precious little time to simply enjoy those who come before you. Look not for ulterior motives when you make friends.

Get to Know Your Chakra Energy System

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 09/12/2015 - 12:40

by Sarah Delamere Hurding

Root Chakra Energy

Purpose: Links us to the physical world. The Root chakra is the foundation for personality and defines the structure of our being.

In harmony, a vibrant Root chakra energy manifests in a huge connection to nature, a trust in natural law and an innate understanding of life’s patterns. Off balance, this chakra displays an inability to trust life. Material possessions become an obsession and way too important in a person’s priorities. This can display as a powerful urge to fully satisfy selfish desires and wishes.

Sacral Chakra Energy

Purpose: Regulates our relationships with family, friends and lovers. The Sacral chakra energy holds our emotions and is the powerhouse of our sexuality.

In harmony, this chakra displays good consideration of others. The person with a healthy sacral energy is well-developed, friendly, kind, emotionally open and well connected to life’s joy. Off balance, this chakra can make a person unsure and uneasy about all things sexual. Feelings may be blocked and not easily expressed. Natural needs are possibly denied and suppressed.

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4 Powerful Questions That Will Positively Shift Your Attitude and Outlook on Life

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 09/12/2015 - 12:36

HJ: Questions have the power to short circuit our normal way of thinking and often lead to insights that allows us to break free of unconscious, self-imposed limits and barriers that keep us from greater health, happiness, joy, success and abundance. Great piece below with truly powerful questions to shift your life.

– Truth

4 Questions that Will Change Your Attitude (When You Can’t Change Anything Else)

By Marc Chernoff | Marc and Angel


A peaceful person is not a person who’s always in a good situation, but rather a person who always has a good attitude in every situation.

To a great extent, we create our fate every single day, and most of the ills we suffer from are directly traceable to our own (controllable) attitude.  Life is packed full of uncontrollable events; in many situations the only thing we can control is the attitude we choose to respond with.

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5 Types Of Medicinal Mushrooms And How They Boost Health

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 09/12/2015 - 12:34

Source: | Original Post Date: July 7, 2014 –

Different species of mushrooms have valuable benefits.

Understanding how food interacts with our bodies and the role it plays in healing various health conditions can be helpful. Whether food is used as part of a medical treatment or a prevention-focused diet, knowledge is power. Though some may disregard medicinal food, medical researchers have proven how prescriptive diets have been used to minify health risks. One such functional food is mushrooms. There are currently 38,000 discovered and classified species of mushrooms that hold medicinal benefits.

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10 Things That Happen To Your Body If You Have Sex Daily

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 09/12/2015 - 12:22

Source: | Original Post Date: May 20, 2015 –

Do you need 10 more reasons to have sex daily? No. But they’re never bad to know. Sex is a necessary part of life, relationships, and, as it turns out, good health. More regular sex may not get rid of a headache, but the health benefits that daily sex has for you will help prevent the headaches in the first place.

Joy Davidson, PhD, psychologist and sex therapist, along with other sexperts, agree that sex has scientifically backed benefits for your health. Obviously it increases blood flow, is good for your skin (“You’re glowing!”), and has improves mental health by increasing desire and intimacy. But how can daily sex help in ways you didn’t know?

1. Sex Relieves Stress

A study shows that sex reduces blood pressure, and therefore overall stress.  Even the simple act of hugging has been shown to lower blood pressure in women.

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Partial solar eclipse on September 13, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 09/12/2015 - 12:20

A partial solar eclipse, visible from southern Africa, Madagascar, Antarctica and some locations in Indian and Atlantic Oceans, will occur on September 13, 2015. The moment of greatest eclipse will occur at 06:54 UTC.

This eclipse comes 1.2 days before the Moon reaches apogee and two weeks before total lunar eclipse on September 28.

Image courtesy of Fred Espenak, NASA/GSFC.

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Who is Jeb Bush, Really? – The History of the Bush Crime Family

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 09/12/2015 - 09:31

By Makia Freeman

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Who is Jeb Bush?

The ‘elite’ establishment who control the mainstream media are ensuring through their biased media coverage that US 2016 presidential hopeful Jeb Bush becomes the front-running candidate for the Republican Party. As he enters more and more the limelight and the consciousness of the average US voter, many will be wondering – who is Jeb Bush, really?

This article takes a deeper look at the latest of the Bush bloodline foisted upon the American people in a “free and democratic” election.

Who is Jeb Bush? The Latest Bush in a Long Line of Treason

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