Be Prepared

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 07/01/2019 - 23:43

Just a little more quiet time, a touch more tranquility before the heavy work begins.  Yes, it is again time to tie down anything you do not want to lose and don your safety gear. (Smiling) The next round is coming and will be much different from the last few waves that have come through.  The vibrations of your world are rising exponentially, and you will be receiving the tools and knowledge to put this new vibration into play.

The primary goal of the next few days is to help you become as comfortable as possible with the upcoming work.  The Universe will never leave you unprepared.  Just focus and breathe…all will be well. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Monday July 1, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 07/01/2019 - 23:42

Dear Ones, are you open to the idea there are always solutions or energetic matches that exist for you that are beyond what you are aware of? If you can agree to that idea, doesn’t it make sense that the next step to empowered change is being willing to be moved into the discovery of what they are?

Resistance will only keep you within the realm of what is already known, and in many cases, expired. Be brave enough to explore what is just beyond what you can see. Expand your field of possibility by allowing yourself to be led.

Understand that with every single shift you make, new possibilities become vibrationally available as a response to your upgraded energetic state. This is so exciting because it means there is always expansion happening that comes with more wonders just waiting to be discovered! All you must do is be willing to move into the exploration of those new realms of potential with openness and curiosity. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

The Stillness

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 06/30/2019 - 22:48

You may be experiencing a little peace, a little quiet and a whole lot of growth right now.  Use the time to enjoy the softness of the day, the tranquil pace and the abundant Unconditional Love flowing around and through you.  There will be time enough for the hurried pace of quantum leaping later, my darling child.  Today, give yourself the gift of reveling in the stillness. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Sunday June 30, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 06/30/2019 - 22:48

We understand as human beings that you seek to find labels or rules to help you feel there is predictability, and thus a sense of safety, in the unfoldment of the times you are in. But the universe never stops expanding, and thus, you will never experience only one specific energy for a long period of time. That immovability would be contrary to what both you and the universe are designed to do.

Dear Ones, there will always be ebb and flow. There will be integration and release. There will be night and day, in breath and out breath, rest and movement. There will be times when the divine masculine is the focus, and other times when the divine feminine will be the focus. There will be times when you are resting and times when you are going through rapid acceleration.

The beauty about all of this is that it is all designed to move you forward with the most ease and comfort possible. The energies are customized to provide you exactly what you need at any given time. As you come to embrace this new way of looking at things, you will find a sense of safety in the divine intelligence of it all, and the fact that you both assist the shift and benefit from it. You will be able to settle into a deep faith and trust, acceptance and allowing, and harness exactly whatever is being energetically supported knowing that it is always, always for your highest good and the highest good of all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

The age of crude, gross, and insane materialism is over.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 06/29/2019 - 22:43

Humanity is most definitely on the brink of awakening!  You need to wake up from the dream/nightmare/illusion that has encouraged you to believe in separation and engage in interminable conflict for eons.  Over the last few decades the technological achievements of mass instant communications worldwide has enabled awareness to grow of your global interdependence – no one is an island – and of the essential requirement for a change in attitudes and behaviors to eradicate poverty and become true guardians of your beautiful Planet Earth.  Your disastrous industrial behavior, which has caused so much environmental damage, has to be terminated and replaced by modern technologies – which are readily available – that treat the Earth, your home, with honor and loving respect.  There is no lack, the planet is well able to support you all if you will just engage with her lovingly and considerately.

What Is In Your Heart

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 06/29/2019 - 22:42

One of the unfortunate things that has developed on your Earth plane; there are ploys that have been specifically designed to play on your insecurities.  You are being told you need to be faster, stronger, more beautiful/handsome, thinner, drive a better car, get a better job, live in a bigger house…as if what you are born with and who you are will never be good enough.

The Universe is here to tell you; once you free yourself from the bonds of what others think and feel, you will begin feeling your own self.  For some, this may be a challenging thing to experience.  But when you have a conscious realization that you are good enough and what and who you are does matter, the bonds that have been insidiously wrapped around you will begin to crumble and break away.  The only standard you will hold yourself to is what is in your heart. (Smiling) You have the capability and (quite frankly) you have already begun this process.  Be true to who you truly are, the rest will take care of itself. ~ Creator

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