MORE Information!

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 09/16/2018 - 22:43

After the frenzy of this past week, you may have noticed a calming and definite evening out of the incoming energy.  This has been done to give you an opportunity (if you choose) to assimilate the information you have received thus far.  With another wave on its way, The Universe has given you a chance to take a breather, to adjust and integrate.  Use the time wisely to nurture your body and soul, to practice kindness and compassion to yourself and others.  The more time you take, the more easily you will be able to handle the deluge that is approaching from now until the end of the year.  You are also being reminded that, as crazy as it may feel, there is a purpose to all of it and you are an integral part of this process. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Sunday September 16, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 09/16/2018 - 22:43

Asking for guidance and then choosing to stay in a state of resistance is much like intending to go somewhere, getting in your vehicle, setting your GPS, and then refusing to put the car in drive. Or perhaps you are attempting movement while still in resistance which would amount to trying to drive with the parking brake on. Either way you won’t be getting very far!

Dear Ones, you must be willing to enter into a flow to start to make your way to your destination, and the greater your surrender, the easier it is to get you where you wish to go. You simply cannot effectively guide something that is not willing to commit to motion. Surrendering into the flow and trusting the unfoldment will not only move you forward with the most grace and ease possible, it will also allow you to enjoy the scenery and progress as you go. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

What Does Life Hold in Store?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 09/16/2018 - 22:42

God said:

Beloved, do you perhaps have a picture of Me in mind as a statue – My head on My hand, deep in thought? In truth, My thinking comes less from thought and more from impulse. Sometimes you also find, in the same way, that a creative idea simply falls to you, yes?

My ideas are inspired. Like you, I love inspiration. I love to see where an idea will take Me. The same as you experience, so is it for Me. A color pops into My head. My hand starts moving the blue crayon that I yearn to draw with at a moment's notice. Who can say why or how? Just is. Voila, you and I have taken a direction. Neither of Us researched it. The direction hops into Our hearts before We know it. Freely, We take off in an instant.

Incoming Information

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 09/15/2018 - 12:02

There is so much information coming in now that you may not know where to start. The Universe would like to you consciously recognize that you do not have to know. All you need to do is allow and know it is for your highest and best…you will never be sent anything that will harm, hurt or wound you. You do, however, have a choice of accepting it or not. That is one of the beauties of being human…free will! ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Saturday September 15, 2018

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 09/15/2018 - 12:02

Dear Ones, you have spent much time focusing on connecting to your soul and your true divine essence. Now it is time to reclaim your body as the sacred vehicle it is. You would not be able to have the experience you are having without your body.

It has served you incredibly well from the moment you took your first breath and is working constantly to accommodate the higher and higher energies on the planet as well as those you are in the process of embodying through your own growth. Take time to thank it, to nurture it, to appreciate it, and to wonder at all that it does as it continuously serves you in the most miraculous ways.

You have seen your soul and your body as very separate things. Many of you have seen your body as less than and something to get away from. Now is the time to integrate the two, to embody your beingness, to celebrate your spirituality and your humanity, to acknowledge and honour both as equally essential and sacred in this incredible and unprecedented time on your planet.  Doing so will open the door for greater healing and presence than ever before. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

To Hear This God Who Art Thy Self

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 09/15/2018 - 12:02

God said:

Beloved, I am a God of the people. I am here for you at your desire, yet not for your desire to rub off some kind of specialness on you, but to share My Self like the Sun to the world.

I speak now about Godwriting. It is clear now that we meet for Oneness and not for any fame or fortune, but to give. This isn’t at all like being in a fraternity together. Of course, We don’t punch Our fists together like eager sports figures exchanging high-fives of admiration of one kind or another. We are energized. We are glad and grateful, yet We are not so much hail fellows well-met. We are simply together as One.

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