Stand tall in your light now ~ Michael through Ron Head

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 06/18/2012 - 08:34

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Good morning.  We will begin today by explaining to you what happened yesterday.  You were correct in thinking that the energies around you were chaotic.  They have begun to settle and you are integrating the changes in your field somewhat.  We know it was a worry for you, but we advise you that there is much more of this nature to come.  We advise you to be prepared.  Do not expect to receive pages of information from us each day.  From this point on, some messages may be short and some may take more than one day to complete.


There is more than enough information around you to keep your page active and informative.  Share the posts of others and do not feel compelled to produce each morning.  Much is about to change in your world, and your life is not an exception to this.  You may need more time to deal with what is occurring around you soon, but we assure you that when you look for us we will be here.

~Space Weather Update Subsiding Storm~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 06/18/2012 - 08:32

TAIKONAUTS IN SPACE: China's march into space is quickening. On June 15th, the Chinese space agency launched the Shenzhou 9 spacecraft with three taikonauts on board. One of them, fighter pilot Liu Yang, is the first Chinese woman in space. The Shenzhou 9 is scheduled to dock with China's Tiangong 1 space station later today. Check the Simple Satellite Tracker or your smartphone for sighting opportunities.


VIsionkeeper: Planting flowers…Planting love

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 06/18/2012 - 04:02


Planting flowers…Planting love

I was driving into town the other day and something sparked my emotions. I live in a very rural location, small narrow mountain roads, some still dirt which pleases me immensely, just a road sign or two at best. Down at the bottom of the hill is a Y in the road and in the middle of the Y was a planter recently filled with blooming flowers for the wildlife to enjoy and the few lost souls crazy enough to live this far out-of-town. It was a wonderful sight and it was such a nice thing for somebody to do, to add beauty to the world and lift up spirits. It made me recall how President Johnson’s wife Ladybird years ago planted flowers all around Texas, huge swaths of wildflowers to add beauty to the world. Imagine how beautiful the world would be if everyone was doing the same thing.

Bank Holidays Begin in France? Banque Postal Stops Wires & Cash Transactions Friday

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 06/18/2012 - 03:57


Bank Holidays Begin in France? Banque Postal Stops Wires & Cash Transactions Friday : )


GFP: we recomend all to keep centered in your Heart and help anyone in need of explanation to understand that we're in the middle of a big paradigm shift, and that before the New can be completely grounded the old has to be cleaned, as noOne would ever build on unsafe ground. Follow your Heart, not your fears and you'll be the Love you are. 

Contagion fears and panic appear to have reached France’s shores ahead of Sunday’s Greek vote, as Max Keiser has received a first-hand account that France’s large Banque Postal stopped outgoing bank wires due to ‘technical glitches’, and also stopped cash transactions beginning at 8am Friday!

A global financial collapse and subsequent bank run could occur within minutes-hours once the trigger is detonated – which appears to be a possibility (although likely remote) with this weekend’s rhetoric from numerous Central Bankers stating they will provide whatever liquidity is necessary .

The manuscript of survival – part 152

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 06/18/2012 - 03:48


The manuscript of survival – part 152


 •June 18, 2012 • 


As of today, many will feel the opening of a whole new space inside of them, a space filled with tranquility even if the outside is anything but. Let us explain. These last few days of intense energies have once again transported you all to a new level of energetic vibration, and this has enabled you to be disconnected from even more of the old programming that was holding you down. Therefore, space has been cleared, and it will be filled with even more light than was possible only a short time ago.

It might not be apparent to you at first, as both your physical and your mental bodies in many way still lingers on in the old vibration, much like the lingering sensation from a limb that has been cut off but that the body still perceives to be there.

Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 18 June 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 06/18/2012 - 00:58


Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 18 June 2012

The conditions upon Earth are turning into chaos in anticipation of the affect of the financial crisis. However we are behind the actions that are being taken to offset such affects so that with the final collapse, our allies can come forward with the answers. There will be no going back to the old ways that have put you in the position you find yourselves in. Any others steps that are taken to prolong them will only prolong the agony and the solution needs to be adopted very quickly. New systems are essential that take full control of the way that the banks operate, and fiat money will no longer be allowed. Years and years of corrupt practices and manipulation of the money markets has created a monster that has to be removed. Small will become beautiful and large corporations will be broken up. Debt forgiveness will remove the present problems created from the recklessness of the banks and restore your faith, because of the promises of the New Age that will ensure they are not repeated.

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