Oracle Report ~ Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Tue, 06/12/2012 - 07:22


Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Third Quarter Moon Phase

Overnight, two major astrological events took place: Chiron stationed retrograde and Jupiter entered Gemini.  These changes are palpable within the energy today and will initially produce the potential to feel isolated, lonely, or alienated.  You will probably naturally feel more introverted and quiet.  Chiron will be retrograde until mid-November and is going to amp up already-present energies that will increasingly open us up to spiritual energies and, in turn, heal our individual sense of separation or lingering feelings of loneliness.  To do this, the feeling of isolation is enhanced today, but not only by Chiron, but also Jupiter.  In mythological astrology, both Chiron and Jupiter are great teachers.  They are joining forces now to teach us that the feeling of loneliness is an illusion and that we are never truly alone.  They will teach us that nothing about ourselves - our happiness, our sense of self and self-esteem, our success - is dependent on anything in the material world.  We naturally exist in the uninterrupted dreaming of the planet and when we identify ourselves or place our locus of control outside of that connection, we are astray.  Feelings of loneliness, sadness, and dissatisfaction ensue.  

LIsa Gawlas: Finding Energetic Balance as We Live The Love Frequency!

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Tue, 06/12/2012 - 07:15


I sit here these days in stunning awe of what is happening.   I have written for years now about the potentials of Shambhala, (bringing Heaven to Earth, fully and completely) about divine counterparts and sacred sex.  I have grumbled many a time to the universe I want to write about these things from first hand information…dammit!  All I would ever get was an energetic grin from the universe and the instruction to just keep writing!  Thanx!!

The one thing I have always known deep in my heart…  The universe always provides for your hearts deepest desires.  Just in the right time, not any ole time.  We humans, THIS human, has always wanted it yesterday!!

Now I am alive in a playground, a heart ground, filled with bliss and wonder, and an unfolding of an energetic field I had never seen before within the human construct.

Michael by GLR Ron Head, In this manner, you are centered

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Tue, 06/12/2012 - 07:11


  Spanish      Portuguese


As the frequencies of light continue to build toward your coming solstice, we would speak to you each morning with some suggestions to help you in your ability to utilize them to the fullest.

You have known of these practices for many thousands of years, but as you know, a gentle reminder now and again can be of much help.  You often hear us ask you to center yourselves.  Let us give you a thought picture of a way to do that.

Suzanne Lie – New Earth Journal Par 1 – My Life On New Earth – 12 June 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Tue, 06/12/2012 - 02:58


Suzanne Lie – New Earth Journal Par 1 – My Life On New Earth – 12 June 2012

I wanted to return to the Starship, but then I realized that what I want to do is not as important as what I came to do. I came to be among the Ones who came to assist in creating New Earth. And exactly how do we create New Earth? I don’t know. The Arcturians say I don’t know because we haven’t created it yet. On the other hand, I am aware that there is a Cosmic Plan that has been in place from before time that includes not only our small planet but much of this quadrant of space.

Landing of the first star people :)

Submitted by strongwings on Tue, 06/12/2012 - 02:32

It happened in my dream last night.


first i have seen a second sun shining in the sky .. than i have seen someone landed down on earth by a big parachute (Dont ask why parachute.. i liked it)

i ran over there to see.. an ET star brother was sitting at where he landed, surrounded by wondering people.

i walked fastly to meet him. i stood by him. i said:

are you okay?

 he said :yes

i said * do you need any help?

he said* oh yes


and we people helped him to take his parachute of from his shoulders.

than i shaked his hand hard

than i hugged him hard.

him and i were very emotional.

i whispered* " we have been waiting for this moment too long"




in the morning as soon as i opened my eyes i told to my wife:

Yuuka, star people allready began landing//

and she said* HUH???????????????

Heavenletter #4218 Looking into the Mirror of a Fairy Tale

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Tue, 06/12/2012 - 01:27

Heavenletter #4218 Looking into the Mirror of a Fairy Tale, June 12, 2012 


God said: 


When your heart is sagging, you are lagging in that you are not keeping up with your heart. You are putting it down. You are depressing it.

Your heart is always raring to go. Unleash it. Stop

pressing it down.


You have been afraid to let your heart take off. You keep gauging the food given to your heart, and you find it is not enough. Let your heart forage for itself. Instead of telling your heart, "Giddyap," what it wants to hear, you have been telling your heart: "Better to hold back. Better to pace yourself. You never want to give out more love than you are given. Never. Hold on to what you have. Be sparing with it."

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