Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse & Venus Eclipse

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 06/03/2012 - 10:48
Commentary from the Galactic Free Press~ Kelly wrote this Brilliantly However, the Sun does not represent the ego as the ego in this incoming energy will continue to dissolve. The Sun represents Your Heart Opening to Bring in the Feminine Balance Energy.

Creation by Susanna Monette

The Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse on June 4 occurs when the Moon passes behind the Earth so that the Earth blocks the Sun’s rays from striking the Moon. This can occur only when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are aligned exactly, or very closely so, with the Earth in the middle. Thus, a Lunar Eclipse can only occur the night of a Full Moon.


Conversations with the Pleiadians High Energies~ Remember Your Heart Connection

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 06/03/2012 - 10:39
You are the One Fractal Art By Earth Ally Will Harader

We The Pleiadians step forward right now because we are a closer vibrational frequency to humanity than others. We are in the 5th Dimension and as humanity and your Sacred planet Mother Earth is stepping into the 5th Dimension we are able and willing and wishing to assist those of humanity who are listening.


Visionkeeper – Open Your Mind – 3 June 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sun, 06/03/2012 - 10:28


Visionkeeper – Open Your Mind – 3 June 2012

(picture by

We go through life believing what we see is what is. What our eyes see is only part of the story, what our minds think about what we see, is the other half. Our beliefs taint what we see and puts our own spin on things. If we oppose homosexuality lets say and we see two men embracing, they are disgusting and should not be allowed in our world. If we believe in the freedom of others to do what they want and be who they want to be, we see two individuals sharing loving and caring feelings. Same scene, different beliefs, therefore a different outcome, and unfortunately a different life for the close minded individual. 

Power Path ~ Full Moon/Eclipse Update 6/4/12 with Pat Liles

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 06/03/2012 - 10:28

Written by Patricia Liles



Full Moon/Partial Lunar Eclipse Sun in Gemini 14º/ SuperMoon in Sagittarius 14º Monday, June 4, 5:12 AM MDT


The powerful spring pair of solar/lunar eclipses in Gemini/Sagittarius is completing. The next eclipse window will be Nov. 13 (total solar) and Nov. 28 (partial lunar). Last year we had total eclipses of the Moon and partial eclipses of the Sun, and now in 2012, we are having total Solar eclipses and partial lunar eclipses. So many beautiful, orderly cycles. Fitting that this transition time of 2012 is focused on the Sun at its height of sunspot/solar flare cycle. Solar eclipses help us reset our will, purpose and identity and realign with our soul consciousness clearing away what is no longer of use as we move forward. There’s a bit of wrenching as we let go of what we are used to and prepare to hold newer and more creative energy. Change of this sort can be difficult for the body – many report fatigue or crankiness.


The Gemini archetype with its Sagittarius opposite sign pair is magnificently highlighted in multiple ways currently:

Caroline Myss ~ The Gift of Seven Extraordinary Days of Grace (Part 1)

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sun, 06/03/2012 - 10:26


Caroline Myss ~ The Gift of Seven Extraordinary Days of Grace (Part 1)


Grace comes in many expressions. It intervenes in raging arguments, calming your anger so that you do not say what you can never take back. Grace whispers thoughts of hope in desperate times, giving you the stamina to hold on through the storms of life. And grace delivers inspiration, awakening creative resources deep within your being. The power of grace is endless, silent, and powerful.

Beauty & Light Amplified: the Venus Transit

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 06/03/2012 - 10:19

Monday, 14 May, 2012 


 Photo by crystalin

Greetings Dear Ones of Light, 


It is a wonderful time to be here with you now, as the Earth approaches her last cycles in this passage toward greater unity and wholeness. Returns of this sort are long anticipated and it is with this sense of enthusiasm and wonder that we join you today. 

Within your being are vast annals of information that transmit energy across what you think of as time.  You are a multidimensional portal of light and with your focus, give shape to this light in your realm, your world, and also in perhaps a less conscious way, you transmit continually to the whole and also to the streams of consciousness where you have resonance and affinity through focus experiences. 


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