Pace of Lightwork Quickens as Transformation Nears

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 06/02/2012 - 09:47


                         ~**~   A gentle reminder of why we incarnated as Lightworkers      ~**~


            Melchizedek: Pace of Lightwork Quickens as Transformation Nears

       by: Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana Feb. 14, 2012


Beloved Ones,

~Space Weather Update~ Increasing Sunspots~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 06/02/2012 - 09:04

VENUS PASSES MERCURY, APPROACHES THE SUN: Venus is approaching the sun in advance of the June 5th Transit of Venus. From here on Earth, the second planet has become difficult to see wrapped in bright sunlight. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, however, has no such trouble. SOHO's onboard coronagrah blocks the glare to reveal planets otherwise invisible:


A 24-hour movie shows that Mercury is exiting stage left as Venus plunges deeper into sunlight. Updated images may be found here.


The Sea Maiden. An Interview With Moreanna. By, AuroRa Le. June 2, 2012.

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sat, 06/02/2012 - 08:45


The Sea Maiden. An Interview With Moreanna. By, AuroRa Le. June 2, 2012.

  If we really stop to wonder about it, there’s an astonishing similarity in the characters of myth and legend, which permeate every culture across the globe.  Why is that, do you think?  These stories had to have come from somewhere, and isn’t there at least a slim possibility that they actually have their origin in fact?  More and more, we are coming to discover that almost everything we’ve been taught, everything we believed in without question, have been lies.  And nowhere is this more glaringly apparent than in the case of our planet’s history.  I’ve been both thrilled and fascinated by the ever increasing number of beautiful new channelings that I’m seeing all over the internet;  messages from exotic beings of the Elemental and, shall we say “mythical”realms.  They seem to simply want to let us know that they’re here. 

Lisa Gawlas - The Balancing Act of June – Walking the Tight Rope.

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sat, 06/02/2012 - 08:41

Welcome to June… I think!  If yesterday was any indication of what we are in for this month, well,  just Holy Cow Batman!!

I don’t think there is a one of us not consistently hoping the “next month” is going to be easier, gentler on our energy systems and lives.  I know I have been saying/hoping this since we headed into the 11/11/11 last year.  If what I had seen yesterday in the field is any indication of what June offers us, June is not going to be that easy month!!

My first reading wasn’t until 10am yesterday, which left me chomping at the bit to “see” what June was going to present to us.  Let me tell you, by 8am my antenna is up and looking for someone to read!  So I checked out myself.  Again, this amazing, wonderful, synchronicitic world we live within leaves me in awe every single day!

My intention with myself was to understand the energies of June and how it is affecting me.  The first thing I had seen was a golden cork screw energy coming down into my crown.  This visual gave me comfort as an hour later I was so suddenly and severely dizzy I actually had to grab onto my desk so I didn’t fall out of my chair.  This dizzy happened repeatedly for several hours.

Michael by GLR Ron Head - We will continue to raise the frequencies –

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sat, 06/02/2012 - 08:35


  Spanish     Portuguese

Today we will discuss your many reactions to truth and what to expect when it is at last revealed by your media.  First of all, there are millions of you who will not be surprised at all, and in fact, have been diligently attempting to spread this type of information for many years.

There are many millions more who have had contact with this information and who have believed some of it and reserved judgment on other parts of it.  And of course, there are those who either have not heard of it at all or who refuse to believe what they have heard.

The Biggest Apology Of My Life

Submitted by d'tewa on Sat, 06/02/2012 - 06:52

     Yes, I apologize to you and everyone who reads this post.  I screwed up.  I failed the test.  Instead of going with the flow, I now run a course upstream against the current because I couldn't learn my lessons.  I was prompted over and over again to stop smoking and I didn't and more honestly, I couldn't.  I tried laying them down, but repeated failed. However, by the time I did manage to stop, it's now too late.  Something has gotten ahold of me that is quickly taking me down.  My health is failing fast, It hurts to breathe.  My body hurts in places I forgot about.  My cheery outlook has changed to one of depression.  I feel as though the Light that brought ascending miracles has stopped at my feet.  Darkness and the gloom of staying here in the 3D is breaking my heart, especially when I desparately wanted to ascend.  Actually, that's not even the whole truth of it all.  Though I've casted the "fear of the unknown" to the Universe many times, it remains still.  What can one do when the fear stays?  It's a blockage.  It's difficult to move forward. 

     What now?  Am I going to die now before I am able to physically ascend?  Do I have to die in order to ascend?  That's not what I wanted.  I came to see this thing through to the end.  I don't want to stop and stay here with the ones who harm each other.  I wanted a life full of love, light and peace.  I wanted to see the New Earth and her new inhabitants in all their glory. 

Oracle Report ~ Saturday, June 2 - Sunday, June 3, 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sat, 06/02/2012 - 06:48



Saturday, June 2 - Sunday, June 3, 2012



Gibbous Moon Phase

The Sun is beginning to respond to Venus' transit across it this Monday.  A large fissure (coronal hole) has opened, exhaling a solar wind that will reach Earth that day.  The Universe is electro-magnetic in nature; the plasmic conjunctions of the planets and the star combine to elicit effects on the Earth (and of course on humanity, which is symbiotic with the Earth).  Stay tuned...

This weekend we have several things happening.  Saturday's energy flows nicely and favors expressing ourselves through both interpersonal communications and the expression of skills and talents.  These things want to find manifestation in the real world (saying what needs to be said and creating what needs to be created).  Websites, blogs, and other forms of communication can make great strides under this energy.  Overall, validation is highlighted, but the need for validation will only cause problems.  The need for approval from others is sourced in fear and we do not operate from fear.

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