~ A Message from the Earth Allies~ The Road to Full Consciousness

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 05/28/2012 - 18:59


Right Now all of Humanity is in the Process of Becoming Full Consciousness. Some May leave the Planet in Numbers as we Proceed into Complete 5D Reality, WHICH IS LOVE EVERYWHERE PRESENT~


  The reason for many leaving is the Intense Energy Increase that is Now Penetrating to the very core of Mother Earth=Heart which is Connected to All Human Beings On Planet Earth=Heart. This Divine Energy seeded here By Us, Mother and Father God,is Pure Love Energy to Awaken Each Being on This Planet. This Was Set in The Divine Plan as this Moment of Now for the Release of this  Energy.



This Energy is Putting Intense Pressure on the program ego mind, which is what is termed darkness. What this is accomplishing is the dissolving of the program mind, and then The Real Being Emerges from this Experience.

Although all On Planet Earth=Heart at this time Contracted for this, not all will be able to release the ego. So, then they must transform through a physical death. All Are going Home Into 5d Reality In the No Matter what, by Divine Decree.


~Due to the INtense Energies our Next Update will Be May 29th!

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 05/28/2012 - 18:18


~ Greetings Love Beings~ Wow, The Energies are really Intense.  We will allow these to process and integrate a little more before making our Next Update~


Which Will be Tues. May 29th, 2012.


We Love You! We Reheart You. Many Will Be feeling really tired in these energies. Make Sure You Rest when Needed. We are Preparing for Some Huge Energtic shifts and the Body Holograms are preparing us all for these right NOW.


 Love The Earth Allies

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 5/28/12

Submitted by Greg_ Giles on Mon, 05/28/2012 - 17:36



Free energy zones:


Free energy zones will be areas of designation that are provided to supply clean and free without charge or cost energy to those in these areas willing to participate in these projects. What we would like to do is put aside your current means of supplying your households with energy and installing a new technology that will better improve the efficiency and the supply of clean energy into your home. These projects will be performed on a worldwide level and there will come a time when each and every household on your planet will be furnished this technological advancement that will supply clean energy without a cost to the subscriber of this technology.


To participate in this program, we ask those of you who are willing to make certain changes in your household to make their names available to us either telepathically or through posting or commenting throughout your online social networks and we will enter your name into our database for consideration for this advancement in your home. What this technology entails is an entirely new way to harness energy from the atmosphere surrounding your planet. This area of your planet is known to you as the stratosphere, and it is here that energy is available for this kind of use through the implementation of a device that is installed in a home or dwelling. This device will pick up radiating energy that encircles your planet. It will then clean and purify this energy before its use to power appliances, heating and lighting in your home. What it will not do is power automobiles, trains, buses and airplanes, but we have other means to power these systems of transportation that at this time are important to your world.



Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 05/28/2012 - 14:06



We come now to simply share the simplest of messages, yet this message is of great importance and has the power to change your life within an instant if received and focused upon with your light, beloved. The nature of your life experience is so brief in our eyes, and yet so tangible to each one of you and at times, it is not a happiness we witness within you. Your happiness is your gift to others and to the Earth, and Gaia, the earth mother shines her light upon you to produce this special experience. Our message to you is to support you to create your happiness, beloved.

The Dolphin Collective ~~The 5th Dimensional Restplace and your Transformation~~ by GLR Méline Lafont May 28, 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 05/28/2012 - 13:51


The Dolphin Collective ~~The 5th Dimensional Restplace and your Transformation~~  by GLR Méline Lafont May 28, 2012

(Note: The Dolphin Collective are refering to the 5th Dimensional Restplace as it will be a restplace to recover from Illusion)
Hello Lovely One,
We are the Dolphin Collective sharing the following message with you. It is our pleasure to welcome you in those 5th Dimensional energies and – world. For the majority of you this world is still not visible although you have evolved greatly during the recent Solar Alignment of May 20th (May 21st). Some of the Lightworkers have fully Ascended to the Fifth Dimension and are aware of this fact through their contacts with their guides, with their Higher Selves or through remembering certain aspects of the Ascension process. 

Global Peace Wave 1440 ~ of Unity

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 05/28/2012 - 13:29

May 9, 2012 by missButterfly2012

Signup athttp://www.globalpeacewave.com to join the wave of peace.
or on Facebook:http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Global-Peace-Wave-1440/366056680104176
The Global Peace Wave 1440
As described below, the Global Peace Wave 1440 is a project that has been inspired by Ac Tah's One Minute for Peace campaign in Mexico. The Global Peace Wave 1440 hopes to serve humanity's evolving consciousness by working towards a sustainable global peace.

Einstein once said, "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it". War is a three dimensional construct. Therefore we must raise our consciousness or vibration above the level it was created in order to break the construct of the war paradigm.

As the Dalai Lama said "War is obsolete". It simply does not work as a means to solving the world's most difficult and challenging problems. The Global Peace Wave, initiated by The Emergence Project, attempts to harness these underlying principles and ideals to bring about the inner and outer transformation needed to sustain a lasting global peace.

According to Mayan spiritual teacher Ac Tah, we are in the window of time where we have the opportunity to reach unity consciousness and humanity's collective enlightenment. In a talk on his Boston tour last year, Ac Tah explained, "One of the reason we still have war and suffering in the world is largely due to the fact that the frequency level of peace has not been sustained long enough to cancel out and transmute the lower vibrational frequencies of war and violence."

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