Think positive and dream with loving thoughts the changes into being ~ SaLuSa through Isabel Henn May 28, 2012

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 05/28/2012 - 11:20

Think positive and dream with loving thoughts the changes into being ~ SaLuSa through Isabel Henn May 28, 2012

Much has happened since I last spoke through this channel. The arrests were expanded, and other things have got the ball rolling, even though so far nothing is reported about it in your media. But this only as a quick update.


I would like to report otherwise. How to listen now via other channels, the solar eclipse was a complete success. The combined global meditations and the extremely rare stellar constellations have changed the energy and the vibrations on Earth. Love is now the dominant power and it will continue to increase. Changes in your bodies allow to send increasing energy to Earth to wake up more people.


~Space Weather Update~ AR1492 ERUPTS, CME TARGETS MARS

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 05/28/2012 - 11:18

ASTEROID FLYBY: Today, May 28th, newly-discovered asteroid 2012 KP24 is flying past Earth only one-tenth the distance to the Moon. Amateur astronomer Rolando Ligustri photographed the 26-meter space rock during the early hours of May 28th when it was about 350,000 km from our planet: image. Measurements of the asteroid's orbit confirm that there is no danger of a collision with Earth.


AR1492 ERUPTS, CME TARGETS MARS: The magnetic canopy of sunspot AR1492 erupted on May 27th, producing a long-duration C3-class solar flare and hurling a coronal mass ejection (CME) toward Mars. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the explosion's extreme UV flash:



Note the shadowy wave billowing away from the blast site. That's the 'solar tsunami' so often associated with the ejection of CMEs.

Mytria and Mytre: Recognition

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 05/28/2012 - 10:19



Mytria and Mytre: Recognition

2012 MAY 28
Posted by Andrew Eardley

Mytria and Mytre: Recognition

 by GLR Dr Suzan Caroll

May 27, 2012


“Where have your been?” I spoke gruffly, perhaps to cover up the intensity of emotion that I felt at her very touch. “Your friends are concerned for you and sent me to find you.” I said in a softer voice.

“How do you know that I am the one you seek?” she replied with a resonance in her voice that instantly calmed my demeanor.

“I am sorry I was so gruff with you. It is just that I have been searching for you such a very long time. How did you get lost way out here?”

“I am not lost. I live close by.”

“Live?” I said trying to control my intense emotions. “There is nowhere to live out here.”

Hilarion: These Times Require Complete Self Honesty

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 05/28/2012 - 10:04


Hilarion: These Times Require Complete Self Honesty

2012 MAY 28
Posted by BZ Riger

Hilarion: These Times Require Complete Self Honesty

 by GLR Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana
May 27, 2012

Beloved Ones,

This is a time for deep inner contemplation and the discerning of that which still exists within yourselves that no longer serves the Path you have chosen.

These times require complete self honesty and the making of further choices that will set free that which has not been resolved to this time.

Many times it is in One’s perspective that the change has to take place and when clarity comes, it is usually when One has let go of the need to know the definitive answer and just allow what was and is, in One’s current situation with acceptance.

Angela Peregoff: Appreciate the Benefits

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 05/28/2012 - 09:47


Angela Peregoff: Appreciate the Benefits

2012 MAY 28
Posted by Vina

Appreciate the Benefits

By Angela Peregoff

May 28, 2012

When the game of Earth began it was to be a paradise of choice, will, and freedom. From the very beginning of Earth spirits took the opportunity to live in this dynamic plane of existence for it was a unique and thrilling adventure. Of course, in those early days souls inhabited the Earth as ethereal beings without the physical dense bodies that we have now.


Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 05/28/2012 - 09:32


TUESDAY, MAY 29, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, copyright ©2012

Dearest ones, 
we are the Arcturians!

It is now high time to prepare, to prepare for the multi-layered process of shifting on all levels of  your reality. Yes, all shifts always start on the level of thought, a thought that has being dreamed in the Heart of God. From there all truly Divineprojects of creation are being initiated, and then all the other chain reactions are following, down to the level where the initial thought has been aiming towards.

The manuscript of survival – part 145 by Aisha North

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 05/28/2012 - 08:17


The manuscript of survival – part 145



 •May 28, 2012 • 


Since the dawn of mankind, the quest for something bigger and better has been on everyone’s mind, and rightly so, as you have all been imbued with a longing for striving forwards. Let us explain. As we have already touched upon on so many occasions, this planet has been designated as a starting point, a place where a soul can go back to the very beginning of evolution and start that long road towards perfection, or rather an all-encompassing presence, as ”perfection” is a very biased word for you humans. You see, you tend to look upon perfection as something that is utterly flawless, and therefore an unattainable state for most, while we look upon perfection as a description of anyone getting to know the very core of themselves. 

Love your world, love yourselves, and love your neighbors. – Mchael by GLR Ron Head

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 05/28/2012 - 08:13


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Our topic today will be the willingness of your societies to sacrifice the lives of your young ones to accomplish the goals of the elites.  Long years ago, young men were forced to serve in armies to keep themselves and their families safe and fed.

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