Cobra ~ Portal 2012 ~ Divine Intervention Flash ~ 14 April 2012

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 04/14/2012 - 11:22

Cobra ~ Portal 2012 ~ Divine Intervention Flash ~ 14 April 2012

Divine Intervention Flash April 13th


A new flash of energy has been sent directly from the Source towards the surface of planet Earth on Friday, April 13th. The purpose of this energy beam was to unstuck old energy and to ensure forward motion towards the completion of planetary liberation process. Quantum foam signature of the gluon particle-wave became more harmonious. Put it simple, there will be more light streaming towards planet Earth.

It may be significant that planet Mars went direct on Friday. Mars was retrograde since January 23rd, which resulted in many delays, impatience and apparent lack of action. Well, you will see a lot of action soon!



Also, planet Mercury enters Aries on April 16th. This also implies more action, more good news.



Submitted by Lia on Sat, 04/14/2012 - 11:15

There comes a time in the evolution of a planet when a new way of being must be found and lived. You live in that time. What will you do with your energy today to help create a more loving world?

Ask this question daily. Consider where you will place your focus. Remember - you can choose.


Wes Annac ~ May We Get Going Already? ~ 14 April 2012

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 04/14/2012 - 10:47

Wes Annac ~ May We Get Going Already? ~ 14 April 2012

As every single day goes by and I continue to look at the state of the world around me, I feel divided at best. On the one hand, we are hearing of amazing, marvelous things that are to happen in the immediate future or ‘soon’ and many of us are discovering genuine telepathic contact with the celestials and Galactics working from their ascended end to bring these futures about.


On the other hand, when looking at events in my own Life and in the world at this point, besides a few crucial developments that have inched us that much nearer to all that we have been waiting and wishing for, I see a continuation of the old.


The old paradigm, the old behaviors and ways of Living amongst humanity that suggest that nothing is happening but the continual feeding of this paradigm established on Earth that honestly, I’m beginning to be ready to leave behind. I’ll admit to myself feeding some aspects of this paradigm, and therein lies my own personal work in helping to bring these changes about, by making the effort to enact change in myself.


~ Steve Beckow~ Ready, Get Set…… ~ 14 April 2012

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 04/14/2012 - 10:41

Steve Beckow~Ready, Get Set…… ~ 14 April 2012

My heavens, the blogroll for the past twenty-four hours speaks volumes on how much is happening these days.


In terms of accountability, which is where the major push is going, we have liens being served on the Federal Reserve banks, possible news that the cabal is trying to hide away on the Bahamas (faint hope), background on Iceland’s decision to relieve mortgage debt, rumors that the IMF is asking governments to enact debt relief measures, advance word from the Galactic Fed through Greg that the galactics and their allies are set to round up the cabal.

Julian Assange is starting a Wikileaks show, Geoff West has started the first galactic-friendly news show, the mainstream media is starting to report the cover-ups and criminality, on and on the drumroll goes.


In terms of Disclosure, we have the GF saying through Greg that they are going to be meeting with identified lightworkers to prepare for Disclosure. I have a friend here in Vancouver who has been told to stand by to be whisked aboard the Polaris (never head of it before) for meetings.


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