Daily Message ~ Thursday September 14, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 09/14/2017 - 16:02

If navigating your life feels somewhat different now, it is because you have moved beyond predestination to creation. Let us explain what this means.

For the first phase of your incarnation you had a great many things you wished to accomplish and experience. You might consider it to be your soul’s to-do list. You had soul contracts to honour, karma to balance, healing to be done, and ways you wished to express yourself. It was all carefully pre-planned to prepare you to move into your authentic power and discover who you really are.

That phase, for many of you, is now complete. You will still grow, expand, and evolve, but you are now doing it from a space of preference. This is why some of you are feeling frustration from not getting answers to the question, “What should I do next?” You’ve checked off the items on your list. So the answer to that question now is, do whatever you feel drawn to experience and will bring you joy.

This does not mean you are not guided or supported by Source any longer! Far from it! You are simply co-creating based how you wish to express yourself moving forward. As the magic genie says, your wish is our command. You decide through your intention and we lovingly support you in those choices because it is through your pioneering, experience, and growth, that the entire universe continues to expand.

Remember, fear is just an absence of Love, but there is only Love.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 09/13/2017 - 21:46

We commune with you, and the many other channels presently incarnate as humans on Earth, because the messages that you receive and share greatly assist the Grand Awakening process by conveying to many the divine plan for humanity.  All on Earth at this point in your spiritual evolution, whose purpose is to lead you Home to Oneness, chose and volunteered to be human in order to take part in the awakening by dissolving the veil you had inserted between yourselves and Reality.

It truly is only a veil, a very thin and insubstantial veil, that seems to separate you from Reality.  The conflicts and chaos that you see around the world are but the foundations of the illusion collapsing as humanity becomes increasingly aware of the insanity with which it presents you daily and chooses to support it no longer.  It is extremely important that you continue daily to renew your intent to be only loving no matter how difficult the situations in which you may find yourselves during your daily lives.

You are all part of the divine plan, and the plan is that you dissolve the illusion and awaken into Reality – the state of knowing that you are One with God, Source, All That Is – where you have your eternal existence in joyful and harmonious communion with all of God’s divine creation in the infinitely vast field of Love that is God, and is All that He has created.

The Song of Us

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 09/13/2017 - 21:44

God said:

I heard you greet Me this morning. I heard you say:

“Good morning, Gah’-ahd.”

You echoed My Name in two syllables, and so you burst My Name out in song, as you might naturally sing out:

“Good morning, Sunshine…”

And so the Song of Us echoes rhythmically throughout the Universe much the way a remembered song that needs no introduction sings forth itself in daily Life. A song sings itself on time to the beat of the Universe in every language. All languages are equal. Each language is beloved. In every language and, in a myriad of music, the Universe sings out on the Waves of Life.

Hail to the Greetings of Oneness to Oneness. There is nothing but Oneness. There is nothing to greet but Immense Oneness of the One. I am the One, and you also are the One even as you disbelieve, yet, in fact, Oneness has nothing to do with belief.

You tend to live on a Voyage of Fiction embellished, fiction upon fiction something like the surface of the Waves of the Ocean, and so you surf. You may love to surf. You may also love to be a Deep Sea Diver even as you tremble at the idea. You may say to yourself:

“Better a Fate Known than Unknown.”

You may pull a curtain over your eyes and say:

“Better to live on a couch, watch others’ lives and sit out my own. Asked to dance, I say, ‘No thank you, I will sit this dance out.’”

How great is your fear to hear the Call of Life and volunteer yourself! You may prefer to hide under a mushroom.

The Eye Of The Beholder

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 09/13/2017 - 10:00

An artist knows that inspiration can come from anything in your human existence.  Opening your mind, heart and soul to the movement of everyday Earth plane experiences may be challenging if you are not used to it, but can be accomplished.  The more your practice, the better you become.
Today, take a few moments to look around you.  See the beauty in everyday things, hear the music in the sounds around you….allow your soul to be safely touched.  Embrace ‘beauty in the eye of the beholder’ and it will change you forever. ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Wednesday September 13, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 09/13/2017 - 08:00

Please understand you continue to be on the receiving end of unprecedented energies. It is a complex process as your body integrates these energies. It is a far easier process if you create the ideal conditions for you to do so. This means making time to be still, to rest, to align, to give your body what it is asking for, to trust in your own wisdom to navigate this all seamlessly, and to know the universe is assisting you in all of it.

You have had so much practice releasing and integrating energies over the past few years, you have become very adept at it, which is allowing you to take on more and more. Your ability to move with the process will serve you well, as it is a skill that you will be able to apply to other areas of your life, as well.

So for now, be the expert on you. You are your own energetic master. You know intuitively what you need to create the perfect environment for your shifting to occur with the greatest grace and ease possible. These are intense times for you, Dear Ones, but the intensity is showing just you how much assistance you are getting from a universe that only wants to serve you and see you succeed in your heart's desire - being an ascending human being on an ascending planet. ~Archangel Gabriel


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