Humanity’s awakening involves addressing and releasing all its core issues.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 03/06/2017 - 09:42

Here in the spiritual realms we are all on high alert as the moment of humanity’s collective awakening draws closer.  As you are well aware there is only the eternal now moment, even though you experience ongoing and sometimes seemingly endless linear time – time with no end in sight – but even for you in your human form there will be an end to time as you enter into full awareness of the Reality of the ever-present now moment.

You are far more than your physical bodies, but to experience separation as fully as possible you closed off from your human awareness the vastness of your being, of your eternal and unbreakable Oneness with Source.  Intellectually you can accept the truth of this but because of the all-pervasive sense of human physicality that your bodies provide your knowingness of this remains inaccessible because to know it would bring into you the full power of Love, and your bodies were only built to accept and work with severely restricted energy flows.  Therefore your bodies would burn up, disintegrate, or dissolve instantly if your full energy field attempted to enter them.

Enjoy the Sun That Shines

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 03/06/2017 - 09:41

God said:

Sometimes you have to bend. Sometimes you have to stretch. Sometimes bending low and stretching high are one and the same.

Sometimes you may feel that Life in the World is too much for you and that you can't take much more of it. You may say at one time or another that you cannot possibly take on one more blow. The Truth of the Matter is that you can. The Truth of the Matter is that you have, and you will forever more accommodate Life as it reaches you. This is a given.

You are definitely stretchable. You have no limits. None. You are an unlimited Being. That you have received a blow, or received several blows all at once, is an interpretation you make. Your interpretation makes all the difference in the world. If you didn't judge your Life, what might your Life be then? Your interpretations are your justification. Pretty much justifications are excuses for how you feel. It is too easy to blame Life as if Life were an outer experience.

Sure, things happen in Life that you would wish did not, yet you are responsible for your outlook.

Of course, your emotions do not have a spigot that you can turn on and off just like that. At the same time, when you are angry, for whatever reason, or for no reason, you chose anger.

Daily Message ~ Monday March 6, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 03/06/2017 - 09:41

One of the ways human beings hold themselves back the most is by assuming they are wrong, broken, or in some other state that is completely unsatisfactory. This is self judgment, which immediately throws you into a state of resistance to yourself.

Just as a child has growth pains as their bodies continue to expand and evolve, there will be times in your own growth and evolutionary process that may feel uncomfortable as your body is integrating energetic change.

This is a normal part of the process. If you start to berate and judge yourself as being wrong and add your own resistance to self to the mix, you will only be adding to your own discomfort and exacerbating your symptoms.

It amounts to self abuse, which is so contrary to the beautiful process of ascension you are going through – a process so sacred, divine, and beautiful it is a great honour to be on the planet experiencing it as it is something you have worked towards for millennia.

Dear Ones, we urge you to be kind and gentle with yourselves. Celebrate the wonder that is you! See your symptoms as proof that the shift is happening. Love and nurture yourself through the process and you will find it so much more enjoyable.

As you continue to move forward through the shift you will find that acceptance is a vital key to all aspects of your enlightenment process, so why not start experiencing the ease, comfort, and healing it has to offer you today? ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Sunday March 5, 2017

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 03/05/2017 - 17:05

If you have a desire for great change begin within, for you are the only one you have full and total sovereignty over. It is from the internal shifts you make that you create ripples across the universe that act like grand magnetizers, shifting your external experiences to match the change within. Focusing within allows you to be much more efficient with the use of your energy by working with the only aspect you have the power to create true and lasting change for, and that, Dear Ones, is you. ~Archangel Gabriel

Darkness & Unconditional Love

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 03/05/2017 - 11:00

The dark things, the scary things, the things that slither and slide just outside the edge of your light are there for a reason.  Being curious and attracted to it brings them there.  However, you have the advantage, dear one.  You know why they have come calling and you know what do to with them.  For each one you see, direct all the Unconditional Love you can muster in its direction, then watch the transformation.  How quickly they change depends solely on how much Love you choose to expend.  The only thing to need to release is the ‘fear’ of the endless and infinite well of Love at your disposal. ~ Creator

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