Submitted by AstroEyes on Tue, 12/13/2016 - 01:40

DECEMBER 13TH 2016 – FULL Super MOON IN GEMINI                                                                                                                              AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

This is a very powerful and illuminating Full Super Moon in Gemini!  This is the last of 4 consecutive Super Moons that we have experienced over the last few months!  Super Moons generate greater gravitational and electromagnetic pulls…..on our tides, tectonic plates, the Earth, all its inhabitants, including ourselves…..and our psychic.  Triggering….accelerating shifts in consciousness.  This Gemini Full Super Moon also coincides with the peak of the Geminid meteor shower, making for a beautiful experience of the night sky. 

The energies are still chaotic…and changes seem to be everywhere.   We are in a time of transformation as we continue through the shift.  Remember…..this work isn’t easy and at times it can be uncomfortable.  When it is uncomfortable…..then we know we are doing the work!   So create some powerful intentions and manifest that the changes continue to move us forward with ease, and that out of the chaos comes creativity….to create an evolved existence.

This Full Gemini Moon is about communication and the sharing of knowledge.  The energy is also revolutionary and we are being asked to make choices.  We are at another critical turning point in our evolution.  It is time to move from the fear to the love that always present.

Ah, Freedom!

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 12/12/2016 - 18:04

God said:

Abolish fear. Abolish fear from the Face of the Earth.

Oh, to think what Life would be like without fear. How free you will be. How good you will feel. You will breathe. You will dance on Earth. You will spin and whirl. Look at you dance! This is freedom. You have been seeking freedom even as you may have looked away from it. You may even have looked askance at freedom.

Freedom means that you will dance. Even if you have never been able to dance before, you will dance now. You will revel in freedom. You will sing, too.

What a boon freedom is. Freedom is your Open, Sesame. It is the key to your life. Life not in freedom is a life of subjugation. Give yourself the freedom of a Life of Service.

In fear, you are for the taking. Fright makes greed. Greed is not freedom. Greed restricts you. Greed does not behoove you. One common fear is thinking there is not enough to go around. Greed is fear. Scarcity is fear. Unhappiness is fear.

Freedom is rare. Yes, the world could enshroud you in fear and keep you bound to world thought. Laws may restrict rather than free, and you can get caught in a maelstrom of conformity. What a balancing act.

How do you give tribute to what is the norm expected of you and still be free? You don't want to break laws. You are not intending to be a rebel. A rebel bounces off another's way of life instead of his own.

Daily Message ~ Monday December 12, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 12/12/2016 - 09:00

The enlightenment process really is a process of coming Home to yourself. It is about acknowledging your own divinity, your own innate wisdom, your own beingness, your own belonging as an incredibly valuable and beloved part of the greater whole. As you are peeling back the layers of self denial through your releasing process, you are discovering this more and more, and the entire universe is assisting you in this process.

There is no one who can be a better expert on you than you. There is no one who can make better decisions, or guide you, or navigate your path better than you. No one else can feel exactly what you feel, or follow the urgings of your soul, other than you. It is the acceptance of that fact that will allow you to take your power back and to truly start to live authentically and begin to live a life that honours who you really are and what you are on the planet to experience.

When you step into living your life to honour your truth is when you start to be of your greatest purpose. That is when you find the perfect matches, the joyful service, and the bliss that comes from embracing your beingness. That is when you will shine, truly shine, in the ways that will lead you to your greatest adventures and grandest potentials, and that, Dear Ones, is our greatest desire for you. ~Archangel Gabriel

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