Daily Message ~ Monday October 31, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/31/2016 - 09:10

Dear Ones, the universe is always responding to your intentions and requests. You just simply must allow enough time for your desires to come to fruition .

For example, if you gave your order to a server at a restaurant, you would not continually change your mind and order something different after a minute or two because you didn’t think the original order had been received would you? To do so would only keep you hungry and unfulfilled! At some point you would have to give the people behind the scenes time to receive, prepare, cook, and deliver your order. You would have to trust in the system.

The same it is with the universe. Allow the unfoldment! Settle in and enjoy your time as you are waiting for your order. Trust that there is an entire team whose greatest purpose and joy comes from serving you and seeing your delight as your dreams become reality. ~Archangel Gabriel


The Love that you are longs to flow through you freely and constantly.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 10/30/2016 - 21:51

Humanity is on course and on schedule, and the awakening is progressing beautifully.  It may well seem to many of you that the world is in chaos and that that state is deepening, but what is happening is that the awakening process is stirring up many unaddressed issues that have to be resolved and released for the awakening to proceed and come to completion.  You are all dealing with these issues magnificently just as you intended before you incarnated to assist fully in the awakening process.

Many on Earth are very confused as their unaddressed and unacknowledged issues arise into their conscious awareness, and you, the Light workers and Light bearers, are, by your constant intent to be, share, and extend Love to all on the planet doing sterling work in this massive assistance program for humanity.  It is completely successful because, of course, it has already been accomplished.  Let go of your focus on linear time, it is an aspect of the illusion that only confuses you.  Just remember that there is only the ever-present now moment in which the Love that is creation enfolds and embraces all without even the most infinitesimal break or interruption.  There is no separation, there is no illusion, there is only Love, God, Source, the supreme and wise Intent that flows eternally throughout creation embracing and enfolding all life in utter joy.

Life Is the Wonder

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 10/30/2016 - 20:55

God said:

With the words Beloved God – even as I say so Myself -- what a way to start off your day! Do you know a better way? Do you know another way so golden to start your brain waves and your heart so simply and in such a lasting uplifting natural way? Two words that set you on track for your day.

Start off your day with the words Beloved God.  You can elaborate if you like. Remember this isn't a prayer or a request you are making. You are talking to Me. It is Truth. I am with you. Your pointing to the Belovedness of God reminds you of Our Connection. To start off at a good place – which is to say to start off strong -- grounds you in the Kingdom of Heaven wherein you truly abide.

Have you not on occasion started your day with: "Oh, no, I just want to go back to sleep."

In addition to not wanting to get up at all, have you also sometimes wanted not to go to work or to school or have to do anything that involves your going out into the world? Oh, how you may want to lounge in bed and not have to face the world! On some days this feels Heavenly to you!

Yet, in Life as you may know it, there is no break from the world, the world which you equate to be Life.

Sometimes you may wish to be someone without feelings, without even the most joyful of feelings for a while, for you feel that Life exerts equal pressure relevant to gladness and/or painfulness. At some point, you may just be ready to dispense with all kinds of feelings, inasmuch as one kind of feeling seems to require and bounce off another.

Daily Message ~ Sunday October 30, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 10/30/2016 - 08:15

Many of you are so mindful, so hesitant to make a mistake, that you end up constraining yourselves because you simply do not want to get anything wrong. Please understand you are on the planet to have experiences - many different experiences!

If you try something and you do not like it, you are free to try something else. We would far rather see you fall in the mud and have the full tactile experience to add to your energetic repertoire than to see you never leave the house at all for fear of getting dirty.

Releasing the attachment to result and embracing experience as the true value, allows you to fully enjoy of the unfoldment of your life and the beautiful richness of each Now moment. ~Archangel Gabriel


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