You Are the Solution

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 04/22/2016 - 16:40

Wes Annac, Contributor
Waking Times

Bob Marley couldn’t have been more right when he sang that there’s “so much trouble in the world”. Our planet is in chaos, and most people are trying their best to pretend that it’s all normal.

Geoengineering is making everybody sick, along with a cocktail of chemicals and GMOs in our food supply, and a backward education system funded by the same family behind Big Oil and the Federal Reserve is distracting and dumbing people down so we don’t question any of it.

Tension is at an all-time high, and people are being systematically murdered in mass numbers.

War is generating billions in profit for the upper class while people across the world struggle to find food, water and shelter, and while it’s clear that these problems will only get worse if we let it all continue, there just aren’t enough people doing anything about it.

Is Peace Possible?

With all of the chaos surrounding us, you may wonder if peace is even possible. The mayhem we see in the world can easily darken our outlook and make us think peace could never happen, and if you’re looking for a path to inner peace or a solution to the world’s problems, look within.

Grasping At Straws

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 04/22/2016 - 10:43

by Zen Gardner

It’s pitiful to watch the US election gyrations in the midst of this calculated societal breakdown. Americans have historically had such guts and strength, while albeit pitiful little is left, as they direct their vestigial frustration in such futile directions in the throes of their certain demise.

So many have attached their grievances and hence hopes for change to this new set of puppet false promises it’s absolutely not just alarming, but seriously disturbing. The very nature of looking to others to change their circumstances, never mind via such obvious psychopathic, self-serving, self-appointed dupes and character actors, is just overwhelming.

The fundamental full-frontal reality that they seem hypnotically destined to participate in such an obviously manipulated environment truly boggles the mind.

The same can be said for the sleeping and compliant European population, but I don’t think it’s quite as vast as the American phenomenon we’re witnessing – but it’s getting closer. Either example, it’s clearly a pathetic display of uninformed ignorance and subservient compliance on a massive, disheartening scale.

When will people wake up to the obvious truth of what’s transpiring around them and realize their innate power of personal manifestation and all it would entail?

All 0f this is an ongoing and ever present challenge, but apparently part of the learning process we’re undergoing here.

Daily Message ~ Friday April 22, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 04/22/2016 - 08:30

Imagine that you have entered an event and your goal is to reach the finish line (your intended creation) in record time. You are tethered to several other energies and as you look at them you can identify them as excitement, creation, focus, fear, doubt and resistance.

The starter’s pistol is fired and you are off! You, excitement and creation take off in the direction of the finish line but find you can barely move. You turn to see what is going on and you see that focus is facing the finish line but not moving because resistance has dug his heels in and wants everything to stay the same. Doubt doesn’t move either because he is looking all around and can’t make up his mind which way to go. Fear was so startled by the sound of the starter’s pistol that he has turned around and is running with all his might in the other direction!

Do you see? In order to truly move forward with the most efficiency and success, you must give yourself permission to release the things that hold you back. If you embrace energies that support each other and match your intentions, you will be crossing the finish line into the land of new creations with more ease and enjoyment than ever before. ~Archangel Gabriel

Triple Water Astrology – The Anaretic Degree! Sun in Taurus 2016 newsletter

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 04/21/2016 - 20:20

Another zodiacal month begins! The earthy, fixed energy of Sun manifesting in Venus’ first sign, Taurus, is now in force. The ingress chart is most fascinating, with an earthy grand trine among its characteristics. Mercury (commerce), Jupiter (expansion), and Pluto (power) interacting among each other in a harmonious, closed pattern is an opportunity not to be missed this month. The solid earthy grand trine contains possibilities for attaining material stability and increasing wealth, inter alia. If North Node is included in the pattern, the pattern becomes a double earthy grand trine. With North Node included in the grand trine, forming alliances for future benefit becomes an added feature of it. Sun also forms an opposition to Apollon (Transneptunian) in the ingress chart, adding to the appealing ‘material increase’ theme.

Of Oceans and Sand

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 04/21/2016 - 20:19

God said:

Sure, there are times when you wonder what you are doing here on Earth. You wonder how did you get here? You wonder what is this call to arms that Life on Earth seems to assert? You may wonder if Life on Earth is just a battle or if Life on Earth is a major war. So it may seem to you.  

It may seem to you that you are out on the trench lines, seemingly without the God-Given Blessing of Free Will. 

Every day you have to get up whether you want to or not. 

Every single day you have to rise and shine, put on your face to the world, and breathe a deep breath as you go out the door.

There may be no one to say good-by to you, or there could be someone to hug you before you leave, or someone who doesn't seem to care if you come or go. Alas, Hearts of Love may have stalled.

Life isn't meant to be an impasse. Life is meant to be a voyage or a great journey to the Holy Grail. Daily Life, which is a dream while you are on Earth, is meant to be a dream you would like and eagerly venture forth on. Instead of trembling at the day to come, you are meant to greet the day as you would a dear friend. 

A rainy day can still be welcome. A mountainous trek can be a joy. You can even enjoy shoveling snow. Whatever Life hands you, you are meant to come shining through.

Tell Me, when all is said and done, has there ever been anything you haven't come out on the other side, picked yourself up and brushed yourself off, and gotten on your way?

Sometimes you may think: "If only life weren't so daily."

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