Daily Message ~ Thursday April 21, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 04/21/2016 - 08:40

Dear Ones, there is a place of peace that exists in you, always. It is found in your own divine spark, which you access through going within and finding your alignment with Source. The amount of peace you experience at any given time is dependant upon whether you are in alignment with that divinity or not.

What are ways to find that place within self? Through meditation. Through prayer. Through stillness. Through anything that creates flow in your life. Through becoming fully aware of the right now moment. Through gratitude. Through creation or any activity that brings you joy.

When you are overly busy or over stimulated it becomes very difficult to find that place of inner calm, and yet that is when you need it the most. Love yourselves enough to stop and experience your truth, and the loving connection that is accessible to you at all times, and you will find that the peace you have been missing has been within you all along. ~Archangel Gabriel


How Your Gut Microbiome Influences Your Mental and Physical Health

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 04/20/2016 - 23:39


Dr. Mercola, Guest
Waking Times

Your body houses some 100 trillion bacteria, and about 1 quadrillion viruses (bacteriophages). In essence, we’re little more than walking microbe colonies, seeing how these bacteria outnumber your cells 10 to 1, and the bacteriophages in turn outnumber bacteria 10 to 1.

These organisms perform a wide variety of functions, and we’ve now come to realize that they need to be properly balanced and nourished if we want to maintain good physical and mental health.

Read more... (wakingtimes.com)

A Divine Human Being Here on Earth for the Good of All

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 04/20/2016 - 23:05

God said:

Within speech, there is a momentum. It is not so much that you have to speak so someone can listen to you. It is more that you speak to find out. Find out what? To find out what new sense of life is beginning to percolate in your heart and mind.

Your words are a combination of your heart's longing and your mind's determination. We could probably say that when your heart speaks, it speaks in silence. There is an aspect where there are no words for what is in your heart to express fully in its beat. If there were words and you would know them, you may also sense you would not be able to form the words because so powerful they would be.

As it is, all the words you know do not begin to say all that your heart has to say. Your heart is beyond reproach, yet words do not suffice. Every Human Being born to Earth, has a desire to speak even as vocal speech of the world cannot express the depths of heart and all the whirling in a human heart. Perhaps a sunset can speak. A bird can speak eons in one refrain. A poet or artist can come close in the space between his words. Yet all that fills your heart cannot literally be tolled in speech or even in your understanding.

It is no secret that you and your heart are greater than any words can say. It has also been established that you are greater than your own eyes can see, yet you are beginning to suspect that there is more to you than you have credited yourself with.

Daily Message ~ Wednesday April 20, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 04/20/2016 - 08:30

We invite you to think of someone you have cared for who you have loved deeply. It may be a child, a senior, a dear friend, a partner, or even an animal. Your greatest concern, when you demonstrate love through care taking is creating a space of safety where your beloved has everything they need to thrive.

We would say to you that this is the foundation you seek for yourself as you start to explore moving into self love. Having a safe environment is paramount. You simply cannot thrive and be traumatized at the same time. You first must make sacred space where you can be wide open without fear. Second, you must give yourself everything you need to be able to move into your greatest expression of self. This means supporting yourself in freedom, expansion, joy, creativity, experience, growth and self expression.

We ask you to take a moment and explore whether you offer those basic necessities for yourself. If not, what can you do today to start to offer yourself the same tender, loving care you so freely give those you love? It is time, Dear Ones, to share the delight of your love with yourselves. It is far too special for you to miss out on. ~Archangel Gabriel


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