Day 245: Enlightenment

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 01/20/2016 - 08:52

Within you lies the ability to change yourself. As you continue to release negative thinking and behaviors built on fears and erroneous beliefs, you will understand this more. Until then, believe that all is within your power to mold yourself into the person you choose to be.

We encourage you to shed old skins of mistrust, unhappiness, powerlessness, comparisons and all things that keep you feeling separate from others and Source. These are all illusions, part of the play that you have been engaged in. At any time, you can consciously connect with Source.

You must choose and believe which course you wish to take. Be clear about the things you wish to experience and how you wish to experience them. Actions speak louder than words. When your emotions match your actions and words, we can assist in creating your vision.

Be mindful of what you think and feel when you are attempting to change behaviors. Be joyful in every choice you make, choosing only those things you wish to experience. When behaviors need to be changed, be thankful for every step you take, no matter how fearful or challenging. Stay in the moment, with gratitude, and you will find that behaviors can be changed with little effort.

Being aware and conscious of what you say and do is enlightening. Changing those things that no longer serve you is enlightenment.

New class of atmospheric waves, producing strong temperature ripples, discovered over Antarctica

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 01/20/2016 - 08:51

Researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder discovered a new class of mesospheric waves by observing the high parts of the atmosphere over Antarctica. These waves seem to send constant ripples through the Earth's atmosphere and probably affect high-level winds, climate and Earth-based communications systems.

Newly discovered waves sweep through the mesosphere, the part of Earth's atmosphere beginning at an altitude of about 48 km (30 miles), every 3 to 10 hours, causing significant temperature fluctuations in a short time span.

"These waves are very large perturbations, causing up to 100-degree Fahrenheit changes in temperature in less than five hours, and every time we look, we see them," said lead author Cao Chen, a Ph.D. student in the University of Colorado Boulder’s Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) and Aerospace Engineering Sciences department.

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All the debt in the world could be instantly abolished.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 01/19/2016 - 20:12

Humanity’s moment of awakening is very close.  So much information has been revealed by alternate sources about corruption in high places that the mainstream media is having to take note and start at least acknowledging the fact that enormous changes are occurring on the international political front as well as reporting on some of the corruption in the international corporate world.

The world is an illusory place, nevertheless, human activities within it have been the cause of much pain and suffering over the eons as small but powerful cliques have done their utmost to control and use humanity at large for their various nefarious self-centered agendas, which they have always insisted are for the greater good of humanity.  And for eons humanity has effectively been enslaved by these powerful and corrupt elites.  Now, as their secretive real intentions are being revealed by whistle blowers all across the planet, and are being reported on alternate but honest Internet news sites, their power and influence is collapsing.  The forces of corruption can only work when they are hidden from view.  As they are revealed in all their knavery their power dissolves as those who supported them flee in disarray.

Now You Can See 5 Planets At Once With The Naked Eye

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 01/19/2016 - 20:09

Starting tomorrow, Jan 20th 2016, all five (of the visible) planets will be visible to the naked eye during the morning twilight. If you head outside to a good viewing point about an hour before sunrise you can catch a glimpse of Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, and Venus. [1]

“You’re in luck, if you’re a morning person. A great planet drama takes place in the predawn sky in January, 2016.” – EarthSky

This is the first time this alignment has happened in about a decade.

Mercury will be the toughest to spot given how dim it may appear, but the other four should be relatively easy to see under the right conditions, i.e. little cloud cover and light pollution.

Will you be able to see it from your location? Yes, unless you live in the North Pole (but if that’s the case I don’t feel all that bad for you because not only do you likely see Santa often, but you also have access to the amazing and interesting things going on at our earth’s snowy cap).

Two Quandaries

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 01/19/2016 - 20:03

God said:

Sometimes you feel you cannot stand even one more moment of whatever it is you are going through. The situation is intolerable to you, beloveds, for you have judged yourself a hapless helpless victim. Do not judge. Do not judge yourself a victim. Do not judge yourself a martyr. Do not judge.

By far and large, you are a self-announced victim of your own thoughts, or you might prefer to say because of your lack of foresight and your preponderance of innocence. Yes, this is also true, yet it is wiser for you to consider yourself responsible for the situation you got yourself into and responsible for continuing to serve a self-imposed sentence of victimhood. You are the announcer of your own wounds.

If something is intolerable to you, why continue to carry its banner?

Do not think that I am saying life is a breeze. I say you are the one setting the price you pay. Beloveds, do not pay by suffering. Suffering is off-track. Do not accept suffering as a fact.

Often you think you trade one suffering for another. Sometimes you think if only. There are so many if only’s. Somehow, one way or another, you led yourself into a trap. You may think you fell into it when you may well have shoved yourself in.

Life is made of choices. Much of the time you have no idea what you are choosing and, sometimes, not even that you are choosing.

7 Reasons Why Self-Education Or Homeschooling Is Becoming More Popular

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 01/19/2016 - 12:43

by Julie Petersen, Collective Evolution

“Drop out of school before your mind rots from exposure to our mediocre educational system. Forget about the Senior Prom and go to the library and educate yourself if you’ve got any guts. Some of you like Pep rallies and plastic robots who tell you what to read.” – Frank Zappa

Frank Zappa had a point. The standardized educational system often limits people’s imagination and will for learning. If you want to break the boundaries and surpass mediocrity, you may just have to get out of that system, and self-education is the way to do it. Here are the most important reasons to start investigating your own interests without any postponements:

Argentina Rises Up Against Monsanto’s Toxic Transgenic Seeds

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 01/19/2016 - 12:39

Phillip Schneider, Staff
Waking Times

Argentina is one of the most heavily polluted nations on earth thanks to decades long misuse and abuse of agro-chemicals, and farming communities and the nation’s poor are suffering terribly from the disease and deformities associated with toxic exposure.

“Agrochemicals are now routinely found in homes, schools and drinking water nearby soy, cotton and corn fields. They are handled inside residential neighborhoods with little training or compliance regarding protective gear and mixing concentrations. Pesticide storage containers are often reused in farming communities, at times to even hold drinking water.” [Source]

Now, in light of an impending eviction at a key resistance camp, which was blocking one of Monsanto’s GMO seed plants in the province of Cordoba, Argentina, demonstrators in the hundreds took to the streets in Argentina to protest Monsanto and their attempts to continue to poison Argentinian lands and people with toxic products like glyphosate, which is now considered carcinogenic.

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