The Personal Transformation Technique That Can Turn You Into Superman

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 01/23/2016 - 08:33

Wim Hof

Robert Parmer, Contributor
Waking Times

“Believe in yourself and know you have what it takes. Let go of all doubt and anything in your life that is causing you stress.” -Wim Hof

Recently, a close friend of mine introduced me to to the person they referred to as the Iceman. Not to be confused with the infamous criminal Richard Kuklinski, this Iceman is able to climb Mt. Everest wearing shorts and possessed other baffling qualities. To put it lightly, these feats spiked my interest.

At first these claims seemed impossible to me, so I began researching the Iceman, formally known as Wim Hof. I soon found out that motivational, groundbreaking, and incredible are all words that describe Wim Hof. And the term superhuman probably sums up his extraordinary mind the best.

The Iceman Does Not Fear Cold

Wim Hof was born on April 20, 1959 in the small city of Sittard, located in the Netherlands. From an early age he always loved the cold and would often run barefoot across snow and ice.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday January 23, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 01/23/2016 - 08:15

Do you play tug-of-war with what you wish to release? Do you intend to let something go and then take it back through habit and focus, only to keep it active in your energetics? Dear Ones, when you release really let it go! Feel it moving far away from you, well out of the furthest reaches of your energy field.

When you become aware of something that is trying to leave, there is no need to analyze it, simply wave goodbye to it on its way by. If you have trouble with that concept, you might try giving it up, meaning surrendering it to whichever guide or helper you feel comfortable working with. The idea is to feel it truly leave you and to let it stay gone. Once it has left, there is no need to look around for more stuff to let go of. If there is more, it will come up naturally when the time is perfect for it to leave, too.

You are continuous energetic sorters, shifting and evolving all of the time. Just as you let go of clothes that are out of style or no longer fit, let go of energies that are not your match any longer. Just as you don’t donate things and then run to the charity to buy them back the next day, it is perfectly ok for you to simply let them be gone, knowing they have finished serving their purpose for you. ~Archangel Gabriel

Full Moon In Leo: Aligning With How We Shine Best

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/22/2016 - 20:17

We are having a Full Moon in Leo this weekend, which will occur on January 24th at 1:46am Universal Time (January 23rd in the Americas). Full Moons are a time when we can feel a push and pull by the energy of two opposing signs. In this case it is the polarity of Leo and Aquarius.

The themes build up in the 2 weeks leading up to it and then resolve themselves in the 2 weeks following by facilitating changes and/or some sort of release. The actual days of the Full Moon are generally the most lively, revelatory, and emotionally charged periods of this process.

The Moon is associated with our emotional needs, and in Leo these needs will be centred around our creative self-expression, our love life, our passions, or having the spotlight. Leo is about being a ‘shining star’ by putting our heart into our passions, whether it is in our careers or related to our hobbies, our relationships to the children in our lives, our creativity, or even in sports/athletics and other areas of our lives.

Blessed Be You for the Good You Do

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/22/2016 - 19:44

God said:

Life is ongoing. There is no interruption to life. So-called death is not an interruption. It is not even a pause. There are no pauses. Are there such interpretations in the world? Yes, there are such interpretations a-plenty.

Life on Earth is not an eclipse of Life in the Subtleties of Heaven. Heaven and Earth are ongoing. There is no interference except as perceived on Earth.

Life on Earth is filled with masquerades. Whole societies are built on masquerades.

There are even those of My children who sign up for what the world calls villainy. Others may choose to be recipients of villainy in the world. There are trades made. Whether you would choose life in the world as it is or you would not, life in the world is perfectly life in the world as it shows up.

Not perfect, yet perfectly displayed even as anyone possessed of his or her full faculties would not display the impulses that appear to sometimes take over in the world. 

Who in the world would deign to take over the hearts of others, and who would come forth as lambs to the slaughter? Who would think of categorizing seeming others as victims or victors and feel grand about it? How could any one of My children feel pumped up at another’s downfall as if another's downfall were some kind of victory? 

There are various currents in the Ocean paddled and peddled about in the ersatz world.

Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, January 22, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/22/2016 - 12:48

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Mercury screeches to a halt in mid-Capricorn in the middle of this week, just after he has moved backwards over Pluto. Based on Mercury stationing and needing time to rev up again, he will linger just behind Pluto all week. Mercury closely conjunct Pluto for a significant amount of time, and with the pair additionally trining Jupiter in earth signs, certainly has implications. Thought and communication, manifested in a concrete, structured manner, and moving back to a more usual mode of expression, has direct access to raw power and sharp perspectives, and a harmonious link to Jupiter’s optimism and expansive qualities. Life regains a more familiar feel, in use of logic, networking, commerce, and other domains of Mercury. Given the earthy influences in the transits as Mercury goes direct, moving ahead with projects at work and initiating activity in career, after retrograde Mercury’s assessment and evaluation period, allows them to progress with greater force and clarity.

Here Are The Real Terrorists We Should Be Worrying About

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/22/2016 - 10:25

Source: | Original Post Date: January 11, 2016 –

They consist of 16,000 individuals, about the size of a crowd at a professional basketball game. The inequality horror they’ve fomented is reaching far beyond the half of America that is in or near poverty, for it now impacts those of us well above the median, those of us in the second highest of four wealth quartiles.

1. The .01% Have as Much Wealth as 80% of America

The combined net worth of the 16,000 richest Americans is approximately the same as the total wealth of 256,000,000 people. Details for this statistic and other facts to follow are at You Deserve Facts.

Research Reveals Plants Can Think, Choose and Remember

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/22/2016 - 10:15

By Sayer Ji
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Modern science is only beginning to catch up to the wisdom of the ancients: plants possess sentience and a rudimentary form of intelligence.

Plants are far more intelligent and capable than we have given them credit for. In fact, provocative research from 2010 published in Plant Signaling & Behavior proposes that since they cannot escape environmental stresses in the manner of animals, they have developed a “sophisticated, highly responsive and dynamic physiology,” which includes information processes such as “biological quantum computing” and “cellular light memory” which could be described as forms of plant intelligence.

Titled, “Secret life of plants: from memory to intelligence,” the study highlights one particular “super power” of plants indicative of their success as intelligent beings: “There are living trees that germinated long before Jesus Christ was born. What sort of life wisdom evolved in plants to make it possible to survive and propagate for so long a time in the same place they germinated?”

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After Year 2 Of Legal Pot In Colorado, ALL Drug-Related Charges Drop Significantly, Record Revenue

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/22/2016 - 09:59

Source: | Original Post Date: January 7, 2016 –

Two years have passed since Colorado residents began legally buying cannabis under voter-approved Amendment 64, and the state is seeing enormous benefits on multiple fronts.

First and foremost, thousands of people are not being thrown in a cage for possessing a plant. Charges for possession, cultivation and distribution have dropped more than 80%. Besides sparing people the stigma and financial burden of a cannabis arrest, cops and courts aren’t wasting taxpayer money going after pot smokers.

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