You Are Loved Regardless

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 01/25/2016 - 10:30

Has someone removed you from their life because you will not let them violate your boundaries?  I know you were expecting a better outcome, child.  I know that you were hoping and wishing for respect.  I know it hurts and that it is painful to understand that they would give up easily rather than adjusting their paradigm to meet yours.  Take heart dear one and know, those that have no respect for themselves cannot begin to respect others.  You may not be receiving love from the source you have sent yours, but you are loved. ~ Creator

Major Study Concludes – ‘Cancer Screening Has Never Saved Lives’

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 01/25/2016 - 09:55

Sayer Ji, Green Med Info
Waking Times

Millions have marched for “cancer causes.” Millions more have been diagnosed “early” and now believe screening saved their lives. But a new study confirms something we have been reporting on since our inception: In most cases, screening not only has not “saved lives,” but actually increases your risk of dying.

An extremely important new study published in the British Medical Journal titled, “Why cancer screening has never been shown to “save lives”—and what we can do about it,” confirms something we have been reporting upon at since our inception, namely, cancer screening has not lived up to its long held promise of “saving lives” because disease-specific reductions in mortality do not equate to reductions in overall mortality. Worse, in some cases overall mortality actually increased because of screening.

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Day 250: Choices! Choices!

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 01/25/2016 - 09:36

Greetings, dear one. Can you feel the excitement in the air when you make a decision that feels right? Have you ever wondered where that feeling comes from? Why do some decisions feel right while at other times you battle within your mind to choose the best outcome for a situation?

Often, there is a knowingness that something feels right because you have set a clear intention. In these moments, you are in flow with creation. You know what you want and you know what to do to obtain it. No matter what anyone else says, you know you will move forward, taking the necessary steps to attain that goal.

When a person has this surety, we on the Other Side can assist in making this a reality. It is like having a work order in which one states exactly what they want. We look at the work order, which is a clear intention fueled by passion and begin to mold whatever we can into leading that person towards his destination.

Daily Message ~ Monday January 25, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 01/25/2016 - 08:25

We speak about anchoring an energy into your energetics in order to experience more of it. It can be difficult for you to fully understand what that means. Let us give it to you in a way that will help you make sense of it.

Think of an area of your life where you really thrive, where you experience something as a constant. As an example, we will use having running water in your home. You expect that you will simply go to the tap and turn it on and have water. You do not wake up every day powerlessly wondering if you will have water. You do not wonder how to think about water so that you will create it. You simply have it. Even if something happens that you temporarily do not have water, your expectation is that you will have it again soon. It is simply a fact of life to you that is anchored into your experience.

There are parts of your life that are never an issue for you. Feel the matter of fact way you view those areas. Then compare the way you feel about that topic to another area in your life that you find more problematic. Do you see? Can you feel the difference? Once you can really see how different the thriving area feels to the more challenging area, you can know what to aim for.

Start to play with the energy of what you wish to create more of. What can you do to start to anchor in that energy? It could be through visualization, imagination, meditation, and choosing to immerse yourself in all things that represent the energy of what you desire. It could be any way that helps you energetically claim what is desired in an empowered way.

Here Is God's Advice

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 01/24/2016 - 21:05

God said:

There is a momentum in life. Sometimes you run up a hill, and sometimes you fly down a hill. You have a certain momentum in life. Sometimes the more uphill your journey is, the higher your energy lifts you up. Perhaps obstacles move you right along and get you hopping.

An easy life is perhaps what you might like for only so long, for resistance in your life gets you moving. Were everything to go your way, perhaps you would be like a sluggard sitting there with your feet up, waiting for all the goodies to come to you without your lifting a finger.

Too often your life does not seem to be your choice, yet, for all practical purposes, you may be choosing exactly what you get. You may see previews. You may partly know what’s coming when you stay as you are, and yet you stay. You saw the warning signs, yet you went ahead anyway. You practiced self-determination and were foiled.

Have no regrets. If you chose one path instead of another, no matter what hindsight says, you fulfilled something. Sure, you may have put yourself in a spot, and now you have a precise path before you to shake loose.

You have heard there is a reason for everything. Sometimes you can see a reason or possible reasons, and sometimes you simply can’t. You defy the turn in the road you took, and forget that you had choices, even as you may have chosen by default. No one put you against the wall.

You have what it takes to assist in humanity’s awakening process.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 01/24/2016 - 14:07

Much is happening now that will delight you!  Truly, enormous changes are taking place that will permanently alter the illusory world in which you experience being human.  And these changes are for the good of all on Earth, yes, even those who appear to be wedded to the dark.  You have been praying for this and intending for it to happen, your collective intent has now become unalterable, and it will be maintained.

Your Love and your loving intentions have changed the world!  There is no going back to the old ways of deception, betrayal, and conflict, you (all of humanity) can only move forwards further into Love.  It is your natural state, you have recognized It, and It is drawing you onwards, forwards, ever closer to your heavenly destiny because you were created there in infinite joy to experience and enjoy that state eternally, and so you will return there.

Day 249 Positive Activism

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 01/24/2016 - 12:57

You may be asking, “What can I do to assist in the ascension process?” One of the main things that each of you can do is to increase the vibration of love within your physical Being. If each of you were to do that in this moment, all wars would cease, hunger and disease would cease to exist and utopia would immediately manifest itself.

There are many who fight wars aimed at peace. Many peace activists are carrying arms to force their way upon others. Although these measures may have love and peace at their root, they still are creating much unease and distress in the energetic matrix.

We ask that you do all you can to share your goals, dreams, visions and actions with others in a peaceful and graceful manner. The universe will support these measures for they are harmonious. When love is used as the base to make changes, everyone will win. When anger and fear-based emotions are used to make changes, it only adds to the problem.

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