Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, January 29, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/29/2016 - 09:40

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Mercury finishes his station in mid-Capricorn at the beginning of this week, and resumes his sprint forward in Saturn’s sign. While the planets remain steadfast in the same signs throughout the week, with the exception of the Moon, of great interest, two cliques among the planets, points, and objects form with opportunities inherent for those who align well with their energies. The earthy signs have quite a representation with Jupiter and North Node exactly conjunct in the Virgo sign, and additionally three planets in Capricorn (Mercury, Pluto, and later in the week, Venus) forming trines to Jupiter and Moon’s Node. Pluto’s “structured power” characteristic in Capricorn, well suited for career and work activity, acts with Mercury, the planet of commerce, and Venus, the planet of cooperation. Thus teamwork and collaborative efforts in work are of emphasis this week, and magnified by a smooth connection to Jupiter. North Node continues to act as a reminder to anticipate the future and tenaciously pursue goals, particularly in work and other earthy endeavors.

What Are You Thinking?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/29/2016 - 09:38

God said:

You may think that life is hard and cruel. You may presume and experience that life is not easy, that life is full of pitfalls and incompleteness and so on. At the same time, life is more than you label it. You could swear a thousand times that life is the most difficult thing you know. You are convinced that your life has proven to be difficult. You could swear that you can prove it, and you could supply a long list.

That is one perspective. Open up to the fact that there are other perspectives. It doesn’t help you out very much to affirm that Life on Earth is a hard case. Why affirm it? Why would you ever want to prove such a thing?

Perhaps you will also admit that life is also a blessing. Transfer your thinking to those aspects of life that you would not pass up for anything. There are the big things and also the great little things. There is the birth of your baby, and there is the taste of coffee ice cream. There is your baby’s first word. There is your first love even if it didn’t work out. An insight. A dress you once had. The time you got a standing ovation in a college play. The sweet scent of flowers. The beauty even of flowers that do not have a scent. Your first touchdown. When you got an A in statistics…

Billionaire Governor Taxed The Rich & Increased Minimum Wage: Look What Happened

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/29/2016 - 09:29

When Minnesota governor Mark Dayton took office in January of 2011 he inherited quite the difficult situation to turn around. The midwestern state was drowning in a $6.2 billion budget deficit and had a troubling 7% unemployment rate.

Coming in on the heels of Tim Pawlenty, a leader who failed to generate any substantial new revenue and created only 6,200 new jobs, the pressure was on for Dayton to do better. As the billionaire heir to the Target fortune, many didn’t expect Dayton to be capable of much of anything, but now, over 5 years in office, he has effected real change for the North Star State.

To do this, Governor Dayton implemented two key factors that to many may seem commonsensical: he implemented higher taxes on the rich and increased minimum wage.

Junk Food Eating Generations Can Pass Metabolic Disorders To Their Children

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 01/28/2016 - 15:11

Mae Chan, Prevent Disease
Waking Times

“You are what your parent’s eat,” is becoming more relevant by the day. According to a study published in journal “Science,” just one junk food eating generation can pass on the metabolic disorders it gains from an unhealthy diet to the next.

Less than two years ago, scientists officially linked processed foods to autoimmune disease and the consequences may ripple to future generations.

Medical researchers have before shown a link between a father’s weight and diet at the time of conception and an increased risk of diabetes in his offspring.

In research conducted on mice, a team from the Chinese Academy of Sciences found that unhealthy eating behaviours were recorded in a tiny molecule that could then be transmitted through sperm to the embryo.

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If Capitalism Is Dead, This Is Why

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 01/28/2016 - 15:07

Jon Rappoport, Guest
Waking Times

“An era of corruption is built for those who lead corrupt lives. They revel in the era. They belong. They are home. They don’t care what you call the prevailing system, they’ll find their way, because they know the unspoken rules and how things actually work. Naïve idealists and academic hair-splitters? The corrupt eat them for breakfast.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

The recent acceleration of attacks on capitalism leaves no ground un-scorched. Whatever capitalism is, it’s all bad. It needs to be banned. A wiser and saner alternative must be found—and naturally that alternative will be handed down from Above, where wondrous altruists in government can point us toward the Promised Land.

For the sake of humanity, they will assume the reins of power. They’ll organize businesses and companies and corporations under the umbrella of government, and all will be well.

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Day 253: Serenity Path

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 01/28/2016 - 14:48

Each morning as you arise, set aside a few moments to appreciate everything in your environment. Thank Creator for your opportunity to walk the Earth in physical form. Send waves of gratitude to the multitude of Guides who support and assist you. Be grateful for your body, paying attention to its needs. Begin to work together as a team with your body in order to increase your well-being and the circuitry that allows you access to All. In every moment, see yourself as whole and complete. Know that your body is a temporary dwelling place, a temple, and deserving to be treated as such.

Throughout your day, be mindful of all you say and do. Be kind to others, no matter how they treat you. Be careful not to judge others or to make assumptions as to why they behave as they do. As you gain self-control and love of self, you will be able to emit these belief codes from your pores, resonating them out to others.

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