The Big “If” – What If Marijuana and Hemp Had Never Been Prohibited?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 01/31/2016 - 09:13

By Ethan Indigo Smith
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

The Big “If”

The history of marijuana and hemp prohibition is a dark and shady story with all the makings of a diabolical thriller. In a dystopian world, shady oligarchs institute prohibition in order to benefit their institutions in the short term, leading to the inception of a police state in which sustainable agriculture is ridiculed, shamanic medicine is scorned, and generations are forced into punitive situations as a result of the plant’s contraband status.

Now, I don’t normally dwell in the “what-if’s” and rarely speculate about the “what-might-be’s” either; I think it’s more important to consider the “what-is”. But in fact, if we concentrate on the “what-is”, we can more easily ponder the “what-if” (our potential) and, importantly, more decisively define “what-will-be” (our future).

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The Oil-igarchy: How Big Oil Conquered The World

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 01/31/2016 - 09:06

By James Corbett
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

This is the story of how the oil-igarchy is on the verge of monopolizing life itself.

Oil. From farm to pharmaceutical, diesel truck to dinner plate, pipeline to plastic product, it is impossible to think of an area of our modern-day lives that is not affected by the petrochemical industry. The story of oil is the story of the modern world.

Parts of that story are well-known: Rockefeller and Standard Oil; the internal combustion engine and the transformation of global transport; the House of Saud and the oil wars in the Middle East. Other parts are more obscure: the quest for oil and the outbreak of World War I; the petrochemical interests behind modern medicine; the Big Oil money behind the “Green Revolution” and the “Gene Revolution.”

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Daily Message ~ Sunday January 31, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 01/31/2016 - 08:15

Dear Ones, the act of co-creation can be seen as a relay between you and the universe. You take the baton when the energies are supporting physical progress. The universe has the baton when the energies are supporting behind the scenes progress. If you can look at it in this way, you will see there is always forward movement happening. Don’t let your doubt make you drop out of the event right before you are about to round the bend and see the finish line. The beautiful thing about the universal relay is that you can win no matter what speed you go and there are an infinite number of relays you can participate in. ~Archangel Gabriel


Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 01/31/2016 - 07:15

Yes, you have made mistakes.  Some may seem ‘horrible’ and or unforgivable.  But, it is very important to remember, my beautiful child, that a mistake is the way your soul learns and retains valuable information.  Every single person on your Earth-plane has made at least one.  (Smiling)
The very first step to learning from and changing a mistake is forgiveness.  Forgive yourself then release the guilt and shame attached to it.  This is your opportunity to turn a negative into a positive.  Acknowledge, release and love yourself for the wonderful thing you are doing for you! ~ Creator

Break Your Fears and Not Your Heart

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 01/30/2016 - 19:29

God said:

You may have become comfortable with wrenching your heart, squeezing it, making your heart break. You may think that heartbreak is the lay of the land. You may think that broken-hearted is the only way to go. So much in life seems to have been taken from you, wrested from you, obliterated from you. There is even word for your suffering in romantic novels and in the world, and the word is drama. You perform in a tragedy.

Must you think this way about your presence in the world I made for you and gave to you?

Is it tragedy that your friends rise to Heaven in the everyday world, and you are left to miss them and want them back with you and find it very hard to get over having been left behind. It is too terrible for you to contemplate ahead of time, and too terrible to mourn after the fact.

It is too terrible for you to consider that everyone on Earth is temporary – a blink of an eye – and then, blip, gone somewhere, never to be seen again on Earth. Indeed, this is a world view. The Truth is different. The Truth is that you will meet your loved ones again by and by. You will be with them fully, and you will recognize them by their light.

If Consciousness is a Door, Kundalini Yoga is the Key

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 01/30/2016 - 09:36

Valerie Burke, MSN, Green Med Info
Waking Times

Imagine you could harness, at will, the mind-body connection responsible for the heightened mental states giving rise to creative genius, inspiration, bliss, mystical experiences, and possibly even enlightenment?

You may have noticed how sciences such as biology, physics, medicine, and even theology increasingly overlap, with energy and consciousness at the center. Energy medicine is revolutionizing our approach to health, as science gives us ever-increasing evidence for the inseparability of mind and body.

But what is this thing called “energy”? You may accept that it exists—even welcome assistance by various energy healers from disciplines such as acupuncture, Qigong, EFT, Jin Shin Jyutsu and others. But do you understand exactly what they’re doing or how it works? If someone asked you to describe this energy, you might struggle to come up with a definition.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday January 30, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 01/30/2016 - 09:10

Dear Ones, if you are looking for deep, constant, unconditional love, we must ask you, do you love unconditionally? Are you consistent with your love, or are you still using a conditional love model in your relationships, doling out love for good behaviour?

Are you consistently loving to yourself? Are you listening to and honouring your own heart, or trying to force your relationships into what society says they should be? Are you allowing your love the time and space it needs to grow and thrive, watering and tending it like a sapling?

As you are evolving from conditional to unconditional love it is important to let go of the old templates and to pioneer your love relationships into something that truly matches who you really are and how you wish to express yourself. Again, the fastest way to make any change you seek is to apply to self, to be the change, and allow that new preference to lead the way. ~Archangel Gabriel

Remembering The Plan

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 01/30/2016 - 07:30

Have you ever wondered why you are doing what you are doing now and why you are the person you are in this moment?  Before you arrived, you were given a choice as to what you would experience, what things you would learn and shown the infinite choices and outcomes of each decision you would ever make.  You knew you had to opportunity to change anything in the blink of an eye simply because you wanted to.  Now is the time to remember this!
So, if you ever find yourself questioning when your soul mate will arrive, what your life purpose is or when your current hardship will end, know that a ‘basic outline’ is already in place and any situation will change if you so choose.  You are an amazing manifestor…you do have that ability! ~ Creator

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