Back Up Your Dreams

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 01/28/2016 - 14:48

God said:

Your dreams may be on the outskirts waiting to be fulfilled. Embrace your dreams. All your dreams do not have to come true right before your eyes. Having your dreams is a special kind of fulfillment. Dreaming the possibilities of dreams, big and little, is a desire fulfilling itself. Having a dream is its own kind of fulfillment. It’s like this:

Of course, you may receive the whole pie of your dream, yet you don’t have to have the whole pie. You don’t have to have the whole pie nor do you have to have half a pie. You don’t even have to eat one slice of pie. Looking forward to pie is its own joy. You can relish the pie before it is in front of you to eat. You can look at a pie in the window of a bakery and enjoy it. You can enjoy a painting of a pie and your mouth can water. You can enjoy beforehand. You are leading yourself to the prize of the pie you dream of.

It can be that you desire blueberry pie. Perhaps it is apple pie that comes to you right now. Enjoy the apple pie. You are getting closer to the blueberry pie. The apple pie is a forerunner.

The more accepting you are in life, the more the Universe will offer you of what you would love to accept. Refuse the Universe, and you may turn off your supply. Your ideal may be yet to come. Don’t refuse out of hand the beginnings of fulfillment of your dreams.

Yes, let your mouth water for the full pie of your desires. Of course, it is folly to deny yourself before the fact. Never say: “This will never happen. It is only a dream.”

Daily Message ~ Thursday January 28, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 01/28/2016 - 08:25

If you are finding yourself in an uncomfortable place, ask yourself what you are being resistant to. Discomfort is always due to resistance of one sort or another. Once you discover what you are being resistant to, ask yourself, “What if this is divinely perfect, just as it is? What if there is purpose to this situation, even if I can’t see what it is right now?” If you really feel into those questions you should find an immediate easing of your discomfort. Acceptance is the anti-dote to resistance, Dear Ones, and if you can remember there is purpose to everything you experience, you will come to accept the “is-ness” of any situation, and be able to move with life’s ebbs and flows much easier. Simply put, acceptance is faith in action. ~Archangel Gabriel

Day 252: Inner Peace

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 01/27/2016 - 15:06

We would like to encourage you to go within daily.

There is no more important activity that you can do each day, besides breathing and eating! There are many health benefits associated with meditation and daily prayer.

PHYSICALLY, you will experience health benefits as you relax and relieve stress. As you work through problems, you will become better equipped to handle stressors as they emerge.

MENTALLY, you will become more alert and focused.

EMOTIONALLY, you will learn to balance yourself in all situations, regaining your composure more easily.

SPIRITUALLY, this is the most important practice to remain consciously connected to Source. Whenever you feel exhausted, overwhelmed, off-center or need clear answers, take time to go within.

Train yourself to instantly go into a relaxed state of consciousness. This comes with practice, but is well worth the effort when it comes to helping you achieve a sense of well-being.

There is much more we could say on this subject, but like many things, experience is a far better teacher than an orator. Thus, we leave you with this message in hopes that you will take time to go inward these next few moments.   Selamet!  Eb 5, Day 252

God’s message to you, delivered through many messengers and in many forms is that you are Love.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 01/27/2016 - 11:07

Things on Earth are not as dark as they appear.  Enormous changes are in progress, as you well know, and as these are implemented they are causing a certain amount of disturbance and confusion in the planetary economic and political fields.  It appears to many of you that you are on an extremely fast “roller-coaster ride” that is out of control and in danger of crashing.  Hold on to your hats, as you remind yourselves yet again that God’s divine plan is unfolding exactly as He intends.

All you have to do, and you do have to do it, is intend to be loving in every moment and in every situation.

Do not allow fear to distract you from this, because it is a major part of your life’s earthly purpose.  Just keep briefly renewing that intention throughout the day while standing in line, waiting for the lights to change, or at any other moment when you are momentarily unoccupied with the business of daily living.  Those very brief moments spent renewing your intent are far more powerful and effective than you can be aware of, so remind yourselves of that as well.

Love is the energy, the Power, the Life-force that permeates all of God’s divine Creation.  It is All That Exists, and therefore every sentient being, every conscious entity is an inseparable and eternal part of That!  To be loving in every moment means honoring and respecting all life.

Just Get There, Whatever You Do

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 01/27/2016 - 11:03

by Zen Gardner

As is often said, there are many ways up the mountain. The same can be said for ways of escape. That’s a bit more defensive and reactive, but such is the reality in this remarkable time we’re living in right now.

Just get there.

All of this going on around us now is happening before we can even begin to identify what it is we’re going through or where we’re headed. It’s very much like we’re flying over and around new rocks in a raging cataract and shooting down even more unexpected rapids.

In less turbulent times, grasping what’s going on is usually possible to some degree and we’re used to having that luxury. But no longer. We’re being swept into new and exciting places with some sort of cosmic urgency.

And we just need to flow with it.

Feeling for It

The beauty of losing control is that our heads and minds can’t get in the way. It’s too late and too immediate for that. We might have a few instinctive reflexes to try to keep our balance and heads above water but our old footing is gone. Completely gone.

And that’s a good thing – a real good thing.

The Teachers Speak: Alan Watts on Love and True Spirituality

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 01/27/2016 - 10:45

The Teachers Speak (KEEP)

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Alan Watts was a writer, speaker and philosopher who brought eastern philosophy to western spiritual seekers. (1)

He was and still is loved by many in the spiritual community, and his large volume of writings and lectures is considered by many to be a great source of wisdom.

We can learn from his work and the example he set that social morality is just as important as personal. While it’s argued that personal change is the best way to change the world, we can’t forget that changing the way we interact with each other and the earth is also crucial if we want a society that reflects our growing spiritual awareness.

Alan Watts. Credit:

I’d like to share some quotes from Alan Watts that exemplify who he was and what he thought about life, spirituality and our connection with All That Is.

When You Need a Break

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 01/27/2016 - 10:41

God said:

When you feel frustrated beyond endurance, take a break. Get a new perspective. Go in a different direction for a while. Don’t meet up with what is frustrating you right now. Put it aside.

Frustration is raucous music. You don't have to listen to it. Take a walk and restore yourself. Do something that you like to do. Consider you have a school holiday and make the most of it.

When you are consumed with frustration, look out the window, read a romance novel, take a nap, do something that you like to do and that gives you a modicum of joy and may get your mind off what ails you.

This is not running away. Too much is too much. Frustration is not intended to be an endurance test for you. You do not have to prove to yourself that you can withstand continued dire frustration. This is a time to break off this entanglement for a while.

When you feel you can’t hack the frustration any longer, this is a good sign that you can’t hack it any longer. This is not defeat. This is time for a truce, for, truly, you have been making war with frustration.

Many things, even most things, will heal themselves. Most frustration is going to go anyway with or without your pushing it away. The rain will stop. Electricity will go back on. A flood will recede. What is frustrating you won’t always be around. Divert yourself from your reservoir of overbearing attention on that which you find frustrating. Get your mind off.

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