Think Humanity is F*cked?!? – 5 Facts to Make You an Optimist!

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/22/2016 - 09:55

By Humberto Braga
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Do you think humanity is f*cked?!?

Considering the destructive and unconscious actions of many people around the world, it can be easy to fall in to despair. But I always remind myself of the following facts when I get upset and it always fills me up with an infallible optimism, conviction, love, and purpose. I hope they bring you light when things seem dark, and uplift your spirits when the world gets heavy.

5 Facts to Make You an Optimist!

1) We can’t judge the conscious evolution of humanity based on the stagnancy of those who aren’t interested in consciously evolving.

These “basic” kinds of people have always existed relative to more conscious, educated, and multifaceted people, and there has always been more of them. Evolution by its very definition means the new development, diversity, and complexity of an existing system, so therefore conscious evolution is always going to be determined by a relatively marginalized minority, as it always has.

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Daily Message ~ Friday January 22, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/22/2016 - 07:15

Dear Ones, when you are wishing to manifest something, it is important that the essence of what you want creates a good feeling for you, in order for you to be fully accepting of it. Let us give you an example.

If you are having difficulty with money, ask yourself how you really feel about money. Perhaps you feel the energy of money is cold and impersonal. It will be very hard for you to draw to you anything that you feel resistance to. Feel deeper into what it is you wish to create. Perhaps wealth is a better word for you. Maybe it is comfort and ease you wish to create. By focusing on the true essence of what it is you are trying to achieve, you will have a much easier and enjoyable time with the creation of it.

If you are wishing to have a love relationship but equate love with hurt, you will have a difficult time being successful because you will be trying to draw to you something you are resistant to. Perhaps you could replace the word love with joyful connection. Maybe companionship is a word you would feel more positive about. Maybe partner, or soul mate, or divine other, or beloved will better capture the essence of what is desired.

Return to Grace

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 01/21/2016 - 23:50

God said:

What if the word suffering had never been thought of, would you, as a mortal human being, identify life the way you do now? If there were no words for pain and all its ramifications, would you predicate your life as full of suffering? Is freedom perhaps absence of fear of pain? Is fear the culprit?

There is one positive word that makes up for everything, and that is love. The word love is like a banner in the sky on a clear night filled with stars.

At a very young age, children grasp the meaning of God and take God as a natural occurrence. Think of it, very young children not only understand the meaning of God and, also are on a familiar footing with Me that goes far beyond the known possibilities on Earth. As a young child, you didn’t forget from where you came. You lived Our Closeness and took Me as a matter of course.

What vibrations does the word God jog in young hearts and minds? You may believe that you now, as a parent, are there for your children, and, of course, you are, and yet your children are there for you to love and learn from as well. Your children may be the real teachers. May you listen to all their cues.

If you did not accept the idea that life is hazardous, if you did not accept the idea that your term on Earth is not a picnic, how would life look like to you then? Go ahead. Take leaps with your heart. Have the recognition that I am within you. I am within you at full blast. Within is a great word to sink your teeth into.

Truth Gleaning and the Quest for Meaning

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 01/21/2016 - 17:41

by Zen Gardner

What I find profoundly encouraging is the knowledge that the truth is out there and being feasted upon. We may not get the immediate gratification of this realization due to suppressed mainstream news but it is the truth.

Let yourself peruse other areas of information dissemination and you’ll see it. Not just the mainstream, although it’s leaking in there as well and can be identified by their occasional admissions and wildly erratic distractions, cover ups and damage control efforts.

Look at what’s happening in the Christian and other religious and belief paradigms and how much they’re getting much of what’s going on and obviously using our alternative resources to substantiate their newfound information. They and other previously isolated belief cliques are on to the transhuman agenda, genetic modification, geoengineering and the growing police state in a big way. What happens? This leads them down new pathways to discover other unsavory truths about the whirled around us.

And this naturally lends itself to new discoveries in a realm where truth vindicates itself in a big way.

Can We Be Sensible About Channeling?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 01/21/2016 - 10:14


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Channeling: “The practice of professedly entering a meditative or trancelike state in order to convey messages from a spiritual guide.” (Source)

This will be difficult to write, and my intention isn’t to condemn my friends in the conscious community who love channeled messages.

Yet for this piece, I need to be real and express what I’m feeling.

The latest post from Greg Giles, former channel for the ‘Galactic Federation of Light’, exemplifies one of the reasons I stopped channeling.

In his post, he claims that channeled messages are part of a government psy-ops program that lures well-meaning people to their mental and spiritual demise with what are apparently artificial telepathic communications sent by the government to control our minds; not messages from beings who want to help us evolve.

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