Got Hemp Milk? The Benefits Of Hemp Milk

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 01/02/2016 - 10:46

by Joe Martino, Collective Evolution

One thing has become very clear over the past couple of years regarding the value of cow’s milk, particularly pasteurized, in our diets. And unfortunately, it’s not good news. A very seizable study came out late last year in the British Medical Journal which revealed a truth many of us had been speculating about (and perhaps fearing) for decades: Milk does not do a body good, and in fact contributes to a greater risk of mortality in men and women as well as bone fracture in women.

The search for palatable and sustainable alternatives to milk has been going on for years now, with more people becoming conscious of how their food is produced and what effect it has on their bodies. As we learn more about the practices involved in the unnatural mass production of milk, the choice to step away from purchasing cow’s milk is increasingly becoming an ethical one. The market shows this sentiment as well, as almond milk sales have soared to $700 million in 2015, up 40% over 2014. [2]

Hemp milk is another incredibly nutritious and tasty alternative to cow’s milk which supplies the body with essential nutrients without causing harm to the body like dairy milk does. Whatever the reason you are considering abstaining from from cow’s milk, hemp milk is one option you should consider. Here’s why.

Day 227: Joy Full

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 01/02/2016 - 10:42

Many of you are overly concerned with what the future holds. We ask that you let go of these fears and focus on what is happening in your life each moment. How can you make your life more joyful? Choose things that will lead you toward happiness. Many are wondering if the world is about to end. We ask you, what does it matter? If your life is filled with fear is that not worse than death?

Do what you can to fill your day with fun, enjoyment, love and kindness toward yourself and others. Let tomorrow take care of itself. Your worries only create negative thoughtforms that create more unhappiness in the world. Focus your thoughts and attention on what you want to happen and make that your reality.   Selamet!  Manik 6

There is much more to this Message. Read the rest by scrolling to Day 227 at:

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Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree

© 2010 Mayan Messages. All Rights Reserved.

Daily Message ~ Saturday January 2, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 01/02/2016 - 08:25

Dear Ones, a very simple meditation/visualization for creation is to simply imagine yourself up in the cosmos, turning on the light of your intention and seeing other lights turn on to respond to what it you wish to create.

So, for example, you might imagine yourself going up into the universe and turning on your light of service to attract more wonderful clients who are perfect energetic matches for what you do, and seeing their lights turn on in response to your broadcast, indicating people who have now found you and your service. You can then relax, knowing the connection has been made and that they are on their way.

You can use this technique for anything. Looking for more like-minded people to enjoy your spirituality with? Turn on your light, shine brightly out into the cosmos, and see the connections being made. Looking for an ideal mate? Let your light shine and see the connection being made.

This is a fun and incredibly effective practice because it clearly displays your desire and allows you to see the response. This can allow you to be much easier about your creations. So set your intentions and let those connections be made, joyfully and easily, knowing they are on the way to your physical reality. ~Archangel Gabriel

On the Little Island of Your Small Self

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/01/2016 - 18:38

God said:

Freedom means unconfined. Freedom means no barriers. Freedom means the opposite of feeling stiff and stifled. It means unlimited. It means flying. It means non-mechanical. Freedom means free. In freedom, you are free.
Just the same, freedom feels scary to you. What are you afraid of? Free falling? Earth does not feel so free to you. You may feel roped in.
The Truth is that you are not confined to Earth. You may hold on to Earth by a filament-like thread which is nothing to hold onto at all. Well, then, be unattached. And now you go full-circle, from freedom to barriers to freedom. Freedom means letting go, beloveds.
You clutch Earth when the Truth is that you whirl in what is known as space. You seek the freedom you are so afraid of.

Day 226: Let Us Anoint You

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/01/2016 - 18:37

As this time of Transition occurs, we are attempting to reach as many of you as possible, in hopes that you will join us as we create a new Earth with endless possibilities to express love while in physical form. This is why so many are coming forth at this time, channeling our Messages.

This is why the starships are being seen more often. We are One, all coming from the same Source and eventually returning to the same Source.  It is our delight when another of you remembers this and makes the necessary changes to reflect this Truth into their life, thus allowing others the opportunity to make this realization, as well.

We ask that you take a few moments to relax. Get into a comfortable position and allow the thoughts of the day to wander from your consciousness. Allow us to invoke a blessing upon you, an anointing. You may feel tingling in your head and perhaps feel our touch upon your third eye as we bless you.

This anointing will allow you to open your energy fields wider, letting in more love. Take as much time as you desire, receiving our love. Allow your love for us to flow freely. Drink plenty of water afterwards. Enjoy the rest of your day in joy!  Selamet!  Cimi 5

First GMO Corn, Then Frankenfish, And Now – Get Ready For Designer Babies

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/01/2016 - 16:39

By Janet Phelan

We knew it was coming to this. The GMO revolution wasn’t going to stop at our dinner table. But did we think it would happen so soon?

The first week in December, delegates from the top three gene-editing countries—China, the UK and the US—met in Washington, DC for a symposium on the future of gene-editing. For those not familiar with the parlance, gene editing refers to the ability to alter the DNA of an embryo in a manner which affects the germline. The germline is defined as follows; “In biology and genetics, the germline in a multicellular organism is that population of its bodily cells that are so differentiated or segregated that in the usual processes of reproduction they may pass on their genetic material to the progeny.”

In other words, what happens to the germline will affect the offspring and subsequent generations.

Ayahuasca Can Relieve Serious Depression Faster than Antidepressants

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/01/2016 - 13:49

Ayahuasca BrewAnna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times

A new clinical study out of the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil has tested the effects of the ayahuasca healing brew on six volunteers suffering from serious depression. The treatment demonstrated that a mild dose of ayahuasca was able to alleviate symptoms of depression from within three hours to up to three weeks.

Neuroscientist Jaime Hallak and a group of researchers at the University examined if the psychotropic brew mixture of the vine Banisteriopsis caapi and the leaves of the shrub Psychotria viridis could treat depression. The World Health Organization estimates that about 350 million people suffer from depression worldwide, and global usage of antidepressants is rising.

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