Daily Message ~ Wednesday December 30, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 12/30/2015 - 10:15

Dear Ones, acceptance does not mean ignoring your very valid feelings. It means that you can recognize that something is unfolding the way it is for a reason, and still honour yourselves through any emotion you may be feeling to do with that experience. We never wish for you to deny how you really feel! In fact, we urge you to honour yourselves and love yourselves tenderly through any disappointments or discouragements you may feel. It is through being your own loving guide, your own loving parent, your own loving best friend, that you will compassionately give yourself everything you need, while staying in the flow of the unfoldment of your life with faith and trust. It is through that practice you will masterfully honour both the human self and the spiritual self, creating congruency and balance on your path of forward movement. ~Archangel Gabriel


Report: Here’s How Many People Fatally Overdosed On Marijuana In 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 12/30/2015 - 09:42

Marijuana legalization has been the talk of North America for years now. It’s arguable that one of the biggest campaign promises made by Canada’s new Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, was his goal to legalize cannabis countrywide. In the US, cannabis is legal in some form in 23 states, and with that we see a staggering number we should all consider. The number of Americans who fatally overdosed on cannabis in 2015 was: 0.

No one. Not a single person.

This of course is a huge increase from the year before which was also, zero. So it begs the questions: why is marijuana illegal? And why are other substances like alcohol and pharmaceuticals legal, yet they actively contribute to killing people in large numbers?

Hemp and cannabis became illegal back in 1937 for an all too common reason, it threatened the businesses of powerful people. You can grab the full ridiculously political story on that in an article I wrote about hemp and how they used cannabis to outlaw it back in 1937.

Read more... (collective-evolution.com)

16 Things You Should Say Goodbye To In 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 12/30/2015 - 09:32

The new year is just around the corner and during these times we often begin thinking of ways we can adjust ourselves and our habits to grow and evolve in our lives. Whether you are the type to create resolutions, or you prefer to look back on the prior year and see how you can improve upon it, there are always things we can do to expand ourselves, and in many cases make our lives both easier and more fun.

Here is a list of 16 things that I personally feel we should all put an end to in 2016: (and yes I chose 16 things to specifically match the year 2016)

1. Running From Your Problems 

Read more... (collective-evolution.com)

These Incredible Psychedelic Artworks Are Created by Pouring Paint and Resin onto a Canvas

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 12/30/2015 - 09:30

Bruce Riley is an ingenious artist with a unique style who creates incredibly vibrant captivating psychedelic artworks by using a combination of dripped paints and resins.

Riley was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, United States and has lived in Chicago since 1994. As a student at the Art Academy of Cincinnati, he enjoyed spending his time studying the works in the Cincinnati Art Museum. The artist also studied fine arts at the University of Cincinnati where he discovered The Princeton University Press’ Bollingen Series. These published works of renowned philosophers and progressive thinkers like Eric Neumann, Carl Jung, David Bohm and J. Krishnamurti, contributed greatly to the artist’s development.

“I can’t stress enough the importance of this find and its impact on my art and life. This body of work exposed me to a literature that explored the mysteries of the human condition, something that I felt I was looking into with my art. I’ve always known my work was about everything, all at once. This reading began to give me an intellectual tool to investigate what I knew and felt,” the artist writes on his website.

Read more... (learning-mind.com)

Switzerland Follows Iceland in Declaring War Against the Banksters

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 12/30/2015 - 09:26

Isaac Davis, Staff
Waking Times

If you want to continue to be slaves of the banks and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit.”Josiah Stamp

Iceland has gained the admiration of populists in recent years by doing that which no other nation in the world seems to be willing or capable of doing: prosecuting criminal bankers for engineering financial collapse for profit.

Their effective revolt against the banking class, who drove the tiny nation into economic crisis in 2008, is the brightest example yet that the world does not have to be indebted in perpetuity to an austere and criminal wealthy elite. In 2015, 26 Icelandic bankers were sentenced to prison and the government ordered a bank sale to benefit the citizenry.

Children Today Report More Anxiety than Child Psychiatric Patients in the 1950’s

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 12/30/2015 - 09:25

April McCarthy, Prevent Disease
Waking Times

Two new meta-analytic studies involving thousands of children and college students show that anxiety has increased substantially since the 1950’s. In fact, the studies find that anxiety has increased so much that typical schoolchildren during the 1980’s reported more anxiety than child psychiatric patients did during the 1950’s. The findings appear in the December issue of the American Psychological Association’s (APA)Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

“The results of the study suggest that cases of depression will continue to increase in the coming decades, as anxiety tends to predispose people to depression,” says psychologist and study author Jean M. Twenge, PhD, of Case Western Reserve University.

Read more... (wakingtimes.com)

Daily Message ~ Sunday December 27, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 12/30/2015 - 04:25

Dear Ones, it is so beautifully simple. When you allow your authentic self to make decisions and lead the way, everything you experience will be the most perfect match to you. It can be no other way. So shine! Beam! Be you – gloriously, unapologetically you – and know that there is no greater thing you can do to nurture yourself into the life of your dreams. ~Archangel Gabriel


Daily Message ~ Monday December 28, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 12/30/2015 - 04:25

The vast clearing you have done over the past three years has resulted in you becoming much clearer vessels of your own unique vibration. This is a wondrous thing! Because you are holding your light, your truth like never before, your ability to manifest has been greatly enhanced. That, combined with very fast moving energies, is setting the stage for you to step forward as conscious creators in a way you have never experienced. What a grand and glorious time for you as you move into a brand new year! Do you see what we are saying? We are suggesting that you ask not what the new year has in store for you, but rather, decide what you intend to create. ~Archangel Gabriel


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