The Problem is Drug Law, Not Drugs

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 01/06/2016 - 08:49

Phillip J. Watt, Contributor
Waking Times

The war-on-drugs has been one of the biggest policy failures of modern society. It amplifies drug-related problems and doesn’t recognize that altered states of consciousness play a perfectly natural role within the human experience.

It is clear that many governments of the world have failed to truly accept some extremely important facts around dealing with the substances that make their way through our communities. Examples include:

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Marijuana Kills Cancer Cells, Admits The U.S. National Cancer Institute

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 01/06/2016 - 08:46

Source: | Original Post Date: August 26, 2015 –

National legalization of marijuana may be drawing a smidgeon closer. The National Cancer Institute (NCI), one of the federal government sponsored agencies, has just updated the FAQs on its website to include recent studies on marijuana showing that it can and has killed cancer cells.

These are the findings of studies NCI have included:

  • Cannabinoids may inhibit tumor growth by causing cell death, blocking cell growth, and blocking the development of blood vessels needed by tumors to grow. Laboratory and animal studies have shown that cannabinoids may be able to kill cancer cells while protecting normal cells.
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What Is the Opposite of Worry?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 01/06/2016 - 08:45

God said:

Moonlight and Sunlight are both light. Moonlight is more subtle, softer. Moonlight is the reflection of the Sun. Life provides you with light both day and night, to say nothing of the light within you.

You are provided for. You are taken care of. You don’t doubt the Sun and the Moon, and, yet, you may still feel like an orphan adrift in the world, as if life is too rickety for you.

You may have a tendency to see the downside. You may have a tendency to cry Wolf before the wolf arrives. You may feel you live with the wolf howling at you by day and by night. You may have a tendency to feel forlorn or driven to distraction, sometimes day in and day out. You may find it hard to sleep, and you may find it hard to live life in the world.

You may have the idea that you are to rule the roost, and you hold on so tight to imagined control. You do this for self-preservation. Of course, the world you live in is filled with opposites. If you have to choose an opposite for the word control, the opposite could then be called trust. Yet how do you feel trust when you are so unsure of your place in the Sun?

Daily Message ~ Wednesday January 6, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 01/06/2016 - 07:20

Dear Ones, please be assured that all the spiritual talk about detachment and acceptance does not for one second mean we are wishing for you to turn into unfeeling robots! Your life is going to be filled with a myriad of experiences and emotions, and that is all part of having a human experience.

Disappointment, for example, shows that you cared deeply about something and that is a wonderful thing! Emotions themselves are not bad, in fact they are incredibly valuable to you, to help you experience, express yourselves, be aware of what is looking for love and nurturing within you, and allow you to further define what your preferences are. Fear of emotions can cause a person to isolate and be too afraid to experience anything, which is so contrary to what you are on the planet to do! As always, what causes the most pain is resistance because your soul is always seeking to grow, experience, expand and evolve.

So be present! Love wholly and completely! Don’t be afraid to feel, for that is the gift of being alive. Know that if an emotion comes up that you are not comfortable with, you are not bad or unevolved, you are simply being given a chance to further fill yourself up with your own loving care. It is through this consciousness that you will be able to flow and expand without fear, for you will quickly learn that you will be fine no matter what presents, which will allow you to even further embrace life and all that is. ~Archangel Gabriel

Day 230: Power of Intention

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 01/05/2016 - 11:13

Through the energy field of infinite possibilities, you have at your fingertips the ability to create whatever you wish to experience. The simple rule to this secret is to focus your attention on what you want, never letting your mind dwell on things you do not wish to experience. As unwanted thoughts creep in, redirect them, changing them to things you desire.

Practice makes perfect, yet unbeknownst to you, you already are perfect, just a bit forgetful of this Truth. Find this Truth, be this Truth and merge with this Truth, for it is the Source from whence you came. It is love, pure love, having many names and faces. Yet it is everywhere in every moment, for there is no way it can be separated from you. However, it is your choice, whether conscious or unconscious, to be separated from Source that has allowed undesirable predicaments into your life. Plug back into Source and you will be energized with a clear conduit to make choices for your highest good. Clearing the conduit entails removing fear and limiting belief codes.

Edgar Cayce: Ordinary Man, Extraordinary Messenger

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 01/05/2016 - 10:43


Mitch Horowitz, New Dawn
Waking Times

The year 1910 marked a turning point in Western spirituality. It saw the deaths of some of the most luminous religious thinkers of the nineteenth century, including psychologist-seeker William James; popular medium Andrew Jackson Davis; and Christian Science founder Mary Baker Eddy. These three figures deeply impacted the movements in positive thinking, prayer healing, and psychical research.

Their death that year was accompanied by the rise to prominence of a new religious innovator – a figure who built upon the spiritual experiments of the nineteenth century to shape the New Age* culture of the dawning era.

In autumn of 1910 The New York Times brought the first major national attention to the name of Edgar Cayce, a young man who later became known as the “father of holistic medicine” and the founding voice of alternative spirituality.

Daily Message ~ Tuesday January 5, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 01/05/2016 - 08:30

So many of you try to communicate with us and get frustrated if you cannot hear us. We have much to say about this topic!

We are always available to you, and love to connect with you! Your requests are always heard, and always responded to. Even if you cannot hear us we are answering you through signs, through feelings, and through assistance behind the scenes.

If you ask a question of us and don’t feel like you have received an answer, know that it is coming! You may find yourself on a new web page. The perfect book could find its way to you. You will run into the exact person who can help you. You could move into a sudden knowing of what you need. You could find signs such as feathers, coins, songs, angels, butterflies, birds or any other thing that feels magical or significant to you, to help guide the way.

For those of you looking for more of an actual conversation with us, please understand that those interactions are telepathic. You must trust and allow it to flow, and pay attention to where it comes from. Your own inner voice tends to come from within your own head. Divine transmissions, when you pay attention, will come from above and outside of you, often from slightly to the left.

Even if you feel like not one thing is happening in your attempts, please know that you could be being energetically adjusted so that you are moved into a better alignment to allow communication to occur. This is a wonderful thing, but it can take some time, so trust in the process.

Who Are You?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 01/04/2016 - 20:06

God said:

Look, not everyone has to be like everyone else. Not everyone has to be outgoing. Not everyone has to be the life of the party. Not everyone has to go solo either.
It is perfectly all right to be as you are.
If you like your solitude, like it.
If you like your eggs fried sunny side-up, that’s fine. If you like your eggs in a omelet, so be it.
The theme for today is that you do not have to aspire to be like everyone else any more than you have to aspire to be different from everyone else. It could be that everyone else is trying to keep up with his or her own picture of everyone else. They may have left themselves somewhere along the way. Of course, you may desire to be a middle of the roader. Hey, this is up to you.

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