Daily Message ~ Saturday January 9, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 01/09/2016 - 09:05

You cannot be accepting and judgmental at the same time. You cannot be nurturing and critical at the same time. If you are truly wishing to move into a deeper love of self, you must give up your old habits of deeming yourself anything less than the divine slice of Source you truly are.

You see, learning the art of self love is absolutely vital to moving into your authentic power. You cannot continue to deny your truth and empower yourself at the same time.

It is time. It is time to finally embrace your truth, your delightfulness, your beauty, your divinity, and your unique importance to the whole. It is time to leave the days of self denial in the past and to shine. From there you will finally find the freedom to create and express yourself in the way that makes your soul sing and purposefully serves the whole. ~Archangel Gabriel


Life Is Good

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/08/2016 - 19:18

God said:

Tender is the Heart of God.

And, yet, some of My children, from time to time, or all their lives, see Me as an ogre who seems to get in their way.

It is good to remember that I am on your side, as if there are sides. There is no advantage to you or anyone in carrying the idea that I am opposed to you.

Life is not always an easy ride. This is no secret. Perhaps you have pounced on the difficulties you experience to the exclusion of your blessings.

I know what you feel and how you feel. It is the hardest thing of all in your reckoning to lose a child. I am well aware of the pain this creates. I do not fluff it off, dear ones. I am not hard-hearted when I must say that you hurt your own heart.

If you held your child in your arms for one year, or twenty, or fifty, will you not be glad for the days and years granted you? The alternative might be that you never birthed your flown-away child. Is this what you would choose? I don’t think so.

There is great pain experienced on the Earth. Everyone knows that. Do you think I do not know?

I do not set out to hurt you. Death may seem like the worst thing on Earth to you. This idea comes at your expense because, dear ones, you see death as an enemy. This is a mistake of the intellect.

You cannot believe that such a blow as losing a beloved one could happen to you. You would prevent or remove death from the face of the Earth if you could. You would wipe out death so that no one would suffer.

Error 451: New HTTP Code To Show That Sites Are Censored

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/08/2016 - 10:26

Just to make things clear, this code isn't about censoring the Internet, which is already happening. The 451 code has been created for greater transparency and it will let people know that a site is being censored.

IETF assigns Error 451, the new HTTP code for internet censorship

The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), the independent organization responsible for many of the internet’s operating standards, has approved a special HTTP status code known as ‘Error 451’ that will be used on pages that have been censored by the government for legal reasons.

“This status code indicates that the server is denying access to the resource as a consequence of a legal demand,” said IETF in a statement.

Read more... (collectivelyconscious.net)

Over The Rainbow: The (Yellow Brick) Road to Enlightenment

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/08/2016 - 10:12

By Irwin Ozborne
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

In junior high school, I was a painfully shy student. It was to the point I would go through an entire week without peeping a single sound. While it was quite easy to shield my anxiety during most classroom activity, the lunchroom was always my greatest test. How could I possibly hide myself in a crowded cafeteria?

There was always one table in the back of the room which only had about five kids sitting there (the tables sat about 20-30 people). With so many empty seats at the table, it was the perfect spot for someone with severe, debilitating social anxiety. This group was the outcasts of the school. They wore the same clothes every day, never paid attention in class, didn’t follow the rules, had long straggly hair, and were already experimenting with drugs and alcohol. But, they were also different in the sense that they had no desire to fit in with the “cool kids.” They were perfectly content being in their own skin.

Read more... (wakeup-world.com)

Toxic Products to Ban From Your Home – Plus Healthier Alternatives to Help You Do It

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/08/2016 - 09:54

By Elisha McFarland N.D.
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

The average American spends 90 percent of their time indoors. While people are aware of the health risk caused by outdoor air pollution, few may consider that indoor air quality can also have a negative impact on their health. According to the EPA levels of indoor air pollutants can be 2 to 5 times higher than outdoor pollution levels. In fact indoor air pollutants are ranked among the top five environmental risks to public health.

Since we spend so much time indoors it is important to create a healthy, toxin-free indoor environment that is safe for everyone. Here is a list of toxic products you may like to consider banning from your home, plus some healthier alternatives to help you do it.

Toxic Products to Ban From Your Home

1. Non Stick Cookware

Read more... (wakeup-world.com)

All You Need is Love, Love, Love, All We Need is Love

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/08/2016 - 09:49

What’s Love got to do with it?

In a typical day you can’t walk out the door, pick up your phone, scan through the TV without hearing about something that is plaguing our world.

There’s terrorism, guns, racism, political upheavals, random acts of violence, and more. It’s enough to eat away at us as if we’re a rotten apple in a sea of ants.

How does one proceed in a life  when the outcome of each day is unknown and fear abounds?

I have contemplated it. I have sat in circles of friends discussing it. I have sat in solitude with it. In all the worries, anger and problem solving I realized something so pure and true.

There is only one thing that can solve all these problems. It sounds so simple that it will appear at first impossible but hear me out before shutting me out.

It’s L-O-V-E.

Read more... (rebmckown.com)

Daily Message ~ Friday January 8, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/08/2016 - 09:15

Can you receive love? When someone tells you they love you, do you brush it off or do you really allow yourself to open up and feel it? Have you ever just let yourself sit and receive the love we have for you? To truly feel it?

We ask you to stop and really examine your ability to receive love, because it will show you exactly how much you are able to receive in general. Many of you are very comfortable with giving, but not so much with receiving.

One of the most powerful ways you can transform your life is to train yourself to truly be open and receive. We highly recommend you take the time to sit quietly and simply accept the love of Source. Allow it to wash over you, to fill your vessel, to heal you, to reassure you, to soothe you, to inspire you, to overflow from you.

When someone tells you they love you, consciously feel that love! Receive it, treasure it, allow yourself to feel every molecule of it. By doing so you will become more and more comfortable with receiving, with dancing with the flow of the universe, and embracing the never ending abundance that is available to you, radiating love joyfully like never before. ~Archangel Gabriel


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