Couple Protect Over 2 Million Acres & Donate Land To The Public

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 01/11/2016 - 13:21

by Andrew Martin, Collective Evolution

“Conservation is our passion: we feel privileged to make it the second part of our life’s work. Even at discouraging moments—when we read reports on accelerating biodiversity loss, learn of a new road planned through the Serengeti, or watch how Japan keeps killing whales under the false claim of research—we cannot imagine stopping this work we are doing to help reverse the extinction crisis. From our point of view, there’s no better thing to do—plus, we find ourselves working with the best people on the planet.”

Doug and Kris Tompkins

The Passing of a Legend

Most people would not be familiar with Doug Tompkins, yet many would have some awareness of the now household name brands of North Face and Esprit, both of which he founded. Doug Tompkins passed away in early December of last year in a tragic kayaking accident in southern Chile when strong waves caused his kayak to capsize, causing the onset of fatal hypothermia.

Day 246: Take Time to Make Time

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 01/11/2016 - 13:17

Greetings! We are happy to have this time with you. Please understand that we know your life at times is very difficult and that you have time burdens. Yet in truth, there is no time. Humans create deadlines as a means to ensuring a job gets done, yet all it creates is stress.

There is much stress involved in waking up at a certain time, getting to work, getting the children off to school, eating lunch at a specific moment, returning from lunch, finishing chores before you get off work, getting to church, meeting friends for dinner, making it to the movies on time, getting to the store before it closes, postponing fun until the weekend or retirement and the list goes on.

How can you find balance in a world filled with deadlines? You could begin by taking an inventory each time you look at your watch or clock. Begin to notice the things you do that involve being somewhere at a specific time. Also, notice your relationship to time. Do you feel anxious if you are running late? Do you rush through other activities to be sure you get to the next location on time? Are you enjoying the moment or fixated on the future? Begin to find ways you can simplify your life, if you are feeling rushed all the time. There are many things that can be left undone or are not yours to do in the first place. Let others be responsible for the things they choose to do. Learn to say “no” to things that are not of high interest to you.

5 Behaviours That Show You Are Reaching a Higher Level of Consciousness

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 01/11/2016 - 09:15

If there’s one thing we know beyond any doubt, it’s that all of life is an evolutionary process. Everything, from the smallest particle in existence to the universe as a whole is in the process of evolution. Immutability is the only truth. Expansion is the point. The only question is whether or not it’s happening consciously or unconsciously. As is the case with any pursuit — whether athletic, intellectual, or spiritual — certain signs will begin to show up after a particular amount of practice has been put in, and they will come out, as they should, in your behaviour. If they don’t, then you haven’t condensed the full understanding yet– the concept has not made its way fully to the level of action.

While there is, in reality, no actual ‘higher’ level of consciousness (this is an egoic idea based on comparison) there are, undoubtedly, different modes of seeing the world, resulting, of course, in different modes of being in the world– modes of being that open us up to more relaxation, harmony and balance, even as the external world continues on in the manner it always has. There has been an inner shift.

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Clean and Green — Dutch Company Powers Gadgets and Street Lights with Living Plants

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 01/11/2016 - 09:14

By Carolanne Wright
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Could living plants be the future of electricity? If the folks at Plant-e have anything to say about it, the answer is a resounding YES. To prove their point, a project dubbed “Starry Sky” illuminated 300 LED lights in Hembrug, Netherlands — exclusively powered by living plants. Similar to another project about an hour’s drive away, both installations are the first two public applications of the budding technology.

But plant-powered lighting isn’t the only area the company has explored, Wi-Fi hotspots, mobile chargers and rooftop electricity modules are also available. And large-scale tubular systems for commercial use are in the works.

The Ultimate Green Energy

While the idea of photosynthesis to generate energy isn’t necessarily new — remember engineering clocks made from potatoes in middle school? — Plant-e’s technology is the first to harness power from plants without harming them. Marjolein Helder, Plant-e’s cofounder and CEO, believes the advancements achieved by their company are nothing short of revolutionary.

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Daily Message ~ Monday January 11, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 01/11/2016 - 08:15

So many of you live your lives with a focus on what is unwanted. You are attempting to live by exclusion. What about navigating your path with a focus on what is wanted? Then you would be living by inclusion, by acceptance, by love. Such a subtle, yet profound shift, wouldn’t you say? ~Archangel Gabriel

You Would Love Something Wondrous to Happen

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 01/10/2016 - 21:00

God said:

It may seem to you that I let you pass Go, or I do not let you pass Go. It may seem to you that just when you are crossing the draw bridge, it raises up, or some kind of axe does fall. You get skittery with life. You jump around here and there, and can’t seem to get past something and find your direction.

Life seems to delay you. People delay. Everything seems to conspire to make you wait for life to begin or, at least, for life to get up off the couch. It may seem to you that you are waiting interminably in the Waiting Room of Life.

How does one individual of billions on Earth jump-start his or her life? It takes great courage for you. It is not easy for you to feel that you are the Captain of Your Ship. You feel more like you are caught in the doldrums or in a swirling eddy, neither of which leads you where you want to be and who you wish to be.

You are sure that life was meant to be different. You hustle and bustle. You stay still. It doesn’t seem to matter, for your life seems to wait in line. It is like you have been caught at the starting gate all your life long.

You might like to light a fire under your life and get momentum.

You have been idling in a sailboat, and now you want a speedboat.

You feel that you and your life are staying still in a lagoon. Oh, how you want to get somewhere.

You may feel that you sit out your life in a rocking-chair on your front porch.

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