10 Forgotten Spiritual Truths About Raising Children

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 01/12/2016 - 10:56

By Frank M. Wanderer Ph.D
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

In our life most of us have experienced one or two mysterious encounters, when visitors come to us from the unknown. These special guests are in fact our own children. We love them, and we are happy that they are here, but most of us do not accept them the way we should. They do not receive from us the deep respect and awe that wanderers who come from the depths of the Universe duly deserve. Instead, we look upon our children as if they were our own property, and we try to condition them to become adults we will be able to be proud of.

Are we really good hosts for these visitors, is this really the way we should receive our guests?

Awareness Diminishes Fear

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 01/12/2016 - 10:39

let-us-not-look-back-in-anger-nor-forward-in-fear-but-around-in-awareness-anger-quoteBy Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Are you afraid to take the next step in your work, your relationship or another area of life? Many people who are ready for this next step tend to hesitate, and they stay on the same level they’ve always been at as a result.

We can avoid this by asking ourselves if we’re truly ready to grow and face new challenges, and if we are, facing those challenges head-on. There will be plenty of obstacles, but we can get past them if we keep our goals in mind as well as why we want to advance in the first place.

For many people, it’s because they’re passionate about what they do. It basically comes down to love, and they wouldn’t try so hard if they didn’t love their work. However cliché it sounds, love is the key to all of this and most people wouldn’t do what they do or be with the people they’re with if they didn’t have love.

A lot of people don’t like their jobs, for example, but they do them anyway because they want to provide for the family they love. Some people have discovered their life purpose and work hard at it every day, and they do it because, you guessed it, they love it.

Monsanto Cutting 1,000 Jobs As Chemical Giant Takes First Annual Loss In 6 Years

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 01/12/2016 - 10:37

Source: www.theantimedia.org | Original Post Date: January 6, 2016 –

St. Louis, MO — Agrichemical behemoth Monsanto plans to cut an additional 1,000 jobs to compensate, in part, for a slump in sales of its genetically-engineered corn seeds. The seeds led to a first quarter loss of $253 million — which, on the whole, represents a 17% drop in revenue.

“Monsanto has struggled in recent quarters to deal with slumping corn prices in the U.S., which have reduced demand for its best-selling product: genetically-enhanced [read: modified] corn seeds,” reported ABC News. “Farmers are shifting more acres to other crops after surpluses of corn and other crops, including wheat, have squashed commodity prices.”

Daily Message ~ Tuesday January 12, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 01/12/2016 - 09:35

Be still and trust, Dear Ones, whenever the world feels too much for you. By taking the time to align with Source you will stoke the divine flame that exists in you, allowing it to go from a flicker to a strong light that will lead the way. Your faith and trust will always fan the flame of your own divinity, which beautifully lights your highest path. ~Archangel Gabriel


Synchrony and Exertion of Dancing Found to Encourage Social Bonding, Raise Pain Threshold

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 01/12/2016 - 09:30

By Christina Lavers
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

“To watch us dance is to hear our hearts speak.” ~ Hopi Indian saying

There is not one culture on Earth that does not have a long tradition of dance. This suggests that dancing, the act of moving in time to music, is central to the experience of being human. It is such a key form of cultural expression that it has been called the “universal language”. Every culture in the world has a customary style of dance that communicates aspects of the group’s identity, creativity, rituals, history and meaning. In fact, it has even been suggested that a person could learn as much, if not more, about another culture through participating in their dance as they could reading an anthropological paper.

A recent study led by researcher Bronwyn Tarr from Oxford University produced further evidence that demonstrates that dancing plays a role in supporting and strengthening social cohesion. Tarr, a dancer and experimental psychologist, postulated that dance, being essentially cooperative in nature, could have played a role in our evolution by encouraging social bonds and other pro-social behaviour between community members.

Read more... (wakeup-world.com)

The US Helped Overthrow Libya In 2011 – Here’s What’s Happening There Now

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 01/12/2016 - 09:29

Source: www.zerohedge.com | Original Post Date: January 6, 2016 –

“We are helpless and not being able to do anything against this deliberate destruction to the oil installations. NOC urges all faithful and honorable people of this homeland to hurry to rescue what is left from our resources before it is too late.”

That’s from Libya’s National Oil Corp and as you might have guessed, it references the seizure of state oil assets by Islamic State, whose influence in the country has grown over the past year amid the power vacuum the West created by engineering the demise of Moammar Qaddafi.

The latest attacks occurred in Es Sider, a large oil port that’s been closed for at least a year.

Read more... (collectivelyconscious.net)

Fascinating 1930’s Pharmacist Map of Herbal Cures Released To Public

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 01/12/2016 - 09:22

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the New England Journal of Medicine.”  (source)

The quote above comes from Dr. Marcia Angell, a physician and longtime Editor in Chief of the New England Medical Journal. She is one of many physicians who have held prominent positions in the field of mainstream medicine to express this disturbing fact — that pharmaceutical companies continually distort medical science in order to push their products en masse. Another recent example comes from Dr, Richard Horton, the Editor in Chief of The Lancet, who stated that “much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue.” (source) Arnold Seymour Relman, Harvard Professor of Medicine and Former Editor-in-Chief of the New England Medical Journal, has also made the reality of this corruption abundantly clear:

12 Quotes From An Oglala Lakota Chief That Will Make You Question Everything About Our World

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 01/11/2016 - 21:43

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

It’s 2016, and across the globe we are seeing indigenous elders from various locations on the planet coming forward to share wisdom that is so desperately needed. All of us who live on the planet are feeling the heat as we recognize that the time for change is now, and that this window of opportunity won’t be open forever.

Not long ago, Indigenous Elders and Medicine People of North and South America came together in South Dakota to deliver a fundamental message to humanity and the Earth:

We are part of Creation, thus, if we break the laws of Creation we destroy ourselves. We, the Original Caretakers of Mother Earth, have no choice but to follow and uphold the Original Instructions, which sustains the continuity of Life. We recognize our umbilical connection to Mother Earth and understand that she is the source of life, not a resource to be exploited. We speak on behalf of all Creation today, to communicate an urgent message that man has gone too far, placing us in the state of survival. We warned that one day you would not be able to control what you have created. That day is here. Not heeding warnings from both Nature and the People of the Earth keeps us on the path of self destruction. This self destructive path has led to the Fukushima nuclear crisis, Gulf oil spill, tar sands devastation, pipeline failures, impacts of carbon dioxide emissions and the destruction of ground water through hydraulic fracking, just to name a few. In addition, these activities and development continue to cause the deterioration and destruction of sacred places and sacred waters that are vital for Life. – Chief Looking Horse (source)

What Matters

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 01/11/2016 - 21:16

God said:

Often, when you experience a nose-dive of self-confidence and sense of success in the world, it can well mean you are just ready to take off.

The airplane of your life swoops you up, and, behold, you are zooming forward. The darkness of the night that captured you so dismally was simply the darkness before the dawn. Dawn exists.

There is an horizon before you. Whether you see the horizon’s light instantly or not, the horizon is there for you to cross over into the Bright Light of God.

It is like My Hand lifts you up at a dazzling speed, and you whiz past that bump that seemed to hold you crestfallen. You are your own inspiration, or you are your own crestfaller. Don’t be crestfallen. Rise to new heights. You are geared for new heights.

Be ready to take off. Be ever-ready to take off. Boost yourself.

In life, you are climbing a ladder. Even one rung at a time works. At the same time, you are getting ready for the ride of your life. Life is meant to be the ride and rise of your life.

We don’t care so much what the world thinks of you. We care what you think of you. We don’t care what the world makes of you. We care what you make of you. By We, right now, We mean you and I. We mean where Our Antenna are. Anyone can diss anyone. This is not what We’re about. We’re talking about your eyesight and Mine and what matters to you and what matters to Me, and, therefore, Us.

I often ask Myself:

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