Manipulations & Mind Games: The Secret Battle To Control How We Think

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 12/05/2015 - 09:53


Throughout history the mechanisms of persuasion and influence have always been manipulated by those in power as a means to maintain authority and legitimacy. In more recent times the overall manipulation of the mass public mind has become less about overt spectacles of fear and obedience, and more about subtle forms of media propaganda. The manufacturing of consent1 is endemic and has become a pervasive presence within modern societies.

Edward Bernays,2 who has been called ‘the father of public relations’, was a nephew of Sigmund Freud and introduced psychological and psychoanalytical methods into modern propaganda. Bernays considered media propaganda essential for manipulating public opinion because society, in his regard, was composed of too many irrational elements (the people) which could be dangerous to the efficient mechanisms of power (‘democracy’). Within the context of our modern mass societies, propaganda has morphed into a mechanism for not only engineering public opinion but also as a means for consolidating social control.

The 7 Secrets Of Simple Living That Society Has Alienated You from

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 12/05/2015 - 09:46

Source: | Original Post Date: March 20, 2015 –


We are living fragmented lives in an increasingly frenetic world.  Overworked and overstressed we spread ourselves thin flipping between several roles in a single day. We can be a parent, spouse, employee, organiser, blogger, expert in a field, coordinator, entertainer or whatever role we have assigned ourself or have identified with.

Society and culture have also put on us pressures and beliefs that have sucked us in all this madness. Clearly, we are living a consumeristic culture in overdrive. The expectations from our peers and the messages from the mass media and cultural icons are all set to trance us into this consumeristic mass hallucination. In moments of clarity, many have stopped to ask themselves “How do I make it stop? Where is the emergency stop button? How can I break free from all this and return to a simpler, authentic and stress-free life?” – I’m sure you have, as have I too.

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The Critical Thinking Trap: How the “Conspiracy Theory” Label Undermines the Truth

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 12/05/2015 - 09:45

By Katherine Smith Ph.D
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Conspiracy Theories: The Public Trust Skepticism Factor

“Conspiracy” is a real word for a real events that have taken place in human societies in all cultures throughout human history. [see Appendix A]

The assassination of the President of the United States on national television by a “lone” assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, who himself is assassinated the next day by another “lone” assassin—would cause even the most rational skeptic, or critical thinker, to question the institutional narrative of the events. [1] In other words, the institutional narrative, or official explanation, of a lone assassin who was in turn assassinated the very next day by another lone assassin, is as epistemically dubious, and as equally “silly and without merit”, as any of the conspiracy theories surrounding the JFK assassination.

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Vocation and Seeking Truth – The Challenge of Making a Living While Exposing and Transcending the Matrix

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 12/05/2015 - 09:43

By Bernhard Guenther
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Over the last several years, many people have contacted me with regards to my articles and the films and interviews I’ve been involved in, and oftentimes ask for any insight and guidance I can provide in relation to their personal struggles. Among the many questions people ask me, this one stands out for me as very pertinent to the times we all find ourselves in:

“Hello Bernhard, I have been watching your many posts for several month and share most of your views. As I am about to complete the first of many trainings in bodywork (perhaps the first most rewarding work I ever done for pay) I was wondering if your choice to speak your truth on Facebook has impacted negatively your ability to earn a living in bodywork, or perhaps (hopefully) assisted you in finding like-minded clients?”

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6 Positive Signs That Mainstream Media is Collapsing

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 12/05/2015 - 09:34

Off-Air Mainstream Media TVPhillip Schneider, Staff
Waking Times

There is an information awakening taking place right now, and mainstream media is being outed for what it really is: corporate and government controlled propaganda. People are turning to alternative news sources more swiftly than ever now, and as a result, the old guard of media is collapsing at free-fall speeds.

Here are 6 positive signs of the collapse of mainstream media:

This is How Much Big Business Paid US Senators to Fast-Track the TPP Deal

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 12/05/2015 - 09:32

Alex Pietrowski, Staff
Waking Times

Debate around the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) continues to mount. The recently-released 6,000 page agreement, encompassing 18,000 categories of goods and services and a region that accounts for 40 percent of the global economy, hasn’t been ratified by the U.S. Congress or Senate. Yet, the U.S. President has made his support clear with statements such as, “We are both soon to be signatories to the TPP agreement,” a comment Obama made on Nov. 19, 2015, after his bilateral meeting with new Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

How To Learn To Love Your Body: Forget Societal Standards

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 12/05/2015 - 09:25

Learning to love your body can be an incredible feat. The older we get, the harder it seems to be to keep up with societal standards. Aging can come with a variety of side effects that cause us to feel inferior. Fashion magazines sport images of extremely thin figures whose bodies have gone through the Photoshop machine one too many times. Stretch marks, cellulite, wrinkles, freckles and more are digitally removed to show an image of what makes perfection. We flip through the pages and sigh as we view what we’ve been brainwashed to believe is admirable.

But while there are plenty of stories of models being told their already svelte bodies are too big for runways and actresses that they’re too big for parts (not to mention the silent operation of removing flaws with technology), there is an incredible movement happening that seeks to provide awareness of this problem, and to move past it entirely, living in a world where all bodies of all shapes and sizes and with many different “flaws” are considered normal.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday December 5, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 12/05/2015 - 07:30

Dear One, you are a complete miracle, just as you are. You are a slice of divinity in human form, a compilation of cells and systems held together with light and magic, made of love – a member of the ground crew, fearlessly driving the profound Shift on your planet. You are a breathtaking, glorious creature, endlessly fascinating and delightful. This is why we love you so. Don’t you think it’s time you love yourself, too? ~Archangel Gabriel

I Love You More……

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 12/05/2015 - 07:30

I have loved you from the beginning. My love for you deepened at your decision to join this Earth-plane and again at your birth. Now, in this very moment, I love you more than I ever have. You are a most perfect Creation of The Universe and for that I thank you. ~ Creator

Watch How People React To Being Called Beautiful

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 12/04/2015 - 20:59

Every day new social experiments seem to be taking place all over the world. While the intention behind some is to poke fun and others to test our humanity, more and more continue to surface that end up offering some very inspirational results. The most recent one that I happened to come across was conducted by Shea Glover, an 18 year old high school student from Chicago, Illinois.

Equipped with her camera, Shea stopped random individuals and got them to pose in front of her lens telling them “I’m taking pictures of things I find beautiful.” The end result? Some of the most humbling and genuine moments of how much of an impact being complimented can have on our state of being.

Through her YouTube channel, Shea clarified her true intentions behind what turned into a social experiment:

I want to clarify that my intentions were not to get a reaction out of people. I was simply filming beauty and this is the result.

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